My V2 logs =)


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Well I'm outta hosp now. Didn't have to stay overnight which was good. I paused the v2s this morning when I got up and stopped the clock on my 97 one I have going, came back and all were ok.

Oh, and Spike left last night! =( So I now have a baby boy called Frank lol. And he's just turned into a Kinakomotchi.

Gunn is now 5, so I'm thinking the match maker might come tomorrow as it was gone 7 before I unpaused so she couldn't come tonight.

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Well Gunn turned 6 but she still didn't come. I hope she comes tomorrow. =/

That's all there is.

EDIT!!!! Haha I just bought another V2 from ebay lol. I'm obsessed :eek: . It was only £8.99 Tehehe another second hand one but I don't care. Is just as good as a new one!!

It's light blue! Hopefully I should get it on Monday or Tuesday depends when the sellers posts it. Wooooooo.

And if it's someone on here, THANKYOU =)

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Frank was a young mametchi when I woke up. Pah. I wanted a different one again. Nevermind it's cute.

I hope matchmaker comes today for Gunn. >=/

Wooo matchmaker came at 3!! AND I remembered to press B and I got a girl!! Woooooo. I can't remember what Gunn bred with, I think it might have been a Kiwitchi but I'm not sure.

Woooo I have a girl again.

Spike left and I now have Lilah!

I'm hoping my other V2 with arrive today, will probably be tomorrow though. Some people don't realise you can post things on Saturdays too. Lol.

Ahh poopy. I forgot it was bank holiday =( Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow!

Lilah has now turned into Marutchi! Yay another different character.

I hope she turns into Ufotchi as I'm back to odd generation now!

I'm going to try breeding her and Frank. I'll have to ignore the matchmaker though and hope that Frank doesn't turn into an old man as Lilah is 3/4 days younger than him.

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Bah it didn't arrive today =(

I'm pausing Frank for a little while so Lilah can catch up on age a bit.


Lilah turned into Onionchi.....

AND I WON ANOTHER V2 OFF EBAY hahaha. Ok this is the last one I swear. I'll have 4 then! Hehehe. This one is a cobalt blue connection! And it says connection on it, so I deffo have one now. I'll have 3 connexions and 1 connection. Hehehe.

Yay! The translucent/light blue one arrived this morning <3

They only paused it so I got to see what it was and what they had etc. It's a girl, a Pyonchitchi which I think looks like that thing out of Mario.. the pink thing that blows eggs out of it's mouth (there are others too)... argh I play Mario all the time and can't remember the bloomin thing!! lol. I can't think of it's name now.

It weighs about 74lbs though o.o Heavyweight lol.

Anyway. I've sent all the items it had to my other tamas, and I'm just changing the time to make the shop restock and spending the points then I'll send those items to my other tams and then reset it.

It's a shame as it's 5th Gen. But it's mine now so I want it to celebrate my birthday and stuff.

Here's a quick pic of it with my other tamas (You can't see them though, only the cases. Doh!):

Will post again later with what it turns into after I've reset it. =)

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Ok I finally finished and reset it, I got a boy, called him Oz and he's now turned into a Hitodetchi. =)

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Oz turned into a Ufotchi <3333333333 So cute. I love Ufotchi.

Lilah hasn't changed yet, but she's nearly 3 so I can unpause Frank again soon.

I'm hoping my connection will arrive tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

I'm also looking at a few more pets on ebay, I've found a few giga pets I wouldn't mind, and a diff tama. *Shushes and wont tell lol * Mine! Haha. I'll lose it probably. I always do.

Woooooo so much stuff to write!

My cobalt blue connection arrived this morning. Only 2 things I don't like about it are the way the date is done, and the fact that the background is strange, not the picture, but the lcd background, it's very dark behind the picture of my tama. I've taken it apart and cleaned it off but it's still dark.

Anyway, here's a pic of all 4 of them:

Frank turned into a ChoHimetchi! Lilah has now changed from that Onionchi into a Kuchipatchi. Oz is still a Ufotchi <33 and the new one Wes is a Hitodetchi. =)

Oh and Lilah and Frank are now both 4, should be 5 tomorrow, I used the love potion on Lilah then connected to Frank and they're in lurrrveeee but I've read in quite a few posts they wont breed for a day or two after turning into an adult.

So a round up quickly:

Orange with stars Connexion: Lilah, Gen 3, Kuchipatchi,

Yellow with flowers Connexion: Frank, Gen 2, ChoHimetchi,

Translucent blue Connexion: Oz, Gen 1, Ufotchi,

Cobalt Blue Connection: Wes, Gen 1, Hitodetchi.

Wellllllll I wanted to fiddle around to I took 3 of my tamas apart last night and changed some stuff =D

My orange with stars now has the purple buttons from my cobalt blue, the cobalt blue has the yellow buttons from my yellow with flowers, and the yellow with flowers has the blue buttons from my orange with stars!

I also gave the yellow with stars the "stage" background that the cobalt blue had, and the cobalt blue now has a numbers one. Hehe.

The only one I didn't change was the translucent blue 'cause that was ok as it was.

Only bummer is though it put Frank back to 4 when he'd turned 5 yesterday. Doesn't matter too much though as Lilah hadn't turned 5 with him for some reason. Hopefully now they'll both be 5 at the same time and I can try getting them to breed.

Anyway, here's a little pic of what I've done:

Argh, Oz changed into a Pyonchitchi!!! That's creepy when that's what it was before I reset it after buying it o.o lol

I remembered what the thing is called that it reminds me of from Mario, BIRDO!!! Omg it really looks like one of those to me lol. It has the bow (its ears), and when it jumps, it's mouth looks like it should be shooting an egg from it lol.

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Wooo Lilah and Frank both turned 5 this morning so I connected and they bred! Lilah had girls =D

Frank and Lilah left last night. I named the girls Gwen and Cordy

Cordy is now a Kuribotchi and Gwen is a Kinakomotchi.

I think Wes might become an adult today and the matchmaker might come for Oz.

Oh dear. Wes turned into Maskutchi lol Nevermind. It was a very annoying baby >=/ Kept losing hearts when I was mega busy!

I think he's cute anyway.


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