MY stupid DAD


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
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He wonte give me £5 pounds towards my v4.5 i hate him does anywone have any thing to make him give me ih

Well Mabye you should soften him up ya know a few dishes there a clean room here ya be the best kid ever~


Why not try and earn the money. Ask your dad if you do the garden/chores or something would you be able to have the £5.

I'm sure you don't hate your dad your just annoyed because you haven't gotten your own way. Try and be calm because he won't give it you if you stress at him.

Oh, let's figure this out. :p Hate is a very strong word, and I'm sure that you don't hate your Dad for not giving you 5 pounds. But instead of griping on the fact, how about you try to earn some money? Try pulling some weeds from the garden, vacuum the house, etc. I'm sure that you and you Dad will feel proud about that. :(

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You hate your dad for not giving you £5 towards a tamagotchi? That sounds really spoilt to me. Parents only have a limited amount of money- it's not as if they have loads and loads of it. Yous should consider that too.

Hes da mean one hes never given me money in my life and that wont soften him up ill just have to wait for my next tenner or woteva of my mum ;'(

You do realize what you're asking for and hating him for it seems spoiled on your part right? Earning or getting money as a gift is fine, but making a huge deal over a few dollars is a little silly in my opinion.

I think there may be more to him not giving you the money. Perhaps you did not spend it wisely in the past or you bothered him so much and acted troublesome that he decided you did not deserve extra money anymore? That would definitely make me cut you off from having any bit of money if you're going to get ridiculous over a few dollars.

Anyway I suggest if you can't get money from him to look into doing backyard chores for neighbours for a fee. You could rake leaves, shovel snow, mow the lawn, clean garages...anything around those lines doing them for other people could get you more money. It would also help you learn responsibility and be a little less spoiled sounding ;)

Good luck!

Ok, never call your dad stupid... especially on the internet.

I know you are mad, but think about it like this. Right now, you'd want every tamagotchi possible... but you'd outgrow it(like I did!)

And you know what? You'd feel proud for abandoning it because when I stopped playing with my tamagotchi, I discovered a new world of oppritunities :(

I am going to audition for a TV show tomorrow ;)

[COLOR= orange]Ok, never call your dad stupid... especially on the internet.[/COLOR][COLOR= orange]I know you are mad, but think about it like this. Right now, you'd want every tamagotchi possible... but you'd outgrow it(like I did!)[/COLOR]

[COLOR= orange]And you know what? You'd feel proud for abandoning it because when I stopped playing with my tamagotchi, I discovered a new world of oppritunities [/COLOR] :) [COLOR= orange] [/COLOR]

[COLOR= orange]I am going to audition for a TV show tomorrow [/COLOR] :blink: [COLOR= orange] [/COLOR]
I want to make a point here...just because someone collects or interacts with tamagotchies or other virtual pet, it does not make them less likely to run into interesting opportunities. I have over 55 and I recently got a great new job which pays well, and as I'm getting used to working at this job I can bring my virtual pets out more and more.

I think it's more the fact she wants one then another then another then more than that and it's coming out of someone's pocket which isn't her own.

I want to make a point here...just because someone collects or interacts with tamagotchies or other virtual pet, it does not make them less likely to run into interesting opportunities. I have over 55 and I recently got a great new job which pays well, and as I'm getting used to working at this job I can bring my virtual pets out more and more.
I think it's more the fact she wants one then another then another then more than that and it's coming out of someone's pocket which isn't her own.
I agree, and congratulations on your job :) . I only have 3 but I'd like to get more, and if I do get more it won't stop me doing things either as I just applied for a weekend job and like to go out too :blink: . Even if I loose interest you never know - One day you might start it up again if your bored.

Nah i dun need money anymore i goh enuf 4 1 yay so thnxs for the help but most of it was calling me spoilt so...

You hate your dad for not giving you the money to buy you a Tamagotchi?? I find that quite selfish. You can't always get everything you want, so for one, stop acting like a spoiled little brat.

And two, try earning the money by doing chores around the house.

If you keep asking and asking and asking you are not getting anywhere. Don't ask for shores. Just do them without asking, "A willing helper does not wait until he is asked". That'll show him how much you want the tamagotchi and hopefully he'll give you the money.

And also, don't say you hate your dad either. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be alive. Be grateful.

He wonte give me £5 pounds towards my v4.5 i hate him does anywone have any thing to make him give me ih

You can't expect your parents to just give you money constantly when you want it.

Get a job. If you're not old enough to legally work, do some chores. Ask your parents if you can mow the lawn for a few pounds...

Okay, let's be reasonable here.

You hate your dad for not giving you money toward a plastic toy that you might not even play with after a while. Think about it; he might be saving money for your family to put food on the table. He must have a good reason not to give you the money.

Okay, let's be reasonable here.You hate your dad for not giving you money toward a plastic toy that you might not even play with after a while.  Think about it; he might be saving money for your family to put food on the table.  He must have a good reason not to give you the money.
Exactly. Took the words form my mouth.

Like I said before...

No offense, but it was a little spoiled to hate your dad over a Tama. I mean, it's a toy. Whats more important-him having money for your food/cloths/life, or a tama?

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