My tama log


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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
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About 2 weeks ago, I got batteries for my Version 3 Tamas, Eryce and Ralph!!! They were finaly going to have a life like my Version 4 tama, Myla.

About 8 days ago, My Ralphs baby, Cobll, the screen all of a sudden went blank when I was asleep. And my dad reset and RESET!!! And It was on Gen. 13! It took me 5 hours to forgive him, but in the end, I decided, "ah! Forget it! It will only take 6 MONTHS TO GET HIM BACK ON GEN 13!!!

Last night, My V4(not Myla, I had to reset 3 weeks ago because it died), Autom, left her baby girl called Karly. I can't wait for her to evolve into a teen!!! Tonight, Eryce's baby girl, Dylya, is going to leave her baby boy. I'm excited, but I don't know what to call him, maybe Ralph, so I will remember my 12th Generation. When Dad reset cobll, I had a baby girl called Colly.Colly has a baby boy and Colly will leave tomorrow night and I might name the Boy Cobll. Ya. Probably like that. So, lets get this straight. My version four is named Karly, my V3 threes are named Dylya and Colly.


I've just decided to give you an update on my Tama Stats:



Tama: Mizutamatchi




Age: 0- should be 1 by this evening



Name: Dylya with baby Ralph

Tama: *Dunno*


Generation:2 going on 3

Name:Colly with Baby Cobll



Generation:1 going on 2(SHOULD BE 13 GOING ON 14!!!)

Well, thats a little bit on my log. I should say a truth about Colly and Dylya:

Colly was supposed to marry my friend Maddy's tama, Colen, but I wanted the matchmaker to come, and Dylya was supposed to marry Maddy's twin Mal's tama, Homer, But I wanted the matchmaker. They always keep theirs on pause and are still Teens. And Mal can't find homer and Colen's batterys are dead! I'll post tomorrow or when Karly evolves.

(I should say I got Karly's name from a girl at school!)

!Happy! Yeah! I made Dylya leave her Baby early. I named it Cosmo. I hope I get a Mimitchi with Cosmo or Karly. I only got a Mimitchi 1nce with my V2 (Yes I did have a V2 before.! But 1 my dad broke in half and when I got home from school it was in the trash, and the other, the middle button(or as I like to call the 'bump' button) fell off) And that was because I left in in my school locker for march break! No kidden'! Anyway! My tamas want to introduce you to them:


*ZzZzZzZzZ* Oops! Maybe tomorrow, 'cause she's asleep right now.


Hi I'm Colly! I am 6 years old and almost 7. I got married to a Hanatchi and we had Baby Boys. I don't want tomorrow to come because I have to leave my baby. I want my baby to be named Timmy, but that's for Baby*BooBoo to decided.


Hiz! ops! mez oops!, agan!


Hezwo! *poops* ew! huh? *turns into teen* whoohoo! *Sleeps*

Well, that's it for tonight!

I made Colly leave her baby early. I did name it Timmy. He doesn't poop as much as my other tamas. (Which,yes,is a good thing) Karly evolved into an itchigotchi!!! They are my favorite teen tamas because they look like strawberries!!! (my favorite fruit of all times!!!) Timmy is still a baby. Cosmo is still a todler. Nothing else is different. Except when my Tamas beep and my says it's beeping cause it pooped! Scary. I said "It's crying!!! Are ya blind!?" and then my Mom said "Well, I thought it was crying 'cause it pooped!" Then I took my poor tamas that she was tormenting and guess what! Karly was sick, Cosmo was crying, and Colly and her baby Timmy were almost dead! Sometimes I wonder why she even tries.....

Cosmo kept beeping while I was eating supper and Practicing my piano peace for this week. Mom didn't bother to answer. Good. Now she won't think they called for the 'Poop Clean-up Squad'. (a.k.a.- me) I'm going to make my Itchigotchi Karly into a Ponychi. I never had a ponychi before, and Mal is going to (well, want to) steal my tamas cause she goes crazy over horses. But That's not why I want Ponychi, It just happens that I chose Mr. Turtle as a teacher, which gives you intellegence. I just realized that 'If I get Ponychi, Mal will want my tama! Hey! I should write that down!' So, I did. A refresh on my Tama's stats.


Age: 1

Tama: Itchigotchi

Training:4/not that bad...


Gender: Girl

Intelegence:31/more to come soon!!!



Teacher:Mr Turtle



Tama: *Dunno*


Gen": 3

Gender: Boy



Tama: Dunno

Training: 0


Gender: Boy

Yeah! Timmy evolved! I just looked up what tama he was and discovered he and Cosmo are both Tamachis! Karly just got mail. I'll go see what it is...

Yeah! A heart! Karly is happy. Karly only went to school once and she thinks it's easy, which it is. I never got my V4 above Gen. 1 before, so Karly is special. I was hoping that Karly would be in the Mame family, so she could be a Mimitchi, but the Meme family is close enough, just as long she's not in the Kuchi family! Maybe Timmy or Cosmo will be a Mimitchi, but that's for them to decide. I want Karly to be a :D or a :D or a Ponychi. Just as long as she's not a Masktchi! Cosmo has the Golden Tama. It look me lots of searching on TamaTalk to find that hat, turns out it was in the trip to Chile! Who knew??? Anyway, I have 1 Itchigotchi, and 2 Tamachis. Timmy now has 1 training and Cosmo now has 2. Karly still has 4. Well, me and Karly are off to TamaTown!!!


Oh My Gosh!!! I can't believe I didn't write yesterday!!! This is my last Topic until Monday because we (me and my family) are going away for easter. But I'll bring my tamas, so maybe Karly will have a baby on Sunday when we get back! All my tamas have turned into teens. A piroritchi (the back star one, whatever it's called!) and another one that I don't know what's is called. Karly is still an Ichigotchi. Karly has 9/9 training! Yeah!!! Cosmo has 7/9 training and Timmy has 4, hmmm, maybe it's because he just turned into a teen last night... This morning, I bought Timmy a plant and when I went to use it, I discovered he had a fishing pole! Fish on the first try, garbage on the second try, and 500pts on the third try. He also got 1000pts for the plant, when he bought it for 80pts!!! I bought Karly 2 plants, for 100pts each, and got a Tamaeating plant both times, creepy, although it happens alot. I think Karly will turn into a Ponychi today, seeing that she is 3 years old, and her Mommy, Autom evolved at age 2, just like Timmy's mom, whatever her name was! I'll try to write later. :ph34r: :( :(

I don't know when Karly evolved into a Ponychi. I just looked at her a couple of minutes ago, and instead of a cute little strawberry ichigotchi, there was a... PONYCHI!!! It's like a dream come true! Mal is going to freak! I feel like calling her to see what she says. She will go nuts if I tell her, so I'm going to tell just b4 we go away, so I don't have to here her lecture. Well, maybe If I don't feel like bribing.... which I probably wil!!! lol. I didn't know when Karly evolved, because the sound was off for some unknone reason..... *looks at Dad, who is on my Nindendo DS, and than at Karly, Timmy, and Cosmo. Although I turned it off this morning when everyone was asleep* Lol.

Yep! Mal came over. My thought was right! She did flip out! to bad she has a V3, cause she wants a Ponychi so bad. I made a bad mistake letting the matchmaker to come to Colly and Dylya. Mal did find her tama, and when the matchmaker came to Dylya, she had a baby boy, so she got anoyed at me. And the worst of all, the only reason she brought her tama over was to marry Dylya. But she is still my friend, knowing that there is such a thing as a horse Tamagotchi. Timmy and Cosmo are still Teens, but me and Mal tried to get them to marry! But when that didn't work, we tried it with my V4! Scary. It didn't work, I knew it wouldn't......

Karly doesn't have a job yet....

I just remembered! A plant was on sale for 80pts on Karly, and when I used it, I got 80pts! So I might-as-well've not bought the plant in the first place! HMPH!

Well, I'm back! Karly has a baby girl, and Timmy and Cosmo are adults. When I was away, I got a V5 TAMAGOTCHI FAMILITCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called it the gotch family. I have 2 boys, a mattaritchi and a ahirukutchi and a girl sakuramotchi. This morning, I got their bonding up to 10%. That's good, cause I just got it Saturday. They will probably turn into teens this afternoon, hopefully.

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I didn't reply for a while because I was too busy to go on the computer,


I named Karly's baby Mekiy, Mekiy had a baby girl (young memetchi) that I named Kelly, so now I am on 4th generation.

the GOTCH family is on 2nd generation. A girl Violetchi and a boy Furikotchi, their parents are a Mamapatchi and a Papamametchi, Blended family.

Timmy and Cosmo had a baby boy and girl. I will turn them into oldies so I will have the secret character. I named their Babies Jumos (boy) and Vyiky(girl)

I made my Violetchi have babies. Now I have a girl tororotchi, a boy mattaritchi, and a girl sakuramotchi. Theirparents are a mamametchi and a papapatchi. Nothing else happened.

Kelly keeps getting snakes in the mail......

EDIT: (Oops! I just realized I'm posting on my sisters account!!!!!!!)

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