My Tamagotchi Log


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
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Hi! This is Alli! (and Dani!)

Were sisters and Dani's not much into Tama'a like I am, so she will occasionally get on my tama account, but anyways she might post eventually but right now she is in Japan, visiting my Aunt and Uncle who were stationed there for the war.

I’ll go ahead and be honest with you, I’m not much of a log keeper. I never can keep up with them, to much chaos and just, I’m usually to lazy. But this time, I WILL try and keep a good log of my tamagotchi’s life Well I have a good amount of tamagotchi's. I have about 23, but you will here about them later. Right now in fact I have 5 running. 3 V2's, ! V1 and one mini. The mini does't do much right now I have a kutchipatchi on it ;) . Nothing special. One of my V2 is debugged. I am on 2nd generation with him. His name is winky after the house elf in Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire. She is a character I like to call 'Bubba' Its a keitai character. It has big front teeth. I am rather fond of this character buy now. But she has a little baby and will soon go away. I will call the baby, Kirst, After one of my best friends. I also have a second generation non debugged named nikki. She is a star. (you see what i mean about lazy I have to wright 'star') Well she is just hangin out on the screen, nothing special. Another v2 I have running is a nikitchi thats 3 yrs old. Hoping to be an adult! And its name is Maddy. My V1 I am running is a Maskatchi. 5 years named Gheo (don't ask) Gheo is kinda my baby. And I am running 2 keitais. Both are gozzies! LOL. Well they have toys and they are asleep right now. Nothing special. they are 8 and 9. Well anyways, Dani is suposed to come home tomarrow so you may or may not here from me. My grandmother is commming over Friday, I think to let us open her presents. And Well, not much else to say. I'll try and do a log tomarrow, I haven't seen Danni in about a mounth ( a bit long for TWINS to be seperated donca think?) So I'm really excited! And Well I'll probobally make Winky go fast since debugged so if I don't come bac tomarrow I'll have a LONG list of hings to tell you!

*I hope you liked my first offical log entry and be sure to check back! Feel free to PM me about what you think!!!)

♥ Alli

Well, This entry will be really short. Last night I was babysitting and was really tired when I got home so I couldn't come home and wright. So I didn't fast forward winky like I wanted. Well now then. I had to pause Nikki, so I wouldn't have to set my alarm. And well, anyways. Imreally excited about Dani's come back! My room has been so glum w/o her. She and I have a lot of planing too. Weget to remodel our room. I'll come back later and wright!


Another quick entry! Still haven't fast - forwarded Winky, and one of my keitais had the matchmaker. Thats all of the news really. Dani's here so I guess I'll go but I have had a lot of fun writting in these logs. I will hopefully come back and wright more later!

♥ Alli

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?! A log from ME? Yup thats right. Ok... I told you in my first post, I'm not much of a log keeper! Well, too tell you the truth... a lot has happened! Or, not really a lot, I have been taking sort of a break with tamagotchis! I am a tama phanitic, but, I still I started to get really upset with them! Even when I lost the jump game I was wanting to throw them accross the room! :mametchi: ButI didn't! Well, As i said... a lot has happened. Now I am back in the swing of doing logs and hopefully you peeps will read them!

Well I got a V3 (Ice Cream) and I am on my second generation! I have an adult. To me it reminds me of a character fron the Angelgotchi. I'll look on the Charactr chart later and post back. I have been on tamatown and I have gotten plenty of souvenirs. Altho, I have been having a hard time getting the passwords to work on visiting my paren. I got it to workthe first couple of times... hum... very intresting.

I will be going in a few weeks to japan. :D To visit my aunt and uncle and little cousin! Maybe I'll be able to get a few new additions to my tamas! I have been wanting a en-tama and the akia tama. Maybe I'll be able to find some in stock. When Dani returned fom Japan, she brought me another keitai. I am hoping to get a deka so i can connect!

I also got an angelgotchi...I can't remember If I mentioned that or not. Well Its a japanese angel.. I have the helthies adult... the something i can't remember! I couln't out it down when I frist got it! But now... Its getting kinda dull.

I will be going to Toys R Us later today. I have to drive my little cousin for her surprise day! She wants a tamagotchi! Hopefully they will have them in stock. We are leaving at 2:30, so I better go and get ready!

I promise I'll come and write back soon! This is pretty much kindafun, Imight even come back today!

