My V3 Log.


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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Welcome to my v3 log. My v3 is a Piro-Iro-Itchi or whatever it's called. A strange glitch happened two days ago. It was very interasting. Click here to read about it on my blog.

Im playign bump while I'm typing this so ddon't get mad if I spell any words wrong. Its hard to do both at the same time... Hi the matchmaker... Hey! You BEAT me! Gr. Wow, It's even harder to type and play get ♪. You have to catch the ♪s and the ♫s.

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Hmm... I might post everything in my blog. Or maybe I'll post it in both. Anyway, My blog is


Okay, Whatever. You allready saw a link to it. My v3 has still not evolved. I can't wait for it to evolve. But that will be in a while.

Yay! 13 view's allready! I diddn't know logs were so popular...

Purple will be the stuff about my log color.

I'm going to get my v4 to marry my v3!


*Get's v4 from bedroom*


My v4 is a mizutamatchi, Still needs to grow a lot untill it becomes an adult.


Yay! My v4 is enrolling in pre-school! Now its done, YAY! GO TO SCHOOL!


My v4 will be going to school many times so I'll play with my v3. Red will be the v3 color.

Hi! These color's look bad togather so here are the new ones:

This is the shared color and the color for the log stuff

This is for my V3.

This is for my V4.

Status: Still asleep.

Status: Still asleep

[COLOUR=Mametchi]It's too hard to do the whole log in color so I might do the log in Mametchi or black.[/color]

That was random.

But I AM going to be doing the whole log in black.

Nothing much has happened with my tamas. I'm waiting for a tama to evolve. Bor-ing!!
