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Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hi!Im Leo2.0 and this is my log for the past 6 days.All right!!!TAma for my b-day!!!!I named it Xivix.Sweet!He evolved into water droplet guy! :D YAy 50$ from my grandad!I bought 3 more tamas. :p WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!1 died :lol: I reset all of them.Their names are Abby,Libby,Leo,and bebs.I wanted to call her DEbs, but I sliped and hit B.Oh man!!!LEo evolved into a tooth!!!lol.YEs, he got out of preschool 2day ! :( I met his new teacher,he looks like the matchmaker only a bit smaller.Oman,abby got the rober mail,but bebs got a sundae from the gotchi king.Does anybody know wut a tooth guy means??!!???!!!???Well thats my log for the past to days.Tune in for tomarrow! :)

This is just a advertisement for my nxt log.

Hey all you tamagotchi people!Wanna know the secret to get your tama to age realy quick?You can have at least one generation a day with this cheat!Wanna know it?READ MY NEXT LOG TOMARROW!!!!! B) B) :eek: ;) :p :D :lol: B) :D :D :) B) :( :) B)

Wow!Leo got 500p from king and 400p from chest!I found cheat for getting your age up...IM DOING IT!!!Im going to get my gotchis to yr 3 and get them to have tamababys!Repeating will give me lots of generations!!!!!Thats why my tama is 1! :gozarutchi:Baace just got mail wit' snake in it...WHOA!TAMAS MADE HUGE MESS!Poor Baace was crying for 30mins when i was outside to tease the school bully about his secrets and he punched me so I had 2 go to the emergency room :angry: ,so Im typing on this laptop! :mimitchi:The times for my 4 tamas(bedtimes)are 8pm,except for Leo which is 9pm.Whoa!I brought chest and it turned me into baby! :lol: B) :wacko: :ph34r: :blink:I turned back.(that was Leo)Cool!Abby turned into a apple!Im very sorry to say that the sleep cheat does not work(yet).Abby just sent Leo a ice cream :p

Abby also got a heart in her mail.Im still trying to get the cheat to work...If it does,Ill post it.Bye!

-----Leo2.0----- :D :huh: :eek: :D :p ;) :lol: : :ichigotchi: :chohimetchi

Sorry...It did not work...

I have some good news and bad news...The bad news,my little brother droped my Tama named baace(pronounced"BAse")in a bath tub.The good news,He still works.FINE :eek: mORE BAD NEWS...tHE CHEAT DID NOT WORK..bUT MORE GOOD NEWS:)You might be able to make your tama age faster,if you remember its birth day.You can reset it...and keep seting your tama to b-day,and so on and so on.Im srry that the other cheat did not work...

