~My Tamagotchi Version 4.5 Log~


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
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Before I start, I shall always be writing in this colour, and my current Tamagotchi shall write in this colour. ^_^


Heya TamaTalk. This is my log which shall be used for my Version 4.5!


I have been so busy with homework and what-not that I haven't really had any time to play with my Tamagotchi. However, next week is the last week of school before I break-up for Christmas break (woohoo!) so I will be playing with it loads! :D


So, as I said, my Version 4.5. I shall be restarting it later on today, so when I do I will be posting on here and letting you know.


Thank you very much, I hope you enjoy my log! And remember:


Do not post comments here, but please feel more than welcome to PM me your comments! I love to hear from people! :eek:



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Before I start, I would like to point out that the pictures below are very blurry. Please do not point this out to me, because I know of it. I am sorry for the bad quality, but I hope you can make them out all the same. Thank you. :D


Hi everyone! Well, I have just been through the process of hatching my Tamagotchi! It was so exciting, here is a picture! :D


So, I needed to set the date and time, my birthday, my username, and then I needed to wait for a minute. Seemed like the longest minute of my life. :p Then, it hatched, and to my surprise, it was a beautiful girl! I decided to name her Lola, I love that name. Here is a picture of me naming her! :D


After I named her, I was brought to the first screen where I saw her! She was sooo cute. :D I have got a picture of her here, how cute is she?! :eek:


I fed her 4 meals to fill her hungry hearts, then played a game of climb to fill her happy hearts. She got to 30 skips on her first go! Yay Lola! We played around 5 games of climb in a very short time, it was awesome.


Not soon after, Lola got a headache. Probably because we played too many games. :( I cured her (took 2 doses of medicene) and she was as bright as rain again. :)


After around an hour, she evolved! Into a beautiful young child. Here is a picture of her! How adorable is she?! She is a Kuchitamatchi! :D Now that she is a child, she can speak! Yay! :D


Heya guys! Lola here! Woah, it feels so good to talk. When I was a baby all I could say was 'GooGooGahGah'. :p Beth tells me I look like a lovely child, I still need a mirror though. :( So, basically I don't know what I look like. :p See ya guys later, I shall write soon! :D


Aww! How cute is she?! Here are her stats:




Name: Lola

Age: 0 Years

Gender: Girl

Weight: 11 Lbs

Training: 1/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 1G

Points: 2800P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 6

Star: 12

Fist: 24


Thanks guys! I hope you look forward to the next entry! :D



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There is mail for Lola! Let's open it...


An envolope... Hm... Nooo! A burglar! :( He took 300p from Lola, meanie. :(


Also, there was a [!] mail. I opened it, and Lola got accepted into Pre-School! Woohoo! Here is a picture of the teacher and Lola, aww! :wub:


I cannot wait to go to my first Pre-School lesson! Beth says she will take me later, yay! :D


Hehe, yeah. The one in your Tamagotchi, and in TamaTown! More later, guys! :blink:



Hi everyone! Well, I needed to leave Lola when I had a shower and put up my Christmas tree, so a few of her hearts went down. I filled them up straight-away, she is really happy now. :lol:


She recieved a fortune cookie and an envolope in the mail. The fortune cookie was really bad, 1 star in everything. :lol: And the envolope was worse: Poo! :lol: I played a game of climb with Lola though, and she was happy again with full hearts. :lol:


There was a sale on at the shop, so I bought Lola a shovel for 100p. When she got it, she started to dig, and...


Hey! Could I tell them please, Beth? :lol:


Sure! :lol:


Thanks! So, as Beth was saying, I started to dig, and there was this funny noise. Then, some cake popped out! Yay! It was my favourite cake, too! I ate it all up. :lol:


Heh, it looked like you enjoyed it too! Well, more coming later guys. :lol: I hope you like reading my log!



Hello everyone! :lol:


Lola has retired for bed now, aww. She must have been really tired. She looks adorable. :lol: Sleep tight my baby. :D




Hehe! Well, more writing tomorrow! I can't wait for the morning to play with her! :D



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Hello log! I came home from school not long ago so here I am writing. :lol:


I am going to wake Lola up now. I let her sleep during the time when I am at school so I don't need to pause her (I hate pausing) so... Wakey, wakey Lola! :eek:


Huh? *Yawn*. Oh, morning everyone. :unsure:


Actually Lola, it's almost 4pm...


Oh, right. I slept through the day?


Yeah, while I was at school, remember?


Oooh, yeah!




Woah... What's happening to me?! :wacko:


Lola, you're evolving! :D


Seriously? Wow! Teenager time! :D


Wow, you look so awesome!


Thanks. I guess I do look good. Being a teenager is fun already!


I took a picture of Lola as a teenager. Here is her! How adorable is she?! I discovered she is a Ura-Young Memetchi, how adorable! I also got one of her up-close, look! Here she is, now that is cute! :D


We got 3 new games, yay! We will play them later when I find myself with enough time on my hands. :p Lola got a fortune cookie, and it was 1, 1, 3. 3 in the body one! What does that mean? That Lola will loose more weight than usual, or eating food will put on less weight? Maybe both, lol. :D


More later on guys, Lola is happily bobbing around the screen right now. :p



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Ooh! Mail! It was an envolope, let's open it...


The burglar! Nooo! He took 100p from Lola. :eek: Why do we get burglars so much? :unsure:


Oh, yeah! Here are Lola's stats:




Name: Lola

Age: 1 Years

Gender: Girl

Weight: 15 Lbs

Training: 2/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 1G

Points: 3500P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 14

Star: 24

Fist: 24



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Aww, my little Lola has gone to bed now. :lol: Goodnight little angel, we shall have even more fun in the morning! :D


I can't wait to play with her already! :)


That's it for now, hope you are enjoying my log! :D PM me your comments, thanks! :huh:



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Hi everyone! I got home from school not long ago, so I decided to wake up Lola. She's been really good when I've been at school. :mimitchi: Only 3 more days for me, and I'm on Christmas break! Yay! :lol:


Anyway, Lola has mail! Let's check it out... Ooh, [!], important mail. I clicked on it, and Lola had the option to pick a teacher! Lola chose Mr. T-


Mr. Turtlepedia! And hi everyone! :D I'm wide awake now, can't believe I have to wait 3 whole days until Beth will stop going to school for Christmas break. :blink:


Lol, well, it'll go fast, and won't seem like too long. Also, I got a picture of Lola jumping up in excitement after choosing her teacher! Here is a picture! Hehe, cute or what?


I played some apple with Lola, it is such an awesome game! We got up to 50, the maximum, yay! Lola is really good at it, she says it's her favourite game, it's mine too. :unsure:


Woah, more mail! Let's see... It's an envolope, let's open it. Aww! A heart! Maybe someone has a crush on Lola! ;)


More later as Lola is happily bobbing around the screen. :blink:



Lola and I have just come back from an awesome visit to TamaTown! First, we went to the arcade and played darts and ringtoss. Then, we went over to Pre-School to say hello to the teacher! And then, we went to school and picked up some souveniers, met the teacher, and then it was time to go. :p Did you have fun, Lola? ;)


Oh, yes! Thank you ever so much Beth! When can we go back? It was so fun! :lol:


Maybe later on today, probably tomorrow. :mimitchi:


Yay! :D Thank you! :unsure:


Aww, no problem. :blink: I got a picture of Lola in TamaTown, here is it! Hehe. :blink:


Well, that's all for now, more later! I hope you like reading my log. Remember you can PM me with your comments, thanks!



I've decided to quickly post Lola's stats so you know how she is getting on. ;)




Name: Lola

Age: 2 Years

Gender: Girl

Weight: 16 Lbs

Training: 2/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 1G

Points: 7300P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 28

Star: 26

Fist: 24


Thanks! More later. :mimitchi:



Last night Lola had a lovely bath and went to sleep quite early. I am typing in the morning before school, so see you after school, log! :) And everyone on TamaTalk. :p



I just got back from school so now it is time to wake up Lola. :wacko:


There we go. Hi Lola!


Huh? What? Oh, hi Beth! :p


Fancy playing a game? How about apple? It's your favourite!


Hehe, sure!




Yay! Take that evil apples from evil apple land! :D


:ph34r: Yes, rather... Anyway, you did really well in that game!


Not long after, Lola began to evolve! She was turning into an adult! I got a picture of her, she looks awesome! Here is a picture! Hehe, how cute is she? I also got one of her up-close, here is is! How adorable! Lola is now a Purimatchi. :ph34r: She's all grown up now, bless.


Well, more later! See ya! :D



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Oh, yeah. Here are Lola's stats, now that she's an adult! I already can't wait for the matchmaker to come, how exciting!




Name: Lola

Age: 3 Years

Gender: Girl

Weight: 30 Lbs

Training: 3/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 1G

Points: 7950P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 41

Star: 26

Fist: 24


Thank you very much! Hope you like reading my log. I love comments, so drop me a PM! :wacko:



Aww, I just spotted Lola having a bath! :ph34r: It looks so cute, I want to take a picture, but I can't! :wacko: My camera doesn't have any battery-life left, hehe. :p


I'm going to go through all the passwords and shop codes and add them to Lola's collection. Yay! :ph34r:



Hehe, I just saw Lola brushing her teeth! It was so cute. :( Whenever I saw that, I used to think Lola was eating milk and cookies! Lol, my bad! :D


Oops, Lola done a whoopsie. I cleaned it up. :eek:


That's all for now, Lola is dancing around the screen. :eek:



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I think Lola went to bed last night at around 10pm. Hehe, now that she's an adult she stays up pretty late! I go to bed at 9pm due to school in the morning. :p


Anyway, I am writing before school again. 2 more days left until Christmas break! YAY! ;)


I can't wait to play with Lola! :eek:



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I'm back from school! 1 more day to go until Christmas break, yay! :p That way, I can pay more attention to Lola, hehe. I just woke her up, she's okay. :p


I'm going to play some games with her soon, hehe. Probably apple, such a great game! :)



Lola just got mail! Woohoo! Let's see, an envolope. Interesting... Let's open it. I hope it's the King! Lola has never had him, aww. ;)




It wasn't the King, but it was something just as good! A heart, aww! That's the second one Lola has got, I'm sure she's got a secret lover! :p


I'm going to play a game of apple with Lola now, hehe! :D



Hi everyone! I just played a few games with Lola, she has been excercising a lot lately so her weight is the lowest it can be! I am very proud of her. *Claps* :p


Why, thank you. Thank you very much. :D Beth, do you know when I will have a baby? I would like you to have another generation to take care of because I know you take fantastic care of Tamagotchis (like you cared for me), and I would love another Tama to experience that like I did. :angry:


Woah, someone write that down! Beautiful. :( Well, I hope the matchmaker comes soon! That way, you can mate with another Tama, and then have a baby. How exciting that'll be! We could visit you in TamaTown! It should be a little while before you leave, though.




Oh, so it's a bit early to be talking about it, right?


Indeedy. :)


Okay, right. Got it! You be sure to allow my baby to visit me often! Hehe. :)


Of course! :D Now, I saw Lola have her bath and brush her teeth, it was sooo adorable! She is now squeeky-clean, yay! Here are her stats so you know how she is doing:




Name: Lola

Age: 4 Years

Gender: Girl

Weight: 30 Lbs

Training: 3/9

Hearts: All Full

Generation: 1G

Points: 10100P

Username: BETH


Skill Points:


Smile: 90

Star: 30

Fist: 24


Thanks guys! That's all for tonight, Lola will go to bed soon. Last day of school tomorrow, yay! That means Lola and I can spend more time together! :D Byeee. :)


Yaaay! Mother and daughter time! Hehe, bye guys. :D


Hehe, yay! Aww, see ya everyone.




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