My Thanksgiving Tama


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Well-known member
May 3, 2005
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Oklahoma, USA
Shortly after the V2s came out, I rushed out to by one, but never got around to opening it! I bought it because I knew I'd be getting one at some point, and I had a coupon that was about to expire. Finally, on Wednesday the 23rd, in the car on the way to Thanksgiving dinner, I started it up and got a baby girl!

Shortly after we arrived, she turned from a Marutchi into a Young Mametchi, a type I have never seen before on the V1. This put me in a bit of a bad mood, though. I was so used to getting Mimitchis and Mametchis with my V1, that I was hoping for more variety. I hoped Diane wouldn't turn into another Mametchi.

I named her Diane and took her everywhere with me while visiting my brother's house. What better way for these cute little aliens to learn more about humans then to let them see a traditional holiday in action? :lol: I made sure to give her plenty of extra treats that day, so many that she ended up getting a cavity, though... :furawatchi:

The morning after Thanksgiving dinner, I got terribly sick with the flu, so we couldn't go back home that day. I felt so sick, I couldn't think or hardly do anything besides watch my little Diane wiggle around on the screen. I'm so glad she was there to keep my company. Halfway through the day she turned into a Tarakotchi, a Tama type I've never had since I started playing with the buggers in 1997! She really made me smile, and made getting better much easier.

So this Thanksgiving, after I was thankful for my friends and family, of course, I was thankful for my little Tama, the best portable pet ever. :mellow:


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