My New Chickie Pics!


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
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Kansas, U.S.A.
I thought I would show you guys my new flock of baby chickens because they are insanely cute and so friendly! I grew up having a flock of pet chickens, but it's been about 2 years since the last members of my previous flock passed away. SO...I thought it was about time to start up a new flock! I went to the farm store last week and picked out this group of babies:

Group of all 8 Chickies drinking

This chicky is somewhat special. Her name is Nightshade and she is really closely bonded with me already. Everytime I visit them(several times a day, they are living in a big brooding tub in my bathroom), she jumps right up into my hand and perches on my arm waiting to be petted and talked to. I am working with her LOT in hopes of someday being able to bring her to the PetSmart to show people that chickens DO make great pets too. :mellow:

Nightshade, the friendliest chick!

This is Nightshade and her buddy, Fleckerel. They are Black Australorps, and will become giant, heavy, shiny black chickens. I think Fleckerel may be a young rooster(boy), but that's just speculation.

Black Australorp pair

These two are Ameracauna chickens, they will lay blue/green eggs, the other kinds I have will lay brown. They are both very sweet and quiet, and I have no idea what color patterns they will grow up to have. I'm still naming most of these babies, which is why many don't have names yet.

Ameracauna pair

These two are White Rock chickens, big, heavy, fluffy, classic looking white chickens. They have very sweet, inquisitive personalities, especially the smaller one of the two. He was the runt of the entire group, but he is doing really well. ;)

White Plymouth Rock pair

These two are my Mom's selections. They are Rhode Island Reds, big, deep red, calm natured chickens. Hopefully they will become calmer...right now they think it's funny to body slam the other chicks. xD

Rhode Island Red pair

Chicks are incredibly cute, and they are wonderful companions even when they grow up. We never kill our own chickens, we just keep them as pets and for fresh eggs. They're known to be as intelligent as some primates, and the egg laying breeds like mine really enjoy human companionship. I could go on talking about how much fun chickens are...but I'll spare you guys the extra reading. xD I just thought the pictures were too cute not to share with everyone here! :nazotchi:

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awwww so cute!!

> :mellow: my mom won't let me have chickens,but once i was soooo close to geting a dozon pre mature 1s

:kuribotchi: i wanted to do i chein project SOO badly were i rais a chiken but my mom wont let me Dx i wish i had chikies as adorable as urs...or i wish i had any in genral
The aspect of chicken keeping that makes most people hesitant is the idea that you have to have a bunch of chickens and a giant chicken coop outside. You can actually keep two chickens comfortably inside your house, as long as you research how to do it properly. All they need is a large-ish cage, some pe ople use a really big rabbit hutch or x-tra large dog crate, correct food, water, nesting, etc. If you keep a smaller breed of chicken, these are comfortable accomodations.

If you want to let them out in a room of your house(or the whole house!)...just buy them a Chicken Diaper. I'm not kidding. You can see them on websites like I'm going to train some of my chickens to wear them so they can come inside sometimes. :wub:

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^^That's cool that you're getting chicks! Are you prepared for them already? They are a TON of work when they're young...but I can't resist going in and visiting them every few hours. :furawatchi: Go to the website It is wonderful for future/current chicken owners.

Sweet ^__^

I used to like visiting the chickens, chicks and ducklings (especially the ducklings) when I went to Cádiz. They always look so nice and spongy, and always had fun bathing them, feeding them and running away from the mother. :mimitchi:

My father used to live round chickens when he was young, and from what I gather the Rhode Island Red's he had were not docile at all. The roosters are apparently really aggressive with big stolons (is that how they are called?) and attacked my grandfather on more than one occasion. =\

My favourite chickens are the grey and the common brown ones though. ;)

Sweet ^__^
I used to like visiting the chickens, chicks and ducklings (especially the ducklings) when I went to Cádiz. They always look so nice and spongy, and always had fun bathing them, feeding them and running away from the mother. :lol:

My father used to live round chickens when he was young, and from what I gather the Rhode Island Red's he had were not docile at all. The roosters are apparently really aggressive with big stolons (is that how they are called?) and attacked my grandfather on more than one occasion. =\

My favourite chickens are the grey and the common brown ones though. ;)
The farm store had some ducklings, too, and they are so adorable! :mimitchi:

I wanted a few, but I don't have a large enough swimming place for them.

The Rhode Island Red chicks I have were the o nly breed of chick they sold that were guaranteed to be females. I've also heard that the roosters of that breed are really aggressive, and I think that's why I've never seen male Red chicks for sale in the farm stores. They have HUGE spurs(we call the leg spike spurs), and while I do want one or two of my chicks to turn out a rooster...I'm glad it's not going to be the Reds!

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Oh my goodness! Their adorable! ^o^ Lucky you... are they fun?

P.S. Love the nails! xD

The farm store had some ducklings, too, and they are so adorable! :furawatchi: I wanted a few, but I don't have a large enough swimming place for them.

The Rhode Island Red chicks I have were the o nly breed of chick they sold that were guaranteed to be females. I've also heard that the roosters of that breed are really aggressive, and I think that's why I've never seen male Red chicks for sale in the farm stores. They have HUGE spurs(we call the leg spike spurs), and while I do want one or two of my chicks to turn out a rooster...I'm glad it's not going to be the Reds!
Hehe, just as well! It would be a bit scary if they grew up into roosters.

I think there was a way of being able to distinguish the sex of chicks, either by looking at their genitals or their wings, I can't remember well how it went.

Either way, if they turn out to be chickens, you could always buy an 11th rooster <_<

Oh! Spurs!

That's true, stolons... That's what iguanadons and other dinosaurs had. xD

Awtheyareshocuuute! =D

How long do chickens live? If only I didn't have this darned cat, I'd get one and be happy about it. If I did get one, it would be lunch for something. *shifty eyes towards cat* :p

Aww.. They are so adorable! Raising Chickens looks fun. But I doubt I will be able to do it. But I placed that on my list of things to do before I die. I'd love to hear more about the chicks and how they are doing.



I will definitely keep you guys updated on the growth of my chicks! They grow and change so fast I could post them each week even and they would look different. hehe The hens are supposd to start laying colored eggs at about 20 weeks old(they are just over a week old now), so that will be fun to post, too.

tw/p: Chickens can live 10-20 years, sometimes longer than that. My first flock had individuals that lived between 8-15 years, so they are definitely a long enough lived animal to be a companion for you. It's kind of like a dog in that respect, just easier to care for. :D

I think chicks and grown chickens are awesome animals. I want to do a chikc thing for the next science fair. Get an encubator (sp) and hatch! Hopefully..

Anyway, I can't wait to see new updates and good luck!

They are so cute ^^ Some of them look a lot like my chickens when they were chicks :D

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