My tamagotchi is 2 pounds..?


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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I was playing man-hole... to get fist points or whatever and of course i wasnt paying attention to my tamagotchis weight. then i looked and it said 2 lbs! what happened?!?

Is your Tama in its teen stage? If so, is it a Ichigotchi(the strawberry teen)? I am pretty sure that Ichigotchi can get down to 0lbs., so if that's the case, your Tama is fine. You might want to get its weight back up, though :p !

Hope I helped,

Memetchi Dreamer

it might of helped if u told how long u were playing 4. But i think that u could have been playing games 2 long and it lost 2 much weight! o and i need a friend to pm with so send me a reply and ill b ur friend! :p

its a ura young violetchi... is that still normal?

One of these... ;) except it has wings and is a young one... (teen) :p

is your tama ichigotchi?(strawberry guy) :)
They already said that it isn't! :angry:

Well I thought that there were weight limiters meaning a teen could go below 15 lb for the really healthy ones. It could just be a glitch. Just feed it and don't play with it so much and I'm sure it will be fine. :D

It may be a Glitch, in which I am not sure you should do with the UraTamas. I don't have one, but anyway.

It might just be something that happens with Ura Young Violetchi's... :)

Hope I helped.

barky :angry:

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