My tamagotchi adoption center!


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OK! ^_^ :) :p ! There they are!

Thanks for adopting!!

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(___) Bread 1+Hungry

~~~~~~~Soup 2+ Hungry


(///////////) Cereal 1+ Hungry


(M) Milk 1+ Hungry

($%^@$) Salad 1+ Hungry

(!!!!!) Steak 4+ In happy & Hungry

00 Eggs 1+ Hungry

(TTT) Toast 1+ Hungry



(m) (m) (m) M&M's 1+ Happy

(s) (s) (s) Skittles 1+ Happy


l.l Lollipop 1+ Happy


(..) Cupcake 3+ Happy

|+| Choco Bar 3+ Happy

() () () Nuggets 1+ Happy& Hungry



all items 2+ Happy

(o| | +) Play station

| |@@| | TV

(^^) Hello kitty doll

(0_0) Robot

{:>} Bird Stuffed Animal


O-O Binoculars

[#####] Blanket

[@-@] Pillow




[oOo] Cell Phone 5+ Happy!!





..V.. Ice Cream 3+ Happy

Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Fudge Swirl

\~/ Soda 4+ Happy

Flavors: Green Apple, Cherry, Root Beer, Grape, Orange

\o/ Root Beer Float 4+ Happy


Pick three items!!



Name: Tilly

Age: 1

Story: Tilly is an orphan.

Please adopt a Tama here!

OK here's a <_< . Her name is Lavender. Would you like any items or stats?

:unsure: :Thanks for adopting me! Yay I'm so happy!

OK here is your special egg tamaboy27! {C} When would you like it to hatch?


Rachael had her baby! It's a boy :wacko: ! What will his name be?

Oh and the stats for all four of your Tamas I will post later!

Ok, thanks PonytchiLuv!

I'll call him... uh ...... um ...... Liam.

Thank you!

Sue is happy to have 3 Freinds!

~Tammie~ :) Liam :( Rachael <_< Sue :mametchi: Danny

OK Tamagirl Here are the stats!


Name: Danny

Age: 8

Type: Mametchi

Gender: Boy

Status: Adult Tama

Mood: Hungry

Hungry: 3/5

Happy: 4/5

Items: none yet


Name: Sue

Age: 4

Type: Mimitchi (she evolved)

Gender: Girl

Status: Adult Tama

Mood: Friendly

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Items: none yet


Name: Rachael

Age: 7

Type: Chohimetchi

Gender: Girl

Status: Adult Tama

Mood: Happy!

Hungry: 4/5

Happy: 5/5

Items: none yet


Name: Liam

Age: 1

Type: Hitodetchi

Gender: Boy

Status: Baby Tama

Mood: Hungry!

Hungry: 2/5

Happy: 4/5

Items: none yet

You can buy food and items to fill your Tamas' happy and hungry hearts. The baby is fed when the parent is fed. What items and foods would you like?

Also if Danny and Rachael need a break Liam can stay in our built in nursery.

OK Tamagirl! Here are your items:

(!!!!!) Steak x4

(0_0) Robot x1

[#####] Blanket x3

[@-@] Pillow x3

And for getting over 10 items at once, you will get a free item! Here's a Milk Bottle for Liam:



If you ever need a refill, tell me.

When would you like to use these items? You can use the foods once (except the bottle you keep) and the items you use as many times as you want!!

What Tamagotchi would you like to adopt? Available Tamas are on the previous page. Also would you like any items?

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