My new stupid glasses


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
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Yesterday my life changed completely I have galsses right.Well yesterday I had to get new ones i love getting new ones but not yesterday I went in to pick them up they we very uncomfotable the pads were rubber and they hurt and they were loose the tightended them and they were still hurting but i said it was okay and over the hours they hurt so much and in the morning i went to the optitions again and told them they made them good but the pads hurt still later in the day i went back and they changed the pads to plastic it was alot better but i can only see straight ahead and its horrible i hate them does anybody know what tp do

just tell your mom they just don't feel right. tell her everything that you're posting here.

*i had glasses since third grade*

I have glasses! ( I might be getting contacts this year ) but I like my glasses! They are a burgundy red and they aren't nerdy like some of them i've seen. I think they are cool. People made fun of me for a while, but after a week they got used to it! ^^

I know! I hate that you can only see straight. Maybe you can try out contacts. That way you could see all around.

Also, you can also get your optomitrist to maybe get you a new pair of frames! Or switch to contacts. But I like glasses because they can act as an accessory. Best of luck! :(

I've had glasses since 8th grade and I wasn't really into my first pair I picked out since I wasn't used to them. Let your mother know how much they bother you and if they really are that much of a bother take'em back for a refund and get different frames.

You could do what most people have suggested and get different frames, or you can ask your parent/guardian if you can get Contacts. I have had glasses since 5th grade and I am going to High School. I've had the same color since 5th grade as well; Pink.


But I am getting Contacts soon my dad told me. I will still wear Glasses. I heard it takes a while for you to get used to your Contacts and every time it bothers you, to put eye drops in whichever eye bothers you.

I usually find it takes about a week for me to get used to a new pair of frames - esp. if the size of lenses is different from the style I had before.

Same thing with the pads (and sometimes the arms rub a little behind my ears) - but after a while I guess my face just gets used to the different style and my eyes get used to the new lens shape...

Why not give it a few more days and see how you're getting on? If it is really uncomfortable after that, then you should go back to the Opticians and see if they can adjust them for you again.

I dont wear glasses, ever, but I DO know that you should go back to the opictian if they continute to cause you bother. ;]

I've had glasses since I'm 4 years old and in preschool. They've never bothered me before but you should tell your mom everything you told us in this post and she'll probably take you back to the eye doctor or the glasses place to get them checked out.

First of all stop complaining. I had to get new glasses a few months ago, and I had the HARDEST time choosing the right frames. (I wouldn't have needed to get new ones, but my old ones were damaged badly in a dirt-bike accident) I hated them at first bc they were thick framed when I had always had wire framed ones. But now, I LOVE my glasses! They make me look terribly shy, and I like that. They are brownish black with a cool flower design on the side! You'll eventually get used to them, and so will everyone else! *I've had glasses since 3rd grade!*

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I usually find it takes about a week for me to get used to a new pair of frames - esp. if the size of lenses is different from the style I had before.
Same thing with the pads (and sometimes the arms rub a little behind my ears) - but after a while I guess my face just gets used to the different style and my eyes get used to the new lens shape...

Why not give it a few more days and see how you're getting on? If it is really uncomfortable after that, then you should go back to the Opticians and see if they can adjust them for you again.
Agreed. I have glasses also and I've noticed it does take a while (5 - 8 days or so) to get use to a new style/shape. When I got my last glasses, they were really weird. But now they seem to be going fine with no troubles.

If it does still hurt, as TM suggested, try and see if they can adjust them for you. :D

I think this problem was solved back in July, so please do not bump old topics. It just causes confusion.

*topic closed*

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