My new kitty. Is is a maine coon?


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
Just yesterday - I went to the kitty adoption place and got a kitty. :D

I am so happy! My only wonder is... is it a maine coon cat?

He is a male, and I think he may be 7 weeks old (1 week under age, I believe) But I'm not entirely sure.

I've owned a kitty before - so I know how to take care of one. :huh: & I have tons of parent help.

He looks just like a tabby - but very furry (long fur), there are white tuffs coming out of the ears; and a fluffy chest (right below his neck)

I love maine coons; but I was not expecting to get one at all. When I saw this little guy - I thought "He looks like a maine coon..." Then, I looked over at his name and description, and it said he was a maine coon. So, we loved him, and decided to adopt him. On the papers I have it says he is a maine coon - so he might be.

I'm not to sure. I've never seen a kitty maine coon (that I know of) except my friend's cat who is 1/4 maine coon or something.

I've looked up maine coons - but I cant tell just yet.

If you need a picture, please tell me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! ;)

EDIT: Pictures!

Picture 1

Picture 2

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Can we see a picture of it?

I might be able to find out if it is a main coon. :3

Well, I looked up main coon and and the description you provided us resembles what I saw.

Can we see a picture of your new kitty?

Yeah - a piccy would help.

My friend has a maine coon. She told me that they're pretty large in size, long hair, the have tufts of hair between the pads of the feet and if you look at their coat pattern when the hair is cut real short, you can see a striped, almost tiger looking pattern.

Congrats on your new kitty and I'd LOVE to see him. :huh:



I scanned some stuff you might want to look at.

It's kinda hard to tell because he is so young, but he may not be. :/

But you sure do have one cute kitten! :3

Thanks! :huh: Yeah - I agree, he might not be. But of course I'll give it awhile before I start declaring him as a maine coon. ;)

&& Thanks for scanning that! I'll look more into this. I want to know what breed he is - and I don't mind if he's not a maine coon; but because the papers said he was, I don't know what else he could be besides tabby or a mix.

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