My sister...I HATE HER...oh and she's a devil too.


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Brown Eyed Babe

Well-known member
Sep 15, 2006
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I absolutely HATE my older sister Natalie, who is 17 years old. She is the worst, meanest, stupidest, loudest, most devilish person that I have EVER met. There is no one as horrible,terrible(or like my little sis say "torrible") or fowl as her.

She has no respect for anyone in my family(especially me) and she has an attitude problem.

These are some typical things she says to me: "You sooo have an attitude problem, so shut up" "you have no friends and your a loser" "Ha ha, im smarter than you" "God, shut up your soooo annoying" " you don't know anything so stop acting like you do" and soooooooooo much more things i cant say on TamaTalk.

She always fights with my dad. she seriously goes crazy and yells her lungs out. She cannot take know for an answer.

I know you might think its mean that i dont like my older sister and dont love her, but you really dont know her

p.s. i am not posting this for sympathy.

Okk...calm down, sit down with your older sis, and take the comparison test, see how much you have in common, and try to be nice, for now on. ;)

I'm sorry your sister is that way! My brother sdoes the same thing.

When she says shes smarter, just say, "You may have got the brains but I got the looks, and no one can see your brain." Then if she calls you crazy smile and say, "I know!" and walk off. It irritates my brother, because it shows you won't let them get to you.

You could also try and ignore her, they'll usually leave you alone whenever they relize they aren't getting to you.


That's what usually happens, siblings don't get on. But I'm sure you still love her - if something bad happened to her you would be really upset. Me & my sister never used to get on but now I'm not in the house as much we get on aload better. If I were you I'd keep out of her way if she's being nasty.

Alot of teenagers are like this, I know I can be like that at times and my boyfriend is the worst. He's almost 18 and once when him and his mum where aruging he punched a hole in the toilet door. Hopefully it's just a phase for her. And I'm sorry you have to put up with her as it seems she's like this all the time.

Omg she sounds so obnoxious and rude! My brother isn't that mean or my little sister...

On Tamatalk you aren't ment to give personal information such as details like Last names, addresses etc etc.
Ah, cause if it is then I know her sister.

I absolutely HATE my older sister Natalie, who is 17 years old. She is the worst, meanest, stupidest, loudest, most devilish person that I have EVER met. There is no one as horrible,terrible(or like my little sis say "torrible") or fowl as her.She has no respect for anyone in my family(especially me) and she has an attitude problem.

These are some typical things she says to me: "You sooo have an attitude problem, so shut up" "you have no friends and your a loser" "Ha ha, im smarter than you" "God, shut up your soooo annoying" " you don't know anything so stop acting like you do" and soooooooooo much more things i cant say on TamaTalk.

She always fights with my dad. she seriously goes crazy and yells her lungs out. She cannot take know for an answer.

I know you might think its mean that i dont like my older sister and dont love her, but you really dont know her

p.s. i am not posting this for sympathy.
and just try to be nice ;)

for the quote of Brown Eyed: No that would be my sister. WEll actually are sisters are pretty much twins seperated at birth. She does the EXACT same things to me and is exactly like her.

for the quote of Tamasweet: Tried it. Didn't work. It lasted about.....2 days.

Don't get any ideas from this Brown Eyed but I got revenge on my sister by spraying the hose through her window and soaking half her room XD. It felt good and I didn't get in ANY trouble!!!!!!!!! It was AWESOME!!!

You don't hate your sister. Hate is such a strong word that describes none of us. Try settleing things with her, act like the bigger person. Theres no use in holding a grudge.

You don't hate your sister. Hate is such a strong word that describes none of us. Try settleing things with her, act like the bigger person. Theres no use in holding a grudge.

tell me bout older sis talor shes evil!!! She threw my tama in the bath tub :) :( :( with my 2 year old cuz in it! :eek: :eek: now im tamaless! and when i was 3 she threw a knife @ me!!! :( :( i wanna make things right but i cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH! I dont hate her i love all my sibs but talor is just one thats hard to love!

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tell me bout older sis talor shes evil!!! She threw my tama in the bath tub :) :( :( with my 2 year old cuz in it! :eek: :eek: now im tamaless! and when i was 3 she threw a knife @ me!!! :( :( i wanna make things right but i cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH! I dont hate her i love all my sibs but talor is just one thats hard to love!
OMG she threw a knife at u?!?!did she hit

u?i cant believe she does those things 2

u.anyways im outta :D and she threw

ur tamas so sad.

OMG she threw a knife at u?!?!did she hit u?i cant believe she does those things 2

u.anyways im outta :( and she threw

ur tamas so sad.
37 stiches in the arm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :( :(

Exactly like my sister. She's turning 20 soon, and she hates my dad. She's nice to me though. :)

Try avoiding her and not getting in her way. She might be having a tough time with boyfriends, school, etc. Typical teenage girl.

I'm sure it might seem pretty hopeless now, but just be patient. Things will eventually fall into place.

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