My Tamagotchi Log


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Mimi (Tamagotchi Lover!!)

Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
I have a baby girl!! I found out this morning. My old tama went away though... *sob* . Sunny seems to be very hungry. Oh she's asleep now, i'll try not to wake her!! Anyway I feed her a lot, but play a lot of games so that she doesn't get fat. Oh she woke up now. She's good at playing jump; her first time she got 100p!! Wow well done Sunny!! ARGH she's hungry again! Can anyone tell me why baby tama's get so hungry? Oh well, Sunny is rolling about on the screen, eating too much... playing too much... sleeping too much!! lol thats what all baby tamagotchi do until they grow, right?

Name: Sunny

AGE: 0yrs

Weight:12 lbs

Training: 1 bar

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3

Points: 1082 (I'm saving up for something useful, like a computer of rolerblades!!)

My tamagotchi is hungry again. I played a lot of games with it and i now have 1155!! Has anyone got any cheats on how to win slot? I only ever won once with my old tama, and i got about 45p. Anyway it just evolved into a Kuribotchi!! I heard that you get the best teenagers out of Kuribotchi!! I am hoping to get a Cho Himetchi as an adult, and Prepelloretchi for a teenager!! :( :)

I forgot to say that my tamagotchi is a silver with black buttons, black frame and black string. My dad says is looks like a boys tama, but i dont care. I chose the colour and i really like it!!

Name: SunnyAGE: 0yrs

Weight:12 lbs

Training: 1 bar

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3

Points: 1082 (I'm saving up for something useful, like a computer of rolerblades!!)
I meant: Points: 1082 (I'm saving up for something useful, like a computer or its favouite food!)

Played lots of games, won 1000 more points. Yey for Sunny!! Actually, my tama doesnt look like a girl called sunny, she looks like a boy called blobby!!! lol

My tamagotchi beeped for no reason and i gave it time out. Its training went up yey its 2 bars now. My tama's really happy and not so hungry now. Sunny looks like she's blowing me kisses now... awww sweet. Oh she's stopped now, and she's doing the rolie polie!!


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Oh and now Sunny's lost a hunger heart, i'll just give her some bread... and now i'm going to play jump. I'm not that good at Bump so i'm not playing it. And now i've got another 50p, i wonder whats in the shops... hmm a cookie, a cracker, bananas and a balloon pump with two balloons. Nothing really worth buying... Oh Sunny is turning her back on me I'd better praise her... there!! Now its 3 bars.

PS. I your opinion is :unsure: good? My friend got it and i thought it was bad... :-s

Sunny just needed the toilet. And now i played bump... yep my first time!! I only won 40 though.... oh well. Oh yea Sunny's hungry again... i'll give two snacks...she's still hungry and i played a game and won 50 p. I'll give her a meal then... and now i'm playng jump again. This time i won 30p. I now have 1525p. well i got to go now. I'll update again later.

YEY my tamagotchi evolved into a Young Mimitchi!!! I am soo happy!!


Hunger Hearts: full

Happy Hearts: full

Training: 4

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 20 lbs

Name: Sunny

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3


Well... Sunny lost a hunger heart so i fed it then played jump.

In my items i have:



*Bot Tie



All of these i can only use when an adult. I only have 260p cos i spent 1000 on glasses.

This is strange but when my tama woke up this morning she was fine and i paused her. When i unpaused her today she had lost one hunger heart and one happy heard... i wonder why ??

Anyway i fed Sunny and then played jump, then slot. (I still have it; weird...)

well... i havnt updated for AGES because i've been sad. I was feeding my tama and she ate and ate but the hunger hearts never went up!! I praised, i time outed... nothing worked. I thought Sunny was going to die, but then someone told me to download and i did so she's better now.

It's been ages since i wrote something, but i've been busy. Anyway Sunny had a baby boy, now he's called James and he's a Hinotamatchi (i think) and he's a teen. Everythings normal, nothing special is happening, and all my tama does is be naughty!!!!! He keeps spiking his hair up, i used gel and spiked it down, but i watched him! He took aout a mirror and spiked it up again!
