My V3 and me! :)


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Apr 7, 2005
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Feb. 22nd, 2006 (4:56pm)

I eagerly ripped open my package to find my new silver V3! I had waited almost a week and I was about to go insane! I quickly ripped the tab out and started my new journey in TamaTown! I am starting a new log for my V3! I currently have a baby boy named Lucky and my UserName is Sen. I have 280 gp and I'm am full on all heart. I love the new game, Get(musical note)! It is so fun! My baby boy should be changing any minute now! :eek:




I will notify you if anything happens :lol:

Feb. 22, 2006 (5:00pm)

He evoled into a............................. tamatchi! I'm not sure wether that is good or bad but oh well it's my first try!



Feb. 23rd, 2006 (5:06pm)

It's all my sister's fault! :D She pressed the reset button! My baby Lucky! I made a new boy named Tweet! He is currently a toddler. I am sure to keep him away from my sister now!

Feb. 28th, 2006 (8:43pm)

Ohmega! I haven't been on in forever! I'm so sorry! Anyway, while I was off my tama turned into an Obotchi and then a Billotchi. I bought a plane ticket and I went to Chile! My BFF Liz got a tama V3 so we have been connecting non-stop! I don't know why but she named her tama Kevin. Her tama is an Obotchi right now.

I am going to make my own hook-chain when I get off the CP. Hopfully it will match my tama.


:) (AKA Chihiro)

P.S. All my friends call me Chihiro so I just wanted to add that.

Mar. 1st, 2006 (9:33am)

Tee Hee! I faked sick today! My parents are out right now so I can do watever I want! Anyway, I'm still waiting for the matchmaker, I'm hoping she'll come tomorrow! Right now I'm just chillin.

I bought some skates because I was bored. He looks so cute! I'm just hoping for a plane ticket to show up!



P.S. Please don't post in my log unless I ask you to. I do appreciate you reading my log though. :wacko:

Mar. 2nd, 2006 (3:51pm)

Another beautiful day with my tamagotchi. Today I gave Katie the codes for V3 and since hers was also an audult, we both gave our tamas the honey (AKA love potion) and they now have full hearts for each other. Sadly, we didn't have enough time to connect again so our tamas couldn't have babies. Oh well, I can wait until tomorrow. The matchmaker is supposed to come tomorrow anyway.

I also want to thank tamatama2005 for the awesome clone code I got. If you want the code click here. Note: Your tama has to be an audult for you to use it!

For some reason I saw the boombox in the shop and bought it after playing games during math :p . I guess the boombox is ok but it's only on the screen for a few seconds. Oh wait I know why it didn't work I didn't have the sound on.

I decided to start my mini today (idk why) so it will be in the log also. I call him Haku! (Yes I know you can't really name then. I just call him that.)



Mar. 4, 2006 (8:27pm)

I wasn't on yesterday but my sweet little Billotchi had a baby I will name Tofu or Sushi. I'm still desiding. He is a beautiful baby boy. Tomorrow he will be on his own with me and no dad. Bye Bye Tweet :huh: !



Mar. 5th, 2006 (12:21pm)

My sweet little Billotchi, Tweet, went home to tamaplanet leaving my with my baby boy I named Sushi.Sushi became a kuchimatchi just as I planned he would! :hitodetchi:

Since I had nothing better to do I visited Tweet in TamaTown! She gave my a purrty cell phone! I like her home. Yay I just got 150 points on Get Note!

I will be putting stats now.


Old:0 yrs







Snacks so far:1

GP:3087(Dad left her money)

Mar. 5, 2006 (2:58pm)

I am letting my sister have my V1 for the day. I thought it was time she had some tamagotchi magic! Who knew a 5 year old could have so much fun with a tamagotchi!

The rents say since I was so nice to my sis they might buy me another V3! YAY!!!



Well I got my V1 back and I don't know if I'm getting a new V3. Since I got bored I started up my V2 with my V1 battery that came from my mini.

I had the reading acheivment test today. Pretty easy if you ask me. The only hard part was keeping my hands off my tamagotchi.

Me and my BFF Liz got bored so we tried doing connecting experiments on the bus. As all of you know I was the first one to post about the sun interfering with infa-red technology. Well I'm back in the game. The farthest we connected from was 3 feet but that was because we were in a bus seat and didn't have much room.

I told my future boyfriend how to debugg today! Oh it was so romantic..... ok enough of that!

Anyway my V2 is debugged so I just selected a toddler. Here are the stats.

Sushi V3








Snacks so far:1


Tofu V2







Snacks so far:0

GP:35(I spent alot :furawatchi: )

Mar. 7, 2006 (6:08)

Well here I am again! My hidetochi (Tofu) turned into a ringotchi and my kuchimatchi (Sushi) turned into a young mametchi.

As for my connecting experiments... they went great. I firgured out the infa-red can go through plastic and the farthest distance away was about 5 feet.

I can't do stats today because I have to go to band!



Mar. 8, 2006 (6:29AM)

Blah Math Acheivment today(YAWN)!!! For 2hours and 45 minutes I'm stuck in a classroom! Oh Well... At least we get gum and candy!

wow...i got 4 points on heading....(sarcasam)

Any way my ringotchi woke up early so he was sick and had poop every where. I'm going to feed her tons of snacks so she will turn into a furawatchi :furawatchi: .

Here are da stats:








Snacks so far:1

GP:797(I went shopping and I bought a TV.)







Snacks so far:I lost count! LOL

GP:797(I went shopping and I bought a TV.)



Mar. 9, 2006 (7:26AM)

I'm back again. My tamas will turn into audults tomorrow! I really want bunbunitchi for my V3 and a furawatchi for my V2!

Still working on connecting experiments. So far I have found nothing. Oh well... At least my tamas are good friends now.

Not putting stats today srry.



Mar. 9, 2006 (6:36PM)

Konnichiwa! Well my BFF's, Liz's, tamagotchi died. I don't know why but whenever she pauses her tama some how dies. So when she unpauses she finds a dead tama. I told her to just change the time so her tama was sleeping.

As for the tamas nothing has changed. I'm very mad at Paige though. She fed my V3 like two-billion snacks! She is evil. I give her my tama for one second and she feeds it snacks after I told her no snacks!!!

No more stats unless I want to put em up....



P.S. I might not write tomorrow morning cus I have band. I'll try! I play french horn!

Feb. 13, 2006 (4:03PM)

Whoa, I havent been on in a while. I finally debugged my tama so things will go alot quicker in the log. I've been through 2 generations so far. Haku was my first. He was a baby, tamatchi, obotchi and then a pyonkotchi. Then came Pepsi. He was a baby,kuchitamatchi, hikotchi and then a bunbunitchi (YAY!). I'm so happy with the way Pepsi grew. All my favorite charcters.

I bought a fishing pole and I got 500gp! I'm probably gonna fastforward so the matchmaker comes. I'm hoping for a baby girl, that will turn into a mohitamotchi.



Mar. 20, 2006 (7:15AM)

Hey, sorry I got grounded so I couldn't get on. But that's all over now. Oh on my last post, for the date it should say Mar. instead of Feb..

Ok, Pepsi had a baby that turned into a baby boy, tamatchi, nikatchi, and then a pyonkotchi. He had a baby boy(OMG HOW MANY BOYS IN A ROW?) and I'm going to name him Meeko.

I just bought a lamp and it did nothing! Grrrr...... a waste of 700gp. My friend got 1400gp from him! Oh well I'll get the lamp again.... Oh which reminds me I bought a ticket but I'm saving it for when I go to Florida. I want my tama to have a real vacation!



Mar. 22, 2006 (8:15AM)

Well here I am again! Meeko had a baby boy. Thats my 5th boy in a row. Anyway, I named my new tama Coke. He turned into a ......................................MEMTCHI!!!!




Mar. 24, 2006 (11:09PM)

No School Today!!!! Ok so my memetchi had a girl (FINALLY) named Bara meaning Rose or Flower in Japanese. Her growth was like this: baby, tamatchi, hashitamatchi, and then.......................................



A BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!


