My music star log!


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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
I got a music star yesterday and its sooo good. Much better than a v5 i can only tell u about my toddler because i didnt start this until now. Well here the basics;




Weight-10 lb



Stress-21 (gotta get that down!)




Type of Music-R & B



Gotchi points-4610


My colour of tama is a pink glittery one with music notes on it and it is only available in Argos (UK)

Today Tag played sing a song and completed it and i recived some points. He has been at pre-school and played the skipping rope. He recieved a toy dinasour from the teacher and just there the king came and gave me 2000p i think!

I will try and update later but for now Tag says:Bye bye!

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Guess what Tag evolved in to a teen! He is now Kikitchi and so cute! The king came alot today and gave us presesnts i bought a choco cake out the shop and other foods. Oh and a toothbrush but its a bit of a rip off cos u can only use it once. Tag is now part of a band!! I named the band Strike. I got Tags stress down to 0 today but while i was busy it went up to 30 cos he practised playing the guitar. Every morning Tag wakes me up while he is playing the guitar grr is there anyway i can stop this and if i evolved last night about half 8 when will he be an adult please P.M. me if u know DONT LEAVE A COMMENT. Heres tags stats:









Music-Rock n Roll



Band-Strike (boy band!!)

Tag evolved into an adult! This morning at 2am i think but i turned the sound off so it didnt wake me up. Well i was hoping it would turn in to a mametchi but it didnt :( . It did turn in to a really cute Shimashimatchi!!!

So far today i have took Tag to play with Strike only 2 judges thought it was good out of 3 and the king came and gave me a fish :D . Im going to give you the stats but not all:




Tag now likes pop music and there is a cd in my shop should i buy this to help him practise? Please P.m me if you can help.

I will try to update l8r. :lol: B) :p

P.S.- Tag is jumping up and down with a toy dinasour on his head right now :D B)

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Well yesterday tag done three concerts but i was unable to post that because i didnt have my laptop with me. On the 1st concert he got given 10,000gp. This morning when i woke up Tag was happily bouncing about but with 2 hearts dropped with hunger and happyness and a poop. So i fed him and played some games. About 15 mins later the manager of my band came and gave me 50,000gp!! I was happy and so pleaed with Tag. Is this just normal or is this ALOT for a band please p.m. me and tell me do not post a comment. The king came and gave tag sunglasses and when he put them on he was so cute! I bought some food for Tag at the shop and a rock cd and that is tags type of music and i know it changes but that was it at the time and it wont let Tag use it im going to start a topic in Help for tama owners so please reply in that. Here is some of Tag's stats:









Music-Rock n Roll


I hope you like my log so far if u have any questions or anything i could improve on my log or you might just want to compliment me ;) Please p.m. me.

Just thought i would add a post because i am bored. Well nothing much has happend little Tag is asleep he must be sound because he fell asleep at 8.45pm i think well it was round about then. I was going to wake him up because i was bored but if i woke him up u can hardly do anything because he is so tired and i didnt want to wake him up it makes him to cranky lol. Earlier he played the guitar and played games i took him to tamatown and he had a great time! Tomorrow isnt a big day for Tag but the day after he will be 5 yrs old so the band manager myt come and ask for a marrage! Im at school and half 12 so wont have time to click accept and i know he comes back at 4.30pm if i click no the 1st time will he definetly come back at 4.30pm?Please P.M. me and tell me

Well from me and tag goodnight and we will post in the morning! :(

When I woke up Tag wasnt bouncing about like yesterday he was playing the guitar! He is always on the go.

Two hearts of happy and hunger had dropped so i fed him meals and snacks. My band manager came and gave Tag 200,000g!!! I also found out why my cd wont play because i dont have a cd player! Its that simple but i thought it was for tamatown so never mind. I will give you Tag's stats:







Music-Rock n Roll


Nothing much happend today with Tag. He done his concert's, ate and pooped lol typical rockstar! I bought Tag some food at the shop i also bought a toy car he rides about in he's so cute! I bought a bow i couple of hours ago but didnt have a chance to use it. I was at my friends house tonight and kind of forgot about Tag so when we were watching tv i remembered my tama so i got it out my pocket. He had only dropped 1 heart of happyness and done a poop. So i cleaned it up and fed him. Tomorrow i will be taking tag to school and hiding him in my bag so i hope i dont neglect him to much! Check my forum on tips and tricks called..

A couple of tips,on how to hide ur tama in school by sammy96 it might be quite far down the 1st page.

Im not going to gives Tags stats because he is sleeping but i know his hunger and happyness is full and he is 4 yrs old (will turn 5 in a couple of hours).

Please P.M if you need any help or want to comment on my log!

P.S.-My tama is 5 yrs old tomorrow so the band manager will come and a.k.a. matchmaker!

Guess what! Tag got married!!! At 4.30pm to a.. well i dont know but shes cute! Its a little baby boy they had and its so cool your looking after 3 tamas. I will miss Tag when he goes..but i will have patrick (the baby) thats what i decided to call him. I bought some food out the shop and i bought hair gel, deluxe pudding and other stuff i cant remember, its so funny when tag and his wife puts the stuff on! Tag also got 3 awards an asian, rock n roll and a r n b one and there for 1st star ranking. My v5 died but i restarted but im not going to log the stuff cos half the time its on pause. Well i will be looking after a new baby in 2 days. A min ago the baby, Tag and wifey were all in the shower it was soo cute! Heres the stats:









Type Music-Asian


P.M me when ever you need!

For now-Tag,Patrick (baby) and wifey says:

Goodbye! :angry:

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Nothing really happend today. My tama was paused while i was at school so when i came home i unpaused it and Tags family were fine. All i done today was buy food out the shop, do concerts and Tag played the guitar. This is my last night with tag :D im so sad. He was my 1st character on music star and such a cute one to. And he is sleeping so im not going to be able to even see him again. Well i will post tomorrow about my brand new baby boy! Im just going to tell u my rhythm,original and tone is all 999 and hunger and happyness is full. So the family is happy and healthy :D

Bye-bye from Tags family and me

Remember P.M me whenever you need any help! ;)

Hmm im going to miss Tag

Well Tag passed away and i woke up to a crying baby boy. So i named him Patrick, fed him and played games. Then i paused him to go to school. I came home and unpaused him and fed him again and i went downstairs to do my homework and i completly forgot about my tama so i ran upstairs my tama evovled in to a Kuchitamatchi! The 1st time i've ever had that tama! Unfortunatley the happy and hunger heart were empty and there were 3 poops. So i fed him meals and snacks and clened up the poop. He is now 25g which is ok here is Patricks stats:













Gotchi points-5758400
