My tamagotchi's


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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
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Is this good? my tamagotchi's (V.5) are Toddlers and i traind them for like 3 days and now they have 100% Bonding Level is that good??? ^_^

Is this good? my tamagotchi's (V.5) are Toddlers and i traind them for like 3 days and now they have 100% Bonding Level is that good??? :(
Excellent,if you keep it like that until they morph into adults you will get "high level bonding" characters.Good luck!

Wow that is amazing if they are already at 100% that means that you are a amazing pet owner, and you really care about your tama! :furawatchi:

Tamaluver9648 :ichigotchi:

That's very very good!!!BTW, for more info, u better keep it straight 100% and when you train them always choose the first option : The smart choice .

That way you'll be able to get a MAMETCHI!

and when u get one, when its big enough to married, marry it with a CHANTOTCHI!

And what will happen is that you will get a pure MAME FAMILY!!!


Yes, that happened to me too, and it's very good! It just means you're a good caretaker and really worked hard at that bonding level.

It's not good, it's excellent! ;)

If you want to get a pure-bred family, then I suggest you keep the bonding level at 80-100%. But anyway, congratulatoins! Hope you get some cool characters.

this is my second day as a v5 owner, and i already have 100% bonding! all of you can get 100% bonding if you do this:

set your clock to either 9:59, 11:59,1:59,3:59 and, 5:59. then (it won't happen all the time) wait one minute and your tama might beep for you. then you train it over and over till it gets 100% bonding.

Hope this helps!

and congrats kevin1621!

That's very very good!!!BTW, for more info, u better keep it straight 100% and when you train them always choose the first option : The smart choice .That way you'll be able to get a MAMETCHI!

and when u get one, when its big enough to married, marry it with a CHANTOTCHI!

And what will happen is that you will get a pure MAME FAMILY!!!

I should add something....

You CANNOT get the Mame Family by marrying a Chantotchi to a Mametchi. It doesn't work that way. You must marry Mametchi to Chanotchi! =)

BTW Congratz! I usually am pretty lazy about bonding....well...I was in this generation because I was aiming to get the Large Family.

WOW that is perfect! If you keep it up you will get a Mametchi. If you marry the Mametchi to a Chantochi you will get a Mame faily. After you get you kids rase thire bond to 100% again and you press the C button you will get a pet that you keep until you get married again.

Congratulations! 100% is something I can't archieve for when my V5 has toddlers. That's quite a good thing if I were you! :mellow:

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