My Tamagotchi 'Diary' [v4]


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Active member
Mar 10, 2007
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Well, I've finally got 'round to making a log for my V4. It's light blue w/ dark blue buttons, and a memetchi on the top. :rolleyes: So cute! To tell the truth I liked the American V4 colours a bit better then the Aus ones, but, V4s are V4s. lol.

Anyway, I have a Gen. 1 Mametchi (Whoot! On my first try, too!), who has a little daughter following him around the screen. They make the perfect pair. <_< He should be gone tomorrow, but he probably should have been gone today, but I kept him on pause all of yesterday (school -.-). Well, I'm not complaining. Another day with him.

Ah, I forget. His name is Fudge. :angry: I think I'll call his daughter Sushi...or prehaps Apple. Or Peach. Oooh, I don't know. Too many names too choose from. I want a nice name... could any one PM me some nice names? It would be much appreciated. :angry:

Just a side question, anyone from Australia know where we can buy Tama batteries over here? PM me if you kow. Thanks. <_<


Stupid typos. <_<

Anyway, onto Fudge.

He just took a 14 minute bath. :/ 14 minutes! Quite a long time. I guess he takes after me, the only one I know who takes a 15 minute shower in a drought. He and his little follower weren't extremely happy, so we played a game of 'Jumping Rope'. 30/30! Very good. We've had a lot of practice at that game. He only had two hungry hearts, so I fed him some sushi. I love sushi. Yummy.

We viisted TamaTown, and watched the movie 'Love' about 4 times in a row. I love it, so cute. -sigh- <_<

Anyway, shall update when the need arises. :rolleyes:

A quick question, anyone know when V4.5s are coming to Aus? I really want one. -starry eyes-

Day One with Pyne (Gen 2)

Fudge left his little baby girl today, at 8 o clock AM, just as I was settling down to eat breakfast and watch tele. I named her Pyne, which my little sister suggested.

Geez, babies are needy. I had to put her on pause while I was at school (nearly all day! Except for a quick feed and play in art and maths), so she didn't evovle 'till around 4:30.

She evolved into a little Puchitichi. Incredibly cute, but with no arms. Awkward.

I took her to Playschool twice, and she did the little dance with her teacher. I love the little beeping music that plays. Awww. She fell over on her first try, but on her second she did the dance all the way through. :huh: The first time and tama of mine has done that.

I managed to drop Pyne on the tennis courts while I was holding my drink bottle, racquet and my Tama. She's unharmed though, thank goodness!

I'm aiming for a Makikotchi, wish me luck!

Stats as of 7:45; 22/3/07:




Day 2 with Pyne

Not much has happened. She was on pause all day, and I've really got to stop doing that. But it's the weekend now, so I'll be able to give her all the attention she deserves.

The robber came today, stole 100 P. Does that mean I'm not giving her enough attention, or her fortune points are too low, or something? I would like to know.

Anyway, I feel very guilty for ignoring her all day.

I'm going to turn the time back and get her stats, etc. up, 'cause she went to bed hungry and bored.

I'm such a bad parent.


Played two long games of jumping ropes, and earned 10 fashion points. Feeling pretty proud of self, and feels that any bad parenting has been forgiven.

Reset the time so little Pyne can get some more sleep.

'tis me signing out.


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