My Tama's


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Hello, above is my 39th post, that number means a lot to me, 139 means even more, wow, my 139th post'll be a good'un!! Yes I got 139 on my Grade 1 Flute!!! I'm taking my Grade 4 piano on 12th April, but 139 is like WOW!!!! Anyway, Trixi and Simba evolved, wait for it....

Simba - Mimitchi

Trixi - Hanatchi! YAY!!

Yes, we looked at Samba today in music, so three guesses what Simba's child is gonna be called!!! Trixi's child will be called Flute! Nice musical names, Mezzo was a good one (as in Mezzo Forte (another good name, Forte) and Mezzo Soprano or Mezzo Piano(yet another good name)), when I named him, I picked the 1st 5 letter name that came into my head! But I kinda got attached to the name Mezzo, I dunno why! I love Music!

So it's just over 24 hours since Trixi and Simba evolved, so hopefully on Saturday or Sunday, preferably Saturday, they will mate and I'll have my 2nd and 3rd generation, never got past 2nd before! Nor have I ever mated two of my own Tama's so that will be interesting. Yeah, if I mate them on Saturday, then by Sunday they will have evolved into teenage stage.

Tok 2 u soon!!!

Sorry forgot to mention (how could I???) the concert was F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!!!! My voice stayed well all night long, and my flute playing was fine!!! I was dancing around my room to "I just can't wait to be King!" at 11:30 at night!!!

It's time to Chow Down!!! Chow down!!! It takes so long to download!! Anyway, a weird thing happened today, if u read my last few posts, even though they're not very clear, I should have been able to mate them tomorrow, BUT I connected them today and they mated straight away, they had 4 hearts each, but it was another 24 hours until the matchmaker was due to visit and they mated a day earlier than I had planned. Two little girls, so I won't be able to mate THEM!!! (There would be something slightly wrong if they DID mate! But we won't go into that! LOL!) They're both asleep now, well all four of them, they accidently went to bed with baby poops next to them but I don't think it matters cuz they're not independent of their parents yet. I'll talk to you all soon. Bye xxx

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I set the time to 11:59 and watched my first Hanatchi and my first Mimitchi leave, very sad time. I now have two girls called Samba and Flute, and they turned into Kinkomotchi's(Sp?) Cause for celebration - 3rd generation!

I took at first very good care of them, and then really bad care, however Samba turned into an Itchigotchi and Flute turned into a Young Mimitchi!!!! Kinda the opposite of what I wanted, anyway, they'll be in eternal sleep for the next few days while I'm at school. I want a Kutchipatchi and a Memetchi, so I'll try and do 1 neglect, preferably bobily, and then they'll go to dreamland for a while.

I am such an awful Tama owner, my hopes of getting a Memetchi are smashed. I accidentally forgot to change the times, so they would sleep while I was at school, but NO!!! I got home, they were both ill, 4 poops and 0 hungry and happy. I'll prolly get a Maskutchi and a Gozarutchi now!!!!

They're definitely gonna be bad characters, its only 1 day since they evolved and they're asleep, with 0 happy or hungry hearts and a poop each beside their bed. Still, it's been a while since I had a Gozarutchi, so I'd like to have it again.

My predictions came true, Maskutchi and Gozarutchi, oh well, better luck for the next generations. I have some news:~ lambing begins soon, possibly from Easter Monday onwards!!!!!!!!!

Samba died, I took bad care of him, and I tried to debug my blue Tama, so I lost Flute too. So I'm back to Generation 1 with a boy called Devil and a girl called... yip, you guessed it...Angel! They are both currently Itchigotchi's. They're taking baths right now! My hopes for them is for Angel to be a Mametchi or Kutchipatchi, and Devil to be a Hanatchi. I love Hanatchi's!! And when they're Generation 2, one will be a Memetchi and the other an Androtchi. Two characters I've never had before, so I'm looking forward to that. Easter tomorrow! I'm so excited, and we're pretty certain a lamb (or maybe more than one!!!) will be born on Monday.

No lambs just yet :lol: I put the tab in Angel's case, so I just have Devil now, I figured that it would be more fun to have two Tama's at different stages, than them both doing exactly the same all the time. Devil should evolve tomorrow morning sometime. There might be a two hour delay, because I paused when I was out today. I went out to this castle and despite all the people there, it's still kinda hard to look after Devil with my family so close by.

OK, I may have got this seriously confuzzled. Devil is still an Itchigotchi, and looking at my previous posts, he was an Itchigotchi on Saturday, he would have evolved that morning, it is now Tuesday!!!! Slight confession from me, I did Download yesterday, but that only took him back to yesterday when he woke up, it has been WELL over 24 hours since I downloaded and he still hasn't transformed. So hopefully he will evolve ASAP tomorrow. If he doesn't, well, I don't know what I'm gonna do with him!!!

Devil did evolve, into a Kutchipatchi, I'm happy, I haven't had one of those for a while. Still no lambs yet :lol: I'll tell you when they arrive.

I've taken the tab out of Angel and I'm playing again. I'm currently a little confuzzled as to when she's going to evolve.

I'm going to create a new log, don't know what I'm gonna call it, but this was my first log and looking at it, there's a bit to much me in it and not enough Tama. So, gentle reader, feel free to check back to this log anytime you wish.

All's well on the Tama front, after reading about people buying Tama 2's in the UK, I went into town today to look for one, but they didn't have any, I have made my mind up, I WILL buy one, when I find one!!!

Righty ho, well Devil mated with a Memetchi from the matchmaker, he's left and I now have his daughter, Peach, who is currently a Kinakomotchi. Angel turned into a Tarakotchi, and is due to be visited by the matchmaker tomorrow.

I'm in two minds whether to start a new log, so watch this space.

Good news, I went into Toyzone today, and asked about Tama Connexion 2's and he said they're definitely having them in, but the don't know when, so all I have to do is keep going back and badgering them, and hopefully I will be the proud owner of one. In the meantime, Angel mated with an Androtchi from the Matchmaker and gave birth to a baby girl. Peach evolved into a Young Mimitchi, bit disappointed as I wanted an Oniontchi. Oh well.

I didn't tell you this, but we've had two lambs born so far, one last Saturday, a little ram lamb, he's doing well. And yesterday we had another ram lamb born, but he is BLACK!!! And his parents are both white, (well a muddy sheepy browny colour but you know what I mean!!!) Yes, it's very odd, he's very big for a newborn lamb, he was about the same size when he was born as the other lamb at two days old! But he's lovely, and he should grow into a fine ram. (They don't make sheep characters on Tama's do they??? I haven't debugged nor do I have a Version 2 (YET!) so PM me if you find a sheep character, I would be interested to know!!!)

I shall keep you posted on future lambs, hopefully we'll have some potential breeding ewes born soon, fingers crossed!

Still no more lambs :huh:

Angel mated with a random Memetchi from the Matchmaker, and her daughter, Grape, will have her reign of my Tamagotchi casing for a bit. Grape is currently an Oniontchi! YAY!!!! I'm hoping she'll evolve into an Androtchi. Peach should evolve tomorrow, and as I've been taking good care of her, with only one deliberate slip up, I'm hoping she'll grow up to be a Memetchi.

I really hope they evolve to plan, I've never had either a Memetchi or an Androtchi before, but I'm kind of sad in a way, because that means, I'll have had every Tamagotchi character on here, apart from the male old timer (forgotten his name) and the secret character (also forgotten his name). But hopefully I'll get my Connexion 2 soon, lots of characters, I bet I won't get all of them in a hurry! I'll go back to Toyzone next Tuesday before my Piano lesson, and see how they're getting on.

D'argh!!! Peach evolved into a Tarakotchi, and I've had too many of them!!! I've lost track of how many neglects Grape has had, so his future character is unknown, only time will tell.

Two more lambs today, twin girls. And more lambs on the way in the VERY near future, though we think its likely that the ewe in question may prolapse.

We have a total of 8 lambs, with 2 more ewes still to lamb, the one that we thought would prolapse didn't, so we heave a sigh of relief there!!!

Talking of new life, Peach left and I now have her daughter, Baby, who is a Marutchi. Grape turned into a Gozarutchi, and has a daughter, but hasn't left yet.

Ok, so they both had daughters and left, both are Maskutchi's that is to say, Baby and Wicca are. Baby is due to meet the matchmaker today, and Wicca should do in 2 days time. They turned into bad characters cuz I've had dem asleep while I've been at school, so they had low training. I asked at Toyzone on Tuesday, two weeks after I went before, and they said they still haven't had any stock of V2's so the best I can do is keep goin back.
