My Tama died...


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New member
Aug 8, 2006
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This morning I left my 2nd-generation (this one 7 days old) Tama with all full hearts, and played lots of games so he was really happy. About 7 hours later, I came home and he had died! He was generation 2--I'd left it for that long before and he was always OK if I fed him and made him happy right away afterwards.

But my question is, I reset him and am starting over, but it's the same boy character that it was the first time. I was hoping for a girl this time (my 2nd generation was a boy too...). Is my second generation also going to be the same, too? If so, I guess I am losing interest in doing all the same stuff over again.

no, your second generation could be boy, girl or alien (ok, so i made that up, there no such thing as a tama alien). i have found that most tamas tend to be boys more thatn girls (thats not to say that your tamagotchi will ALWAYS be a boy) BUT YOU'LL GET A GIRL IN TIME...

Anyways, if you put your tama on pause for 4 hours it ill die. When i first got my tamagotchi i though the lamp meant turning the TAMAGOTCHI OFF! So it died. :)

i have found that most tamas tend to be boys more than girls
funny you say that because me, my sister and two of my friends all have girls. hehe. :) B) :p :D :lol: :lol: :blink: :) :p

Yeah I have a girl but now it looks ugly because it morphed into

maskamitchi see :puroperatchi:

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Anyways, if you put your tama on pause for 4 hours it ill die. When i first got my tamagotchi i though the lamp meant turning the TAMAGOTCHI OFF! So it died. :angry:
I put my tamagotchi on pause for 6 weeks and it still hasn't died.

your tamagotchi can either turn into a boy or a girl, it is random. you can get different types of tama characters. you can try treating your tama differently to get different characters, because amas evolve to a certain tama by the way you treat it, bad,good, or average treatment. training bars als play a big factor. the more the better. you should not leave the tama for 7hrs anymore, because sometimes it will need something during that time period.

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