My tama has died. What of though?


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Jan 27, 2007
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^_^ hullo. My v3 and v4 tamas keep on dying in no why because im not such agud pet owner but how cancer heart attack to skinny to fat? :huh:
There is no such thing as a Tamagotchi having a heart attack or getting cancer or it being too skinny or too fat. The 99 pound limit prevents it from being overweight. And the base weight prevents it from being too light. Now your explanation says it all. You are not such a good pet owner. You probably left it alone too long and it got sick and all the hearts were empty and it was like that for a long time so it died. That's the only thing it dies from.

You wernt with it alot so it died

:D :D :p B) B) B) B) :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

On tamagotchis, there is no such thing as dying from Heart Attacks or from Cancer :D . You can die of too overweight tamagotchi. Your tamagotchi's weight should be between 30-10 for the ages. As GotchiGirl96 said, 99lbs is as overweight as your tamagotchi can get.

Too skinny depends on your tamagotchi. The minimum of your tamagotchi's age weight, is the skinniest your tamagotchi can get. I made a mini typed-out chart for you.

Baby: Minimum-5 Should be 9 or 10lbs

Toddler: Minimum-15 should be 17-19

Teenager: Minimum-20 should be 23-25

Adult: Minimum-25 should be 30lbs

That chart may have false information. The more games you play and win successfully, the more weight comes down. Make sure it isn't 99lbs :D


Quote from original 97 Tama Box-

'Tamagotchi is a tiny pet from cyberspace who needs your love to survive and grow'

Need i say any more?

Actually, perhaps i should on second thought. If you are going to be away from your tama for long periods of time and want it to live a reasonable lifespan then:

A)Ask your parents to look after it for you while you are not around B)Pause it or my personal favourite C)Take it with you.

Be safe and happy and do at least one kind thing a day

Mr. Rabbit

Baby: Minimum-5 Should be 9 or 10lbsToddler: Minimum-15 should be 17-19

Teenager: Minimum-20 should be 23-25

Adult: Minimum-25 should be 30lbs
Just got a v4 today and it's now sleeping cause it turned from baby to toddler. I fed it everytime it was hungry and gave it snacks so it would be happy.. it now says it weighs 37 pounds!! Does that mean my toddler is FAT?? How do I get it to not be so fat. Will it die if I don't?

1. From now on, make your own thread.

2. No, it is not.

3. Play games with your tamagotchi to make it loose weight.

:wub: hullo. My v3 and v4 tamas keep on dying in no why because im not such agud pet owner but how cancer heart attack to skinny to fat? :D
Make sure you take expert care when it's an adult or it might die on you at any time!

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