My secret


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Skyway Avenue

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2008
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I have a secret that only my best friend Julia knows about. My parents don't know and my other friends don't know.

I love singing and I want to maybe become a famous singer.

Ok, stupid secret but whatever, it's really big to me. My parents don't even know, because I'm sorta embarrassed by it. They'll overreact, or tell me that it's silly or something and they won't take me seriously. They never do.

I've been told I have a good voice, and I think I have a pretty good voice, I just have to find songs that complement my voice.

I have stage fright, but I'm working on it. But I'm really serious about singing (and acting) and I just love singing.


I write songs

Another stupid secret but only a couple of my friends know I write songs. My mom and dad don't know that I write songs because I'm embarrassed by it too. Some of them I wrote about not wanting to live where I live, I want to be out there and be famous.

Most of them are about my love to Nick <3 Most of them stink by the way.

Thank you, very much for letting me spill. I feel much better now.

Do you guys have any secrets that you don't wanna tell your parents (lets keep this appropriate please) that only a friend knows or something?

Uh..I don't have a secret. Or at least I don't think I do xD


I h8h8h8 my singing. I mean, I love singing but when I'm alone. My singing is quite uh..unpleasant. ^O^


As for acting, I did a play in second grade before. I was chicken little .o. And i was screaming "ITS FALLING ITS FALLING!!" xDD Oh, and i was a butterfly in another play, but I forgot what I said. I know it was like one line though.


I don't think I have any special talents though :<

Although when I'm older I'd love to have a reality show xD

I don't really have any secrets that you guys wouldn't know about...

But I do like singing, though my singing is crap, but I don't consider it as a secret though.

I love singing too and I write songs. But everyone knows I love to sing and I have a good voice. You'll never get anywhere if you don't tell.

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I stopped singing for my family at the age of six. I think I still have a decent voice, and I love music, but I definitely don't see my singing voice getting me anywhere all that great in life. ;]

Otherwise, secrets kepy from my parents include any 'signifigant other' I've had so far and the fact that I almost set myself on fire every time I go to Nicole's with Chris and Trevor. xD

I don't like singing, but I have a similiar problem. I want to be a Marine Mammal Vet, and only my best friend knows, not my parents.

I don't like singing but I love listening to music.I don't realy have any interesting secrets but if I did I would only tell friends I strongly trust.Make sure you tell the right people because you never no!

Well my friends know that i don't like singing in front of people alone.and my parents don't know and always ask me/beg me to annoys the cheese out of me.hehe cheese..

My dad doesn't know I want to play Tuba. Nor does my grandma. 8|

My grandma always scolds me whenever I see a instrument and say "Hey, thats nice".. >___>

My dad doesn't want to buy anymore instruments. The Tuba will be from the school, obvouisly. ;D

Hmm. that's pretty nice. <33

Secrets? Yeah. I have a million. x___x;

If my parents knew about most of my secrets I'd be off somewhere. D;

and I'm sure my mom'd have a BF. x__x;


The music industry is not an easy thing to get into. Well...I shouldn't say that.

It's not easy to be a FAMOUS singer. Like your beloved Jonas Brothers. o.o"♥


Like you, when I was 12 or 13. I wanted to be a singer. I wasn't bad, but I also

was nervous of singing in front of people. But the fact is, if he can't get rid of that fear, it's gonna

hold you back.

Now...I've grown much more, and decided that's something I really don't wanna do.


You may change your mind in the coming 3 years if you REALLY wanna become a singer.

To be honest, I'm pretty sure you will. But...If your willing you hold on to those dreams, and actually make them come true.

Props to you. ;P

But as you grow older...I'm sure there will be more things that pop up at you that you will like more then singing.

Uh... I love to sing.

But I NEVER sing in front of people. Unless it's the talent show or a school play.

And, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but, I will.

We were making up ads and we would present in front of the class (I did 2. One for pets and one for an Anti-GUILT serum xD). So when my friend's group presented...

She was a chicken. xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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