My puppy just died


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2006
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Here i am everyone. I am crying right now. With such sadness and pain i never felt before. My puppy called molly died. She died from the same cause as the 1st molly. She drowned. I have nobody to mourn this news with. No body is home. Go ahead, if you don't believe me then do so, But i am still crying, sobbing and splatting right here. In my library alone. The first person i shared this news to is you because i trust you to believe.

My mom buried her in the back yard, I was on school that time so i never got the chance to see her and even say good bye to her. As, i type i cry even more because i am so sad. i love all my dogs. We are now left with cookie, i am scared that anything will happen to her. My dogs are my life. i have 6 more dogs, but i love each and everyone one of of them to bits.

My sister called to say that she is in a baskket ball match. i refuse to tell her as i don't want to her upset her before the match.

My poor cookie, left with no other sister. i can never let her go like molly. i am shaking and my fingers are numb.

With great sadness, i am however able to tell you all.

oops. sorry. its suppose to be 'i am now sitting and crying in pain'. which i am.... :huh:

Aw, I'm so sorry. :huh:

I have no idea what you're going through right now. It must be so hard. :huh:

Just remember that your puppy loved you as much as you loved her, and she's watching over you right now in heaven.

Everything will be all right if you keep a positive attitude. Just remember all the good times.

oh my gosh. i know how you feel really, i do. our dog just died not that long ago. i could barely make it through the day. i just wanted to die. she was loved like no other dog... and she wasnt even 9. i feel soooo incredibly bad for you. *hugs* you'll make it through

Aaw :p

Thats horrible.My dog Duke died last year and i miss him so much.

Poor Molly,

Have you heard of Rainbow Bridge?

I am so sorry tama_angel16, :p I feel really bad because I, too, have a dog called Molly.

Best wishes through this hard time :p *hugs*


Aww, I'm so sorry. *huggles you*

I remember when my dog died. He had gotten sick, and died a week later at the age of 17.

Just give it time, and your heart will recover. In the meantime, try to cherish all memories you had with her, and maybe make a scrapbook or a collage of pictures and things you used to do with her. :)

Aw, I'm so sorry. ;) I feel extremely bad for u. I have a dog named Harvey, and it would feel like a part of me died too if he died. I feel so sorry for u. I only have one dog though. How old was Molly when she died?

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I'm so sorry! *huggie*

My doggie died too... Just in june *cry* She was older then me, and she loved me even when I was a baby. My family had her before I was born - so I understand..

I'm So Sorry!!! :furawatchi:

With All My Heart,


Oh...I feel so bad for you. I remember when my dog died when I was 9. She had been with me my whole life...when she passed away. Last year, two days after her death anniversary, we adopted a new dog (after two years). He is sleeping under my bed, or next to me. I know how you feel. Stay strong. Just remember...your dog is in Heaven. Looking out for you. I know how you feel. Stay strong.

aww, thats AWFUL. i always worry about my dog Rosie. i once had a bird called Molly and she got out of her cage and flew away. i was devastated alot like you are now. i always wonder what shes doing. think about your Molly only of the happy times. playing with her, walking her, spending time with her. she loved u too.

Thanks guys!

I feel alot better now. I pretend molly is in doggy heaven with all my other dead dogs and they are taking care of her. I speak to molly in my mind. don't take me wrong, but i am very happy to talk to her and now how she's going in doggy heaven. she says she's a traveller and is travelling with my other dead dogs. usually i would be crying now, but i feel better now that molly is happy in heaven. Molly told me that she is going to hawaii. She met up with 2 other young traveller dogs called sammy and jenny. She hasn't told me much about them yet but i'm sure she will when she phones me [through our minds] again!! :furawatchi:

god im crying right now too im not joking im an official dog lover dogs dont deserve to die they should live as long as we do waaaaahhhhhhhwahhhh

sniff snff waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Why does another dog have to die in the population of over 100,000? I wanna cry for you so you don't have to feel the pain.

tamagotchi_forever, you scared me!

Let us pray...

Now I feel better!

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