My teacher is a sexist


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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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Okay, I'll tell you some stories that have happened over the past several months. (BTW, she acts this way EVERYDAY)

1. One day this annoying boy (let's call him Kaleb) throws a book at me! I told my teacher (let's call her Mrs. Jacobson) what had happened. "Too bad!" Is all she said. My head could have been BLEEDING and she wouldn't care!

2. Another annyoing boy (let's call him Alex) trips me and then kicks me. I said, "Did you see what just happened, Mrs. Jacobson?!" She said, "Yes, I did, Kari. I saw YOU trip and kick him! Now, go out into the hallway!!"

The next day, I walk past Alex to get to my seat, and he TRIPS me!! I told her what happened and she said "You went out of your way to have him trip you!" So I said sarcasticly "Oh, Mrs. Jacobson. It's MY fault HE tripped me! That makes ALOT of sense!!!"So she sent me to the hall.

3. Kaleb was singing REALLY loud when Mr. J was giving us a lecture. I was trying to concentrate, so I said "Kaleb, be quiet." and SHE said "KARI! STOP DISRUPTING THE CLASSROOM!!!" And other BOYS were telling him to shut up also!!!

4. Yesterday, this boy (yet again, let's call him Kyler) was popping his gum, so Mrs. J yelled at me to spit out my gum.

5. Today, these obnoxious boys moved seats to sit and talk to their friends. So I moved to sit by my friend. Mrs. Jacobson yelled at me to get to my seat and never move seats again. :/

6. I was just doing my work and Mrs. Jacobson yelled at me to stop talking, and I wasn't even talking! So she made me put my nose up to a wall. Well when I put my nose to the wall, the poster in front of me fell down. So she yelled at me!

I have alot more stories!

So, anyway, what do I do? My mom doesn't beleive me. And when I tell her that she is a sexist, she just says "But she loved all of your brothers!" Which pretty much proves my point! I'm scared to go to the office, 'cause I don't know what they will think of me when I tell them that she is a sexist teacher. WHAT DO I DO?!?!

I heard about this on Dr. Phil- put a tape recorder in your pocket and tape what she says for an entire day, then show the tape to the principal and your parents. If they need more proof, does the princial ever come into the classrooms for a day to see how the class is going? It happens at my school. Ask the principal at your school to come watch the class for a day so he can see how the teacher treats you. :lol: :D

If you really think that what she's doing isn't fair, then I think you should report to the principal and make sure something is done.

It sounds to me that she might just be picking favorites, but it sounds pretty unfair. Tell your parents, maybe they can talk to her about it.

If she was sexist, why would she be on the boys' side? o.o

There's no doubt you're being unfairly punished, so I do recommend going to the office and telling the principal.

^exactly. The teacher is a woman, right? So if she was sexist, wouldn't she be on the girls' side, and not the boys'?

But back to matters- you should really get it on a recording, like someone already said. Then you should give it to the principal.

But then if you're really feeling rebellious and up to it, defend your self next time the teacher yells at you. I wouldn't really recommend this to a stern teacher, because the results aren't always the best. So make sure you have grade-A proof when doing this.

If someone else is doing it in the classroom then (mostly) everyone else would know that it's not you, but another person. Bam. There's your alibi.

That reminds me when in 4th grade, my teacher made all the girls do the work, while the boys sat down, and didn't have to do anything, and I thought she was sexist XDXD

Your teachers a female, so that IS unusal. Have a talk to to your parents.

Just to clarify things for everyone - "sexism" is the discrimination against someone based on their gender - a sexist can be male or female - it is the act of discriminatiing against another person based on their gender.

Have you actually gone up and talked to her? Told her that you feel you are being unfairly treated? This could just be a big misunderstanding. I mean, when she accuses you of something you did not do, do you deny it? Stand up and claim your innocence! Don't just take whatever she throws at you if you don't deserve it. Surely there must be another person in the class that will back you up.

It actually doesn't sound like she's sexist. It sounds more like she just doesn't like you, as you're the one she always blames.

I agree with everyone's suggestion about keeping a tape recorder in your pocket. Also you might want to talk to the principal or a counselor about how she's acting.

As for in the future, try to stay on the down low. Don't do anything to make her mad, don't whine about what other kids have done/are doing, just basically leave her alone. Do your work, pay attention in class and just try to stay out of her way.

that teacher sounds like such a jerk! my sister used 2 have a student teacher named mrs. eewing(a nickname) and she totally chose favorites and this teacher sounds a lot like the eewing. just ignore her, and try not 2 make her mad. :mimitchi: then shell stop being so mean

I hated my 4th grade music teacher shes a fat chick and she loved gardening but her farts where super loud! i liked her twin-brothers that came to the school! thank god my muisc teacher isnt a fat chick and hes a man! :(

That's so mean! :angry:


I think you should go to your head teacher (aka. the principal), and tell him/her your stories about that teacher, but refrain from using the word "sexist". I think if you try to explain that she is punishing you unfairly, and letting the actual naughty kids off the hook, they might understand and do something about it.


Hope that helps! :D

I think also that you are being treated unfairly. The tape recorder in the pocket is a great idea. However, as others said, you are gonna be walking on eggs around her, and it shouldn't have to be that way.

I heard about this on Dr. Phil- put a tape recorder in your pocket and tape what she says for an entire day, then show the tape to the principal and your parents. If they need more proof, does the princial ever come into the classrooms for a day to see how the class is going? It happens at my school. Ask the principal at your school to come watch the class for a day so he can see how the teacher treats you. :lol: :eek:
If the principal came in for the day, she'd probably treat you nicely, because she doesn't want him to see how she really behaves. But the tape recorder is a good idea.

I agree with SK. I sounds like she just doesn't like you. But that still doesn't make what she's doing fair. The tape recorder idea is pretty good, I would try that.

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That is so tactless! Some people have real issues like this, unlike you and your petty issues. I bet if your teacher was acting this way, you'd be asking for advice as well.
Can we be nice here? the person who posted that probably wanted to show that they felt bad for her, but didn't really have any advice to give.

I'd say to use a tape recorder as someone else mentioned, your teacher sounds awful. If she really says that kind of stuff, then the principal will surely have to do something about it, because it's totally unfair.

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