my tamagotchi v5


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Mar 24, 2008
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I just got my tamagotchi v5! yay! ^_^

they are all children right now.




hungry- 5/5

happy- 5/5

bonds- 10%

blended family

generation- 1

P.S.- I need help on how to get the bonds to go up. it went up a little but I don't even no how. lol ^_^

I will update 2morrow.

bye! :)

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Hiya, I would love to hear more about your blended V5 tama family! Could you tell me one thing though? Well, how much do V5's cost?



You bond goes up when you do activities that happen MOST of the time at 10am, 2pm,4pm,6pm i think they are the times you may want to check with someone there are also certain items but you have to use them 34 times...

[SIZE=14pt]If you whant to know how to raise bonds its when you train it and they like it when they want to go to the bathroom and connecting alot :angry: [/SIZE]

its gonna work

[SIZE=14pt]If you whant to know how to get bonding points its that you have to connect alot and train it and make sure it likes it then when it whants to go to the bathroom make sure it goes to the toilet :) :angry: :angry: [/SIZE]

Sorry, I don't know how to raise bond. Maybe its the fact that I don't have a v5 ... ... ... YET!



Maybe you should make a log. * envious * ¬_¬


Asia's Thoughts: Ugh! I WANT V5 ... I WANT IT I WANT IT I DO .!!!

To make the bonding go up, you ave to either use the Unchi-Kun, or the Magokorotchi. You have to use them 34 times though, because the increase by 0.3.

Hope I Helped:]


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