my tama lost a button


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May 30, 2006
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my tama lost the B button do you know if I can replace it ? :ph34r: B)

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this is the wrong section can i guide move it please

*topic moved by binary*

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If you have the button, you can either ask someone skilled with electronics to open it up and put it back.

I'm not experienced, but I'm going to guess that you could take a thumb tack (small thin object with sharp point) and just stick that in there when you need to press the B button.. it's a very important button, without it.. you wouldn't be able to do anything with your tama! It'd just die! uh oh.

thanx but I kinda lost the button (guilty) :ph34r:

it actually would work all u gota do is stick sum clay in the b button spot till it dries not that movable anymore take it out put it in kilm and then glue it in hope i helped

take it to the store where you bought it or just take it to walmart and say its broken and theyll give you a new one.

if you know someone who has an unused tam you can take the whole set of buttons and replace them

(if youve ever dissected a tam down to the core, youll find that the buttons are in a group of three stuck together. so, if you preform surgury, you can replace the whole set and then there will be fewer chances of another one getting pulled out)

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