My Story


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Oct 11, 2006
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In a cardboard box
Ok, I had a topic like this before, but I don't want to keep posting in that because it would be bumping up a topic from like 4 months ago. Basically it's a story me and my friend made. We're going to get bound and maybe give a copy to our local bookstore. If they like it then they might stock it, but who knows. Anyway, here it is:


"Thanks mum," a young female voice said, coming from a small, silver car.

"I know it might be scary," another voice came, "but you have to know that you're going to be okay at this school. I'll see you in a few weeks."

The car drove away to reveal a small girl, probably fourteen, with thick hair which overflowed onto her face, hiding part of her striking green eyes.

This girl was Zara Cook, and she, like everyone else at the school, had a power. Hers was to control and manipulate electricity. She sighed, before walking up to the door of the school, and looked up upon the large, green sign that read 'Silverlake School for the Incredibly Gifted.'


*Grunt* "No mum, I don't feel well..." an over-weak voice came from underneath the doona.

"You're just saying that to get out of going to Silverlake. Now come on, up. Your father's waiting in the driveway," said the girl, Electra Vikera,'s mother.

The mother turned to walk away, and a whole litre of water was dumped on her head. She looked around just in time to see a hand slip back under the covers.

"Now listen here young lady, if you don't get up right now, I'll confiscate your super soaker!"

The super soaker, among other water toys, was Electra's favourite thing. She could make it shoot twice as far as normal, and she never had to go near a tap to refill it.

Electra shot out of bed, already dressed, and marched into the kitchen.

Do you like it?

Actually, I won't redo the whole story again, I'll just give a link to the old topic: The Story

Here's the part that comes after that:

Zara shook her head, leading the way to the school Nurse's office. But the same thing still lingered in her mind... what had REALLY happened on that night when Karl had been killed.


"Miss... urgh, we aren't feeling so good. We didn't hear the bell this morning, so that's urgh... why we aren't in class. We couldn't get up.

"Let's see what's the problem then," said the nurse, looking suspiciously a the two teens. "You both sit on those chairs while I go get my equipment."

They both obediently sat and waited until the nurse returned.

"Okay Electra, you first. Open wide," she said and flashed her small light into the girls mouth, then a series of other tests until she came to her conclusion.

"Electra, you seem to be suffering from exhaustion. You better get off to your room and have a day in bed. I'll send in a note for your teacher. Zara, I expect the same thing has happened to you as well as you both have the same symptoms."

They both walked up to their room and started giggling slightly.

"Wow, getting your first day off. Your almost as good as me," Electra told Zara as they collapsed on their beds.

"Ow!" Zara exclaimed as she fell on a small parcel and opened it.

'You have been sorted into A group for power classes. See timetable for your class times.'

"Hey Electra, what group are you in? She asked before climbing into bed.

"A. why?" she asked as she tossed her doona over her.

"Cool. I'm in group A too. i'm glad we actually have a areason for missing school. the nurse would have spotted a fake as soon as she saw us with your bad acting."

"hey! just because i've never taken acting classes does NOT mean i'm a bad actor. Besides, you were worse."

"oh well. i'm not in the mood for bickering. right now, i want to go to sleep."

"Me too. hope you sleep better than you did last night." electra said, closing her eyes.

"You too," Zara replied, already half asleep.


She didn't. however, she did sleep, electra just had nightmares. she woke up at the right time the next morning, to find zara already dressed and waiting for her to go down for the morning meal.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," electra said, shooting out of bed. her ribs ached, and she ahad a headache, but she couldn't afford to lose another day of lessons. she went to her wardrobe, and got dressed.

"that's ok. the important thing is that we got some sleep, and that we're not going to miss another day of lessons."

When electra was ready, they went downstairs.


There was porridge, cereal and toast for breakfast in the mess hall. Electra got herself a ration of everything. Zara did the same. When they had finished, they went to their first lesson of the year.

"Look's like we have power control first," Zara piped up cheerfully, eager for her first class.

"You know, you're the first person to be sorted to A group since me...OH MY GOD HOW DID I FORGET THAT!" Electra screamed, atracting the unwanted eyes of many inquisitive students walking past.

"Err... carry on," she said before turning to Zara, cheeks red,"Karl and Jonathon, they were in A group. A is only for the most powerful gifteds. But... even someone in A group wouldn't be able to signal a creature like the Elapy. He needed help. From someone more experienced. Someone strong. Someone with a gift to do with animals. Or maybe someone wanted Jonathon. It means it wasn't a mere accident. Someone wanted Karl dead. For a reason," she whispered, her hands shaking as she pushed open the frosted glass door of power class.

"So your saying that a teacher helped Jonathon?" she inquired, and shuddered "or Jonathon helped a teacher..."


They got back to their dormitories well after 3:00. Electra had gotten in trouble for talking back at the teacher, and zara had decided to take the punishment with her. Then they had gone out to look for the diary. It was next to the lake, where they had collapsed.

"The library shuts at 4:00, but it has to stay open for anyone in there. if we run, we can probably catch the doors" Electra remarked. "Do we have to run?" Zara complained, examining her now dirty fingernails. "My legs are sore from meditation class and I've got a headache from Tony throwing an earth bomb in my head in power attack" She rubbed her temples. "Is there any other way we can find out about them? I mean books tell a lot, but I doubt we'll be able to find a book about Jonathon Twik."

"Ah, but you don't see. Our library is special. It keeps a diary of every year. Not so much people, as events. We can find out everything anyone knows about what happened the night Karl was killed" Electra looked at Zara. She was falling asleep on her feet. "and you would have thought that after a whole day's sleep yesterday, she would be egging to go" she muttered, and pushed Zara down onto her bed. "If you're not going to go, get some rest. I admit it can be pretty draining on your first day." Zara didn't say anything. Electra sat down next to her. Zara had taken the diary out of her pocket, and opened it up to the whirlpool page. "Zara?" she didn't respond. "ZARA!" She shook her. Nothing worked. It seemed she was in a trance.

Note: This is the un-edited version. If you want the latest draft of it, pm me.

Thanx! Here's more:

The night of Karl's death she saw through Jonathon's eyes. Jonathon wasn't in is room as he should have been, he was hiding near the lake, waiting for karl to come out looking for him. Finally he came. Jonathon chanted the summoning while the teacher behind him did the spell. Mr wright had finally agreed to it after Jonathon had held his most precious photo, the picture of his dead daughter, dangling out the window. Now he worked.


It was a complex process, but Jonathon had chosen the only place his rival would never have thought to look. That place Zara could not see.


The whirlpool started. It got faster and faster. Jonathon got giddy. Karl was staring at the lake. He could see something coming out of the centre of the giant navy twirl, but couldn't figure out what it was. By the time he thought to run, it was too late. Jonathon saw Karl struggling to scream, to cry for help, to move. Finally he saw the life flee Karl's body, and he was still. The Elapy sank back into the waters, and then there was a blinding light. The lake had turned a shimmery silver, and Karl's body was thrown next to the lake. He ran hard bac up to his dormitory and went in. then he dressed in his sleepers, and went back out. he went over to Karl's body, and yelled out. He threw some water from the lake on his face, to make his eyes red and his face wet from "weeping". Help came, but it was too late. Jonathon had killed Karl.


The last thing Zara saw before her vision faded was Jonathon writing the news in his diary.

Zara was lying on a very uncomfortable bed, Electra's worried face looking down on her. She realized she was in the school's infirmary.

"What... what happened," came the almost silent crackle of Zara's voice, her eyes looking up into Electra's.

"You just... fell asleep. I couldn't wake you up I got the head nurse. She said she hasn't seen anything like it before," Electra explained, a clearly worried look in her eyes. Zara looked... different. Her eyes were dull, her skin pale and her hair didn't have it's usual shine.

"How long have I been asleep?" Zara asked, her hoarse voice remaining.

"About a day. Zara I was so worried," she said, giving Zara a quick hug before releasing her.

Zara started looking around. Her arm was on a drip and a small bandaid meant that someone had probably taken a sample of her blood.

Her eyes met Electra's once again.

"Electra... I saw it... it was like I was connected to Jonathon. No... it was like I was Jonathon," she explained before retelling the horrible story to her friend.

"Well on the bright side I brought you these," Electra told Zara, revealing a large box of chocolates, "you should probably wait before you eat them."

At that the head nurse came up to Electra. "That's it times up! I've been nice to you and let you stay longer then you should! Now get out, Zara needs time to recover."

Electra let herself be led out of the room, but before she closed the door she heard Zara say, "Jonathon... write... diary... look... clue," before her eyes closed and her head hit the pillow in a faint.

Electra strained to hear those words, but when she did, she knew what they meant. Once out of the infirmary, she bolted back up to their dormitory, to find the diary not on the bed as it should have been. Her eyes opened so wide at that site they nearly popped out of their sockets. She eventually found that the school maid had cleaned up the room and had put the diary back in the cupboard. Electra was relieved at that. She flipped through the pages, trying to find what Zara was talking about. There it was. At the bottom of the diary entry Zara had read out before, 2nd November, there was a minuscule footnote in Jonathon's handwriting. It said:

Mr Wright is such a sucker. All i had to do to get him to help me was dangle some picture out the window. I knew he would do it. He's such a weakling.

Electra read those words over and over, and gradually a smile began to form on her face...

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I'm sure you're not, you just think you are!!

Don't forget, this isn't just me writing this, and if it wasn't for my friend Victoria, this story would've never even been started. So thank you Vicki!

Oh, and here's more:

It took a full week for Zara to recover, ands even then she drowsy and slow. Most people thought it was simply all the medicine she had been receiving, but Electra knew the truth, and she was the only person who did. The night that Zara hobbled into the room, a frown on her face, Electra immediately rushed over and sat her down on the bed.

"Are you ok?" Electra questioned, an exceedingly worried look on her face.

"I'm... a bit drowsy," Zara complained, her hand resting on an invisible lump on her head.

"Do you want some ice?" Electra questioned, "oh wait, we don't have a freezer", she thought aloud.

"I'll survive," she replied, a small, very Zara-ish smile on her face.

They had a small chat about Karl's murder before they stopped, having nothing else to talk about.

"So...I found the clue." Electra said, the same smile on her face. "Gold. If we have that, then we can prove to the headmaster that Jonathon did it!"

"I don't think it's going to be that simple, Electra. First we're probably going to get in trouble for even reading someone else's diary. Second, we're going to have to prove to him that this is an actual diary, not just something we made up. And third, well, there is the small matter of actually doing something about Jonathon." Even though she was still drowsy on the outside, Zara had woken up in her brain the second the murder was mentioned.

"I know that, but this little footnote is more proof that Jonathon did it! It just makes things that bit easier, that's all."

"More proof? What do you mean? I though that was the only proof we had."

"No," Electra reminded her, "Remember the picture of the Elapy? I told you this, but you must have forgotten. The swirling waves that made the whirlpool in the picture were made out of tiny writing, in Jonathon's handwriting."

"It's still going to be a lot of hassle, no matter how much proof we've got." Zara said stubbornly.

"There's no arguing with you when you like this, Zara. I think you need more rest." Electra sighed, scowling at Zara.

"Nonsense. I'm perfectly fine!" Zara retorted when Electra shut the blinds and tucked her in.

"No, You're not. Go to sleep." Electra left the room, to head for the library.


She found nothing there. She searched the school database, but found nothing on November 1, 1978. Jonathon probably erased it, Electra thought, and grimaced. How had she forgotten that? Jonathon was the head of the computer lab for two years after he had graduated. He would have had access to the school's records, and would've erased anything that spoke badly of him. Electra, feeling like an idiot, gave up and sauntered back up to her room, where Zara was fast asleep.


Silver eyes were shining as the head of the thirteen year old boy was thrown next to the lake. A slender, young figure ran over to the body, slapping the boy's cheek to make sure he was dead. The figure then splashed the icy water over his own face, then left, leaving the boy alone, blue, lifeless, friendless. Zara was standing there, bye the lake, thinking how cruel Karl's death had been. Nobody was supposed to die alone.

She walked to Karl's body, looking his face over. He was truly gone. Nothing could save him now. A gust of wind forced her head down to see Karl's pocket. A small piece of paper was poking out of the side. She plucked it out. She couldn't read it. It was so disrespectful to the dead. The paper wasn't meant for her. She pocketed it though, knowing that someone else would read it. "Zara, ZARA!" a voice called.

Zara woke with a start, her body sweaty and a numb feeling in her toes. Electra was at the bottom of her bed, looking utterly concerned.

"Electra, I was their, Karl had a note, I...," she felt something at the top of her pants. She slipped her hand inside her pocket. The note...

"Electra, something weird is going on," she explained, a lump in her throat as she explained the story.

This is the latest of the story:

"This is getting too weird for me. A note appearing in your pocket because you had a dream it was there is just...creepy." Electra shivered and remembered something. She pulled a stone out of her pocket that she had found next to the lake. It was pure silver, and as smooth as a riverstone. "Look at this," she showed Zara the stone. "I found it next to the lake, close to where we were sitting. It looks familiar. Do you remember anything like this?" Electra enquired, giving the stone to Zara. "Looks like that stone I skipped on the first day. I'm surprised I even remember. I don't remember it being silver, though..." Zara looked at the large pebble, transfixed. "Do you think it got turned silver by the lake?" Electra nodded, agreeing. "There's more to that lake than we see, as we know already. But why it turns things silver...And why did it even wash up? It's meant to be sunk at the bottom of the lake, not floating on the surface like a bubble..."

"I know." Zara opened her mouth as if to say something more, but it shut abruptly. Electra ignored Zara's mouth to look at Zara's hands as she pulled the note out of her pocket. "Are you going to read it?" Electra asked. Zara shook her head. "Why not?" Electra looked surprised when the paper was shoved in to her hands. "Can't you speak or something?" Electra had her worried look on, the one she had worn the whole week Zara had been recovering from her vision. Zara shook her head again. "Is your throat sore?" A shake of the head. "What's wrong then?" Electra stood up, ready to take Zara to the nurse's office. Zara got up and went over to her cupboard. She drew out a piece of paper and a pen, and began scribbling madly. When she had done, Electra looked at the writing.

I can't open my mouth. It's glued shut.It happened just then. All I did was pull the note out of my pocket

Electra frowned. Zara's handwriting may not have been neat, but it was easy to understand. "You mean it just happened?" Zara nodded. Electra explained, "I'm going to try to open your mouth, ok? Hold as still as you can..." Electra gently gripped both of zara's lips and pulled. And pulled. And pulled. Eventually, when she was pulling as hard as her muscley arms would let her, Zara squealed as loud as she could with her lips pulled tightly together. Electra let go. "It look's like you're stuck," Electra remarked, streching now-tingling fingers. Suddenly Zara grabbed Electra's arm, as they were hurled into another dimension. Their bodies collapsed on the floor, no one else in the room to see them...


Electra's eyes gazed around the room to see two boys sitting on one of the beds, and a small sobbing sound coming from somewhere or other. Her ears were on full alert only to realise that the crying was coming from a small hunched up ball on the floor, which, to Electra's great alarm was Zara.

"It's happening again," she managed to stutter as Electra began to softly pat her back, "I'm a FREAK!"

"Zara you know that's not true," Electra comforted, straightening Zara up so that they were eye-level.

"Yes it IS!" she screamed.

And only after Zara said that did Electra realise.




"Zara, calm down. Calm down." Electra stroked Zara's back in an effort to be comforting.

"NO!" Zara screamed, and lashed out at Electra, slapping her cheek. It left a big, red handprint. Electra retreated the the opposite edge of the room to Zara.

"What's gotten into you Zara?!" Electra screamed back, then realised one of the boys sitting on the bed had gotten up and was heading towards the door. Zara started sobbing again. Electra dared not go near Zara, for fear she might trip her or hit her again. Zara was near the door. "ZARA!!" she yelled, furious. "Can you SHUT UP for FIVE MINUTES?!?!" Zara's mouth closed, but rivers of tears still streamed down her cheeks, and she whimpered a bit. "That boy walking out the door is Jonathon, right?" Zara nodded. "And the boy next to him is Karl, am I correct?" Another nod. "Then that means that we are in our room, Karl's and Jonathon's room back then, and Jonathon is about to go for a stroll outside because he supposedly 'needs some fresh air.'" Electra had heard that part over Zara's shrieks. "What that really means is that he's going to go out and prepare to summon the Elapy, and he's going to take so long that Karl is going to get so worried that he'll come out looking for him. And then the Elapy attacks." The last sentence was excitedly shaky. "Don't you see, Zara? You've thrown me into a vision, but this time it's full-length. That means that I can see what happened." Electra looked over to the door. It was closed.

Somewhere off in the distance, in a far away voice, they heard the screams of the cleaning maid as she found the girls' limp, lookingly dead, bodies on the floor of their room...

"How can you WANT to see this? It's TORTURE! Some supernatural force is making me see Karl's murder, over and over again, and when I accidentally pull you into one of these visions, you're actually HAPPY!?!" She paused. Karl was getting up. "You can bicker and shout and be horrified with me when we return to our bodies, Zara," Electra whispered roughly. "For now I have to see this. You can choose to stay here or to come with me. In fact, do stay here. Guard the note." Electra crept through the door after Karl. "No!" Zara yelled after her defiantly. "I'm coming too!" She just made it through the door before it shut.

That's as fr as me and my friend have gotten, so yeah. You might have to wait for the next bit.

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