My tama caught a HUGE fish.


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
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So my tama (v. 4.5) went fishing with a fishing pole the King gave me, and he fished for a LONG time, and finally caught a HUGE fish the size of the whole screen! Then my tama looked a little dizzy and then went back to normal. The fish is nowhere to be found (food or items). Is there any significance to the fish? I ask because when the tamas get a shovel and digs, they get prizes/gifts.

[SIZE=10pt]Yup. That happened to me to. I'm sorry to say that I don't know the purpose of this over sized fish @.@"[/SIZE]

alas, your tama got the big fish!!! it is just a animation, sorry..... i really wish it were worth gotchi..... but it is really rare..... congrads..... * mutters under breath about wanting big fish *

:huh: hope i helped, cecib :huh:

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It's really just something you can say you did. :D

You: I caught a HUGE fish, the size of my Tama's screen!

WhoEverYourTelLing: o_O Wow. :)

Lol :wacko: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It also uses up 1 go from 3 goes on the Fishing Rod.

Best Wishes,



Spelt Telling 'Talling'

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Thats normal, and its ok! Your Tamagotchi went fishing and it got Bad Luck ^_^ Instead of Catching:

  • A Boot
  • A Can
  • A Fish
  • Or Points

You got a whale! It has not effect, it just gets dizzy and the hearts of your Tama may have gone down!

Happy Hearts ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hope I helped,

~TP~ :p

Thats normal, and its ok! Your Tamagotchi went fishing and it got Bad Luck :p Instead of Catching:
  • A Boot
  • A Can
  • A Fish
  • Or Points
You got a whale! It has not effect, it just gets dizzy and the hearts of your Tama may have gone down!

Happy Hearts ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hope I helped,

~TP~ :D
i didnt know you can catch a boot! i usally caught a can if its bad but never a boot.

oh,ya my tama just caught another HUGE fish and it was a baby (not toddler,BABY)

ps. its a fish not a whale do you type hearts? not <3 but the one ~tama_princess~ did

Last edited by a moderator: do you type hearts? not <3 but the one ~tama_princess~ did
if youre using desktop hold alt then press three in the number keypad on the right side of your keyboard. then release it should look like this = ♥ :D

oh yeah... congrats on getting the fish.. i only got that once :p

The things you can get with a fishing pole are the gigantic fish [make your Tama happy I think and then the fishing pole goes away], little fish [do nothing but you get to keep the fishing pole until you catch something big], can [make your Tama lose a happy point but you still get to keep the fishing pole until you catch something big], and a points bag with various amounts of points inside [you get to keep the points but not the pole].

So, the gigantic fish will make your Tamagotchi happy I think.

Yeah. My Tama's caught the big fish as well. It's really quite amazing, how big it is! It goes off the screen; it's so big! :) ;)

And then they play a special little song that's like, "Doooo, do do d-d-d-d-DOOOOO!!!"

Lol well anyway congrats on your Tamagotchi's catching the big fish!

Yeah I caught a huge fish once and looked for it all over and was really upset when it was nowhere to be found!

Tama Mama :wub: ;)

Yeah I caught a huge fish once and looked for it all over and was really upset when it was nowhere to be found!
Tama Mama :( :(
Lol! ;) Well, that's because a huge fish like that isn't available in your "FOOD" or "SNACK" menu. I wish, though! That would be sooo cool, right? Your Tama would have all happy and hungry hearts full for like days. :D

if youre using desktop hold alt then press three in the number keypad on the right side of your keyboard. then release it should look like this = ♥ :lol:
oh yeah... congrats on getting the fish.. i only got that once :eek:
♥♥♥♥♥thanks!!!!♥♥♥♥♥ how do you make smileys?

It was a whale and the fishing pole disappeared because th e whale ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :kusatchi: :pochitchi: :) ;) :eek:

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