MY tamagotchis AT THE BEACH!!!!!!!!


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well over in the u.k...

it is summer here and maybe there on the beach coz its summer

and maybe when its winter they will be in the snow???

Oh yeah i think someone metioned, that they thought that might happen, anyone willing to hatch a new one with the date set 4 months ahead to december :lol:

Wow!! This is an old topic, just look at all the first 50 members who posted on it!!! Still, I don't think you guys should've brought it back..I think Admin and The TamaGuides are trying to prevent old topics being brought back to life. (Sorry if there not! Just somethin' I heard....)

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What day and time was it when it went to the beach?!?!?

Yeah this topic IS really old. I've never seen admin remove a post. and i've never seen one of the first 50 members!!! cool.

i have the robot and i have no idea what he is doing his mouth is open and there are lightning thngs around him

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