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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
Ziggy - Generation 1

Baby Boy

Toddler - Mizutamatchi

Teenager - Piroriroritchi - very moody, doesn't like to play games, but eats everything

Adult - Paparatchi

Matchmaker arrived 3:00 during year 6, fell in love with Memetchi :D , had a baby boy!

Fidel (continued)

Just became a teenager - Hikotchi :)

I've been working today to get back some of the souvenirs that were lost when Ziggy left. Finally getting pretty good at Get Notes game :ichigotchi:

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Fidel is still a teenager. He took his Action Figure (robot) to bed with him last night... so cute :D He stayed on the Ball for the first time today, but then fell off again the next time :wacko:

Age - 2 years

Weight - 21 lbs

Training Points - 4

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Yay, Fidel just got 500 points with the Fishing Pole :furawatchi: He's fished several times before and got either a fish or an old can. This was much better!

He also slept with his robot again last night. I think that's so cute. He also took a bath last night. All in all, Fidel is much more fun as a teen than Ziggy was. He plays more and hardly ever is in a bad mood. Learning the trick of giving a treat to get him to play a game really helped, I think... thanks Patrice :)

Made the mistake of buying the music disc yesterday. I guess if you don't also buy the gramophone it's not worth much. Don't know if I'll bother buying the gramophone. Maybe I can give away the music disc as a present.

Age - 3 years

Weight - 22 lbs

Training Points - 5

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Fidel just went shopping and bought the chest, and 800 points popped out! What a deal, the chest only cost 200 points... v. exciting :)

This Chomametchi character likes to sing.... v. sweet.

Yay, the Matchmaker came today at 10:30am and introduced Fidel to Gozaruchi :D They fell in love and had a baby girl (I used the trick of pushing the button when the Matchmaker's book was closed to get a girl, it worked!).

He fell in love with my friend's Warusotchi Jujie over the weekend, but they would not have a baby ;) They both had 4 hearts for each other and we gave Jujie the love potion right before a visit. They kissed a lot and there were loads of hearts floating around, but no fireworks... too bad. I hope that Jujie gets a visit from the matchmaker soon.

Age - 7 years

Weight - 33 lbs

Training Points - 6

Fidel and baby are doing great today, I think that Fidel will take off tonight. I notice that he was just wearing a backpack at 11:30am for a little while. Just read in another post that does happen on August 15th, must be a back to school thing.

Age: 8 yrs

Weight: 31 lbs

Training Points: 6

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Fidel left his baby girl on her own yesterday, and I named her Buffy. She became a toddler within a few hours, a kuchitamatchi. She like the lion doll, but doesn't like the robot. In fact, she took the lion to bed with her last night. I wonder if girl tamas like the lion and boy tamas like the robot.

Buffy just became a teenager and she's a Young Mametchi.

Generation: 3

Age: 1 year

Weight: 20 lbs

Training Points: 2

I just went to Tamatown and got the bicycle from Ziggy and the cell phone from Fidel. When I have time I'll replenish my lost souvenirs.

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Buffy hates Pizza!!! I just gave her some and she looked angry and lost all her hearts! I will never feed her pizza again. I usually stick with the basic menu and don't buy extras, but I thought I'd be nice and buy her a little something special. Oh well, no good deed goes unpunished :)

Yay, the Matchmakercame today at 3:00pm and Buffy fell in love with Urutchi!!! She had a little girl, the 4th generation :unsure:

Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 32 lbs

Training Points: 7

Buffy's baby was on her own this morning, I named her Dawn. She's eating and pooping a lot, and has been sick a couple times. Already took a nap, she should become a toddler soon.

Generation: 4

Age: 0

Weight: 7 lbs

Training Points: 1

Dawn just became a toddler and is a Tamatchi.

Generation: 4

Age: 0

Weight: 10

Training Points: 1

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Dawn just became an adult and is a Hidatchi (sorry, couldn't find an individual pic to link to, but here's a character chart where she can be found). She's very cute.

Age: 3 yrs

Weight: 30 lbs

Training Points: 6

Since Dawn's an adult I was finally able to use the ticket to China that I bought the other day. Dawn came back with a cute Panda Bear. I also let her play with the wings. It's interesting how the wings look different for each character. With Hidatch Dawn they look like beautiful butterfly wings.

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