My Tama Log!


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
I've never had a blog here but here I go i will give you a warning if you post spam here comments are welcome thought if you spam I will give you a warnig okay so here I go my tamas are


CHEKA :eek: (My V2)

ANGEL :rolleyes:



AJAX :hitodetchi:

They corrently all have babys and are doing well they happy and healthy!

P.S I have an Nintendog log on my website if you want to see that!

Yes I'm gonna get a en-tama thank you to everyone who voted in my pool are entamas worth it

I have a felling that I'm gonna love my new en-tama! Schools almost out too on the 28th then I'll be able to never pause My tamas and Finnally get a :) or a :wacko:/ :p I'm so happy!


It will be a Red en-tama! :wacko:

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Hi! I like your log!

Can you tell me how you got a


I really want one!
Do you mean furawatchi I get those all the Time these are my only four tamas I've ever had how you get them is you take perfrct care Pausing whenever your not using your tama The training does not really matter and you can't have nikitchi for your teen I think so just try to get UFOtchi Young Mametchi or Patapatchi those are the characters that mine came out as furawatchi You could alsow just debug your tam but that's really risky, one more thing you have to keep your teen under 30 lbs when It evolves Training does not matter I got One with 3 traning two with 9 training and one with 3 training so I think it might be you need to have training divisible by three but I'm not sure hope I helped!

Bad Day....

I lost the ebay auction for an en-tama and alsow my tama reset for no reason right now CHEKA is a tot named Cheko he is the other V1 totaler besides maruwatchi!

Can you help me get a Marumimitchi? or Mametchi? Ireally want one! B) :pochitchi:
Umm could you please actually read the posts? I know not many people do that but this isn't a help topic it's a log I only Helped cutie_pop because she wanted to get something that I get all the time okay? Please and Thank You

