My Tamagotchi ON: Log Of My First Color Tama


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Suiseitchi became an adult and he ended up with his dad's hair and face and his mom's body and head shape. Interestingly his body turned to his mom's color despite only being purple as a baby and his wings that as a teen were purple turned blue.


I married him to Majoritchi like I planned. i find it interesting that Majoritchi took her witches hat off after she got married. Also take a good look at her parents in the family picture. Her and Fairytchi (The Fairy themed Tama found in Fairy Land in the Fairy version of the Meets and ON) are twin sisters according to canon which you can easily tell by looking at Majoritchi's parents. Looks like Majoritchi took after their dad and Fairytchi took after their mom. Also Its crazy how often I ran into every other Tama BUT Majoritchi, both while courting AND trying to run into her to have her propose.


As you can see they had a baby girl! She's got her dad's color for now even as a child which stinks because it seems like that body part doesn't change once its there at their child stage.


Maybe I'll go on the app and marry a Tama that also came from breeding with Majoritchi.

I also think it stinks that you can't marry this cutie:


I hope she's a special guest in the app at some point.

This is probably my favorite teen so far. She looks like a little star child. Her wings are interesting though. In other generations they LOOKED like wings, here they look like their folding out like a cape. Her form is also the third best character you can get.

As a child she got the worst form because I wasn’t able to pay attention when she was a baby. I thought I’d have the whole day to handle a baby Tama but then I had to take care of something. I’m wondering how much Majoritchi’s genes will affect her appearance as an adult.


I got the tree you can grow at Tama Farm up to almost full growth. Tomorrow I’ll see what happens I wonder if this is a way to get some special item or prize.

Edit: Just noticed her “wings” ARE a cape! Her wings from her child form morphed into a cape which is from Majoritchi. If you look at Majoritchi closely you can see she has a purple cape on. Mahoutchi (My Tama in the picture) just has a blue one instead.

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Today the tree at Tama Farm produced fruit! It was cherries but Ringotchi took all but one. I wonder what other fruit can be grown.


Also I saw Memetchi at the Salon location for the first time. I was there buying up food for when I married Mahoutchi later. But I noticed something really weird, while she was talking there were grammatical errors and before I could read them well enough to transcribe they quickly scrolled off even though I didn't have my fingers on any buttons, it was like the texts scrolling speed was turned up for a second.


For Mahoutchi I married on the App. Something I didn't noticed until now if you tap a Tama and bring up their profile, if the Tama is the opposite gender of yours and is an Adult the option "Propose" comes up and you can try to propose to them, I did it with Mahou's husband and he said yes! Mahou's husband is part of a pair of twins born from breeding Kuromametchi and Majoritchi which is weird. Kuromametchi is a gen 1 Tama and you can't unlock Magic Land until gen 3. Maybe its a bot Tama? I'm not sure. But it is weird to see Majoritchi on both sides of the tree.

It looks like I picked the right name too! Since Kurotchi turned gray or black as a child, he was purple as a baby. Probably a result of Kuromametchi's genes. Still retaining that starry afro too. I really babied this little guy since I couldn't pay much attention to his mom as a baby because something came up a little after she was born.


Been busy so I wasn't able to update this log as often. But Kurotchi is now a full grown adult after looking almost identical to his mom as a teenager.



I heard that maxing the Happiness bar can increase the chance for twins. I haven't made that a priority since keeping it high enough that they weren't hiding in the corner was what I usually did when it came to happiness levels. Since its been 5 generations without any twins (You can't get twins in the 1st generation) I'm willing to see if this works for this generation and others after it. I know 5 generations isn't a lot, but some users have gotten twins one after another right after their generation 1 Tama. So here was his happiness bar when he finally went to bed:


I plan to continue maxing it out today. It seems playing with other Tama's at locations with that Tama's favorite item increases happiness even more.

I also picked who to marry him to! Coffretchi! They had fun playing with the vanity the other day.


But I ended up getting Memetchi to full red level too since I ran into her a lot and she and Coffretchi have the same favorite item. I'm going to have to be careful when I go to marry to make sure Memetchi doesn't propose and I'm not paying attention to say no fast enough. If a Tama proposes and you don't say no your automatically married to them I hear. So need to be paying attention to that when I go to the Salon to have Coffretchi propose to my Tama.


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Annnnnnddddd Kurotchi got married today! With his happiness at full, and it only took me leaving him in the app and feeding him sweets. Seriously though put your Tama in the app and leave it there it will register you as playing with them for however long you leave them for and raise their happiness.


And I think the maxed happiness worked! Because I got my first set of twins! Everyone please meet my 7th generation Tama's and my first set of twins, Keshoutchi and Kushitchi!


Keshoutchi is the yellow one and the older twin while Kushitchi is the gray one. Also their names are themed after their mom. Coffretchi's name comes from the Japanese word for a makeup box. Keshou means makeup and Kushi means comb, two things you'd see at a salon.

I'm going to make the happiness out again with these two and see if I get twins again. In the mean time I wonder what they'll look like as adults.

EDIT: When they grew to their child stage they switched colors. So Keshoutchi turned from yellow to gray and Kushitchi turned from gray to yellow. I noticed this when they switched places in the profile screen, family photo and family tree screens.

Also on another note I had to change the batteries for the first time shortly after they were born. I got my Tama on July 22 and has of writing this it is August 10th. I've been playing with it with the brightness turned down to the lowest setting and played with it regularly. I had non-rechargeable Duracell AAA batteries in it.

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So its been a while. So the girls while they were still in their child stage got a cute pet! I love the fluffy squirrel Tamapet.


The two also switched colors again when they grew into teens. I wonder why Kushitchi has a red cape, I would say Kuromametchi's genes coming through but Kuromametchi's bandana is purplish pink not red.



And I learned that the head or hairstyle isn't set in stone once Tama's grow into their child stages! Kushitchi got her dads hair style even though she had her moms all the way into her teens. Makes me feel other stuff isn't set in stone for traits passed down.


I'll be maxing their happiness to see if I get twins again to see if this does have an effect on it. This could have just been a lucky break or coincidence the first time I max happiness I get twins so I want to test it further. I don't expect maxing happiness to guarantee twins though, just boost the chances of getting them a little higher.

I married Keshoutchi off!


Before I did I had the happiness bar maxed out and it resulted in another set of twins! Boys this time for my 8th generation!




The purple twin is Kumitchi which means "pair" or "a group" in Japanese and Kamitchi comes from the Japanese word for paper. Thought it would mix with the magical appearnece their parents make, their mom riding on a broom and their dad is the child of Nijifuwatchi and Unipegasatchi.

I wonder where that red color came from though. There's no red in either side of the family.

Another late log due to being busy. So here are picks of the boys as they grew up!

Them as teenagers!


And them as adults! Why one of them turned out green I have no idea. I don't understand how color works at all with offspring :D


I chose Kamitchi to marry and here he is with his wife and another set of twins! Again I maxed the happiness so I'm sure at this point that it does indeed affect getting twins.


And how they look now after growing to their child stage:


Bit of a all over the place update today. The girls became adults and I married Peachtchi off to Kikitchi. But her sister Kiwitchi wasn't left in the cold, when I put them on the app to marry other Tama's she ended up being proposed to many times! So she has a lot of kids out there! :D

Kiwitchi is the purple one and Peachtchi is the green one (They were opposite colors when they were babies)



But interestingly enough despite maxing out happiness they did not have twins. Instead they had a single baby boy who I named Soratchi. So I guess maxing it out really does just up the possibility of twins instead of making it garanteed. This is my first single Tama for the past three generations. Soratchi is also special in this is GENERATION 10!🎉



Sorry for a lack of a child stage picture. I got super busy and didn't have time to snap one before he went to sleep for the night.

I am so jealous that you got to marry the unicorn Tamagotchi! I've been trying to marry that one forever  :D  really made lots of cute babies down the line. I'm having a lot of fun reading along with your journey. Nice tip about getting twins if you max out happiness, explains why my last one had twins since it was the first time I was able to get happiness up into the dark blue range. Thanks for sharing!

I am so jealous that you got to marry the unicorn Tamagotchi! I've been trying to marry that one forever  :D  really made lots of cute babies down the line. I'm having a lot of fun reading along with your journey. Nice tip about getting twins if you max out happiness, explains why my last one had twins since it was the first time I was able to get happiness up into the dark blue range. Thanks for sharing!
I have the green magic ON so I didn't marry Unipegasatchi. I married another Tama who had his genes.

I take it you have either the pink or blue fairy ON? If your going for Unipegasatchi his favorite items are the ball (the default toy you start out with) and the confetti filled balloon which you can buy in Fairy Land's shop.

Soratchi has grown up, married and I'm now on Generation 11.


After he became an adult I began having him raise Nijifuwatchi's relationship with him and I changed his color to white with ice cream. Intresetingly his head and wings turned white but his clothing stayed green. Also he didn't get the badge his great grandmother had only her clothing so there are bits and pieces to a Tama's appearance. My last set of twins, Soratchi's grandmother and great aunt had their mothers head shape but not her "hair" which was a cherry shaped extra head.



Before he married though I caught some moments on camera. I found out that sometimes your Tama will call you and they will be doing something like drawing or watching tv and your meant to take a photo of it with the camera. The camera can be found by selecting the chest icon and then selecting Special from the menu. You get special captions related to whatever your Tama is doing and the date stamped on it.



Again just like Soratchi even though his happiness was maxed out he and Nijifuwatchi did not have twins, they had a single baby boy. I named him Flurrytchi. He grew to his child stage before going to sleep for the night.



Also another thing I found out. A Tama's favorite item is depended on whose body type they got. So for example if you marry your Tama to Mametchi and ends up with his body your Tama will like one of the things Mametchi likes like the VR Headset.

Flurryitchi has long married and his and Violetichi's twin boys are fully grown. And my did they grow up to be cuties!



I decided to buy him a accessory for his wedding. Tip that accessories are passed down generations. Meaning when the parent it belongs to gets married the accessory is returned to the accessories menu of the chest icon.





I had them eat out with a big meal at the restaurant to celebrate becoming adults. Found out their favorite food is cream puffs.



I plan to marry one of them to Pizalinatchi after I maxed the happiness out and raise the relationship.

Just wanted to update that I had to change the batteries again.

The last time I had to change them was August 10th so this time they lasted a little over 3 weeks instead of two when I had to change them for the first time.

Like before the screen brightness is at the lowest setting and the sound is turned off.

So I married my Tama to Pizalinatchi and their daughter was the CUTIEST! Looks like I'm getting better results with how many genes are in my family tree and who I marry my Tama off to. Unlike other times I don't have the wedding picture, but here are some cute scenes of my Tama and Pizalinatchi daughter, Kinokotchi growing up. Also Kinoko means mushroom in Japanese and those are toppings on pizza, I thought it fit.


With September comes the fall animation scenes like this one, this is a scene a tanuki created before vanishing.


Then this cute squirrel character asking my Tama after growing into her teen stage to harvest stuff. I hope the squirrel is a special guest because I think that tail would look really cute.


And finally her adult stage. I think it was a cute mix of her mom and dad.


She also marks the first time I married my Tama to a special guest!

They also had twin girls!



Also I noticed an interesting detail! Depending on your Tama's gender the blanket when their sleeping will be different. For boys the blanket will be blue with yellow stars, for girls it will be a reddish pink color with light pink hearts. Not sure about twins with a boy and girl, my guess it will be a different color instead of pink or blue, or it will be the color correlating with the main twins gender. I have only had single gender twins up to this point. I'll report here when I have twins with a boy and girl what the blanket is.

My girls turned out interesting as adults. Get ready for a long post because this covers two generations on my ON due to not having time to really post pics to my log.


The little ladies as teens, I like to think the red hearts are pizza sauce because of their mom instead of red paint.


The girls as adults, its interesting to see what the kids look like when they don't have a parents hat or something and you can see what's under it. Kinda looks like a boiled egg with ketchup.


Wedding with Korobatchi because I was curious and wanted to see if I could get his wings to show up on my next generation.


Their little boy Koumoritchi (Koumori means bat in Japanese).


The little guy as a child.


As a teen when I went to pick him up at his parents. Never saw this one, I wonder if the scenes of picking your Tama up from their parents house changes with the seasons too.


And Koumori as an adult! Haven't decided on who to marry him to yet.

Alright then lets get this update going!


I found a bot that was one of the main characters you can raise (bots don't have friend codes or a greeting phrase) and married her. I was hoping to breed out Paintitchi and Kurobatchi's genes. I want Kurobatchi's wings but it didn't turn out how I was hoping. The reason I marry my Tama to bots or in unit Tama's is because so many users have MyMeets app genes that are known to cause glitches and problems. I'm not willing to take the risk not to mention Bandai is soft banning user profiles found with these genes.





As a toddler he kinda reminded me of coffee grounds with the light brow color and the brown pom poms on his head. I get the weirdest colors I swear.


I changed his color to purple.




Now I'm raising his daughter, no idea why she has dark blue Mametchi ears and a cheeto orange body. :D

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I hit a major mile stone today for my ON with Generation 20. But first let me catch his log up to speed with the generations leading up to it since my last update.








With this Tama I deviated from my usual care to try and break the chain of the same body I keep getting. In this case instead of keeping Happiness high I kept it low and made sure it was low when the Tama would reach its next growth stage. Basically neglecting it but not so much that it was in danger of dying, just Happiness low enough that it was not in blue or green but high enough that the Tama wasn't crying in the corner.


I succeeded, I don't have a teen stage pic but here's her adult form before and after I changed her color to purple.






Aside from being in a repeated body cycle like a lot of ON users have experienced I seem to be having multiple single Tama's with no twins now for multiple generations despite raising the Happiness. I've tried raising the Happiness in different ways; by Gelatin only and curing toothaches from over feeding it to my Tama, by playing with toys and playing games and other Happiness raising options that don't include sweets and a mix of both. From what I've seen so far the method you raise the Happiness bar up it doesn't effect the possibility for twins.

And with the repeated body type it made things harder because with twins I would have maybe had a chance to have one twin grow up without Paintotchi's genes to pass on to the next generation. Instead it was repeatedly one Tama per egg all getting Paintotchi's genes. At least the cycle is broken at last.

I do wonder why my Tama's end up with the strangest colors though. They often aren't a mix of the parents but at times random colors that don't make sense from what I can tell. It'll be nice to see how things work when someone figures it out along with how the Meets and ON's gene system work. I've been trying to figure it out but most I can tell from this is Happiness seemed to play a part in the growth forms the Tama took as well as genes that were inherited.

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