My V.4 Log


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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2006
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So I reset my tama. This is my log, from baby to adult and even longer. Lets get going!!

Name: Milly

Gender: Female

Age: 0

Weight: 11Ib

Gen: 1

Flower: 1

Pencil: 0

Star: 2

I fed her 2 ( Tart, Pudding) snacks and 2 (Sushi, Bread) meals then played jump rope to help get the happy hearts to full.

her hearts emptied pretty quickly.

I fed her 1 more snack (Pudding) and 1 more meal (Sushi).

Milly got sick so i gave her 2 medicines and she got better! :)

Then she pooped so I cleaned her up.

I played another game of jump-trope with her.

Milly lost a happy heart and a hungry heart so I gave her 1 meal (Scone) and 1 snack (Pudding).

Milly's stats:


♥♥ //



I plan to keep them like that all the way and see what she turns into!

Milly turned into a toddler!! She is now a Mizutamatchi! LOL, I love that name!

Her happy and hunger hearts emptied so I fed her 2 meals (Bred and Sushi) and 2 snacks (Oranges).

She pooped and I cleaned it up.

Unfortunately she got a bad fortune cookie. 1 heart for points, 1 heart for love and 3 hearts for fitness.

Milly also got a letter with poop in it. =(

I also played Mimic with her and got to round 5. =) She got 150points.

Milly got a visit from the Pre-school teacher!!

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Milly got a fortune cookie, it said: Points - 2. Heart - 2 and Fitness - 2

She also got a letter with a snake in it. >:-[

Milly got a letter from the king. He gave her some make-up.

I also entered all the shop codes and the Corner Shop codes.

I also won the last round in Mimic and received 400 points!

Milly's stats:

Name: Milly

Gender: Female

Age: 0

Weight: 31Ib ( I have a bad habit of letting my tamas get over-weight)

Gen: 1

Flower: 8

Pencil: 2

Star: 2

Milly turned into a teen. She is now an Ojyotchi.

She got a fortune cookie which said:

Points: 2

Fitness: 2

Heart: 2

She also got a letter with a snake in it.. =(

She went to school today and I chose the Sqaure teacher!


I left her unpaused when I went bowling and I came back to find her dead. OMG. So, I reset her and this is what I got:

Name: Lolly

Gender: Girl

Now I have to re-type all the shop codes. LOL.

Lolly turned into a Puchitchi and then into an Ichigotchi!

These are her stats:

Name: Lolly

Age: 2

Weight: 22Ib

Gender: F

Gen: 1

Training: 6

Pencil: 42

Star: 29

Flower: 15

Points: 3050

Her teacher is Mr Turtlepedia.

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Lolly turned into a Ponytchi because the majority of her skill points are intelligence.

These are her stats:

Name: Lolly

Age: 3

Weight: 32lb

Gender: Girl

Points: 2000

Training: 6

Pencil: 54

Flower: 29

Star: 15
