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That was the longest post I've ever done! WOW! Here are Brian's stats:

Name: Brian

Age: 8

Generation: 7

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 53 lb

Training: ////////

Anyway, I've decided I'll just use the fishing pole until it's gone. I'll post later when it is gone! Bye!

tamasrock123 :D

Ok that was quick! Brian used the fishing pole more times before the fishing pole was gone. First and second times, I got cans. However, Brian didn't lose any happy hearts. The third time, I got 700 points, which made Brian happy. WOW! WOW! WOW! So, I guess I actually used that fishing pole 10 TIMES before it went away! I guess I'm going to play Sprint with Brian to lose some weight! BYE!


Yes, well Brian left his baby today! I named the baby Candy. She evolved into a Kutchitamatchi (You know, that thing that kind of looks like a Kutchipatchi) Right now she is sleeping, so I'll post her stats:

Name: Candy

Age: 0 (Aw man...)

Generation: 8 (YAY!)

Gender: Girl (My 7th girl....)

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 19 lb

Training: / (Not enough!)

Ok, I'm not being honest. Brian left yesterday. I set the time to 11:59 PM and waited one minute. Suddenly, the lights were on and Brian was staring at his baby. The baby was still asleep and didn't know a thing. Brian stared at his baby for about 5 minutes before he put on a sad face and went back to his own world. Then, the lights went off and everything was normal. (BTW, the buttons are disabled during this time so don't worry.) I just did this to see what the parent did when it left its baby. Now I know, so I probably won't do that again.... well that's it!

tamasrock123 :)

Well, Candy is now a teenager! She called me for no reason, so I gave her a time out. She lost one happy heart, but that's okay. I have this weird glitch. Read about it!: Isn't it weird? Well anyway, at the shop I bought a genie lamp and three chests. I used the first chest, but Candy turned into the matchmaker! All her hearts were empty, but I fixed that. Then, I used the other chest and I got 3000 points! OH YEAH! I used the genie lamp and got...... NOTHING! The genie didn't even come out! GRRR! The genie lamp was gone after that so I used my chest. That turned Candy into the matchmaker AGAIN! All her hearts were empty so I gave her 4 meals and 4 snacks. It's all fine now. Well that's it! I've got to do my homework so no time to post the stats. BYE!


Ok, so Candy evolved into this weird tama with a smile..... but she's OK. I connected her with my other tama, Dave. They now have 4 smiley faces together! Yay! Anyway, I bought a shovel from the shop and I got a snake. Candy didn't lose a heart, so that's ok. I bought another shovel and I got a tart. Candy ate it and was very happy! So here are Candy's stats:

Name: Candy

Age: 4

Generation: 8

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 37 lb

Training: /////

So there you go. Not much happened. I'm expecting the matchmaker in a few days, but that's pretty much it. BYE!

tamasrock123 :D

When was the last time I posted here??? Anyways, a lot happened. I watched Candy give birth to two baby boys. She had those babies with my V4 tama... (Gross) Candy went back to her home planet today. I kind of miss her (even though she went to bed at 10:00 PM!!!!!!) So then, I named her baby Adam. Right now he's sleeping- no, he woke up! I am at tama town right now. I visited my parents and got a cell phone, and I went to my grandparents and got a bicycle and a plant! I already had a shovel and a genie lamp, so let me use them all.... ok the shovel gave me a snake, which made my baby boy unhappy. I'll fix that later.... the genie lamp... hey look! Adam is crying! There, I praised him and he now has one training bar. Good for him! Ok, so the genie lamp gave me a raincloud. It made Adam lose all of his happy hearts! I played Get with him, so it's all right. With the plant, it turned into a sun, which made Adam happy. Now, here are Adam's stats:

Name: Adam

Age: 0

Generation: 9 (YES!)

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 2 hearts filled (Ok, so I didn't fill them ALL...)

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 14 lb

Training: /

So I'm waiting for Adam to turn into a child! So BUH- BYE!!!


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Yay! Adam evolved into a mohawk child guy. He looks EXACTLY like my V4 tama! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I haven't been here in a LONG TIME! WOW! A lot of things happened.... here we go! Adam turned into a Patatpatachi, and then he turned into a Memetchi! Yay! I think Memetchis are cute...... Right now, Adam is sleeping. He went to sleep at 10:00 yesterday! (Actually, I turned off the lights at 9:40 and he fell asleep!) I hope he'll wake up at 8:00... I used the love potion with my friend's Maskitchi, and they kissed! Awww! They had 4 hearts together, so my friend and I connected our tamas a lot, hoping to get babies. But we didn't. I guess it's because our tamas are only 4 and can't have babies. Well, here are Adam's stats:

Name: Adam

Age: 4

Generation: 9

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 36 lb

Training: ///////

I turned the lights on when Adam was sleeping.... he looked SO CUTE! Well, anyway that's it for now! See ya later!

tamasrock123 :p

Yay! Adam is now 6 years old! I hope the matchmaker comes tomorrow... I want another boy! Right now, Adam is jumping around... anyway, I got a shovel and a genie lamp. The shovel gave me 100 points, which is good. With the genie lamp, I got 1000 points! YAY! The genie lamp was gone after that. Anyways, here are Adam's stats:

Name: Adam

Age: 6

Generation: 9

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 35 lb

Training: ///////

Well then... that's all! See you later!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tamasrock123 :p

AWWW! My Memetchi is doing a close up thing! He looks so cute!!!!!!! I just had to post this because it's SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok then.... that's all.


Yay!!!!!!!!! Adam got a visit from the matchmaker and now has a baby girl! I'm a little disapointed that's it not a boy, but whatever! I'm thinking of names for the baby, and so far, I've suggested Rosa, Rose, or Kiwi... I probably will pick Kiwi. I think Adam might leave his baby either today or tomorrow, I don't know. All I know is that I'm SO going to miss him! Other than that, Adam turned 8 and I'm happy! Anyway, I bought a chest from the store and.... oh hold on.... Adam pooped.... there! I cleaned it up and gave him a scone! It looks cute when Adam feeds his baby! Ok then, back to the chest.... Adam turned into a baby boy!!!!!!! It was weird! All of his hearts were empty, so I had to take care of that. He's all right now! Here are Adam's stats...

Name: Adam

Age: 8

Generation: 9 (Soon to be 10th generation!)

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 32 lb

Training: ///////

Well, that's all for now! BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!

tamasrock123 :mellow:

Well, Adam left today... I'm so sad! The good thing is that I now have his baby girl!!! I named her Kiwi. (I named my V4 Rosa...) Taking care of babies is hard! Right now I have one baby (my V4 is now a toddler.) and it's hard enough! They need food every 5 minutes or so! Oh no! Kiwi is sick!!! There.... I gave her medicine so she's happy again. Ok so here are her stats....

Name: Kiwi

Age: 0 (Awww...)

Generation: 10 (YES! GO ME, GO ME....)

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled (Must feed her bread)

Weight: 9 lb

Training: NOTHING (Aw man!)

So that's all for now! I'll post when Kiwi evolves into a toddler.... but in the meantime, I'll just feed Kiwi bread.... so BYE!

tamasrock123 ;)

Yay! Kiwi evolved into a Kutchitamatchi! (A young version of Kutchipatchi.) I'm so happy! Plus, Kiwi cried, so I gave her a praise and now she has one training bar! YAY ME!!!!!!!! Well that's all!!!!!


Sorry I couldn't post for awhile... I was in New York! Anyway, here's some news on my tama... Kiwi turned 4 years old! She has gotten a lot older while I was gone. Plus, Kiwi evolved TWO TIMES! First, she evolved into a young Mimitchi, then she evolved into a Bunbuntchi! She looks really cute... Some more good news... Kiwi gained EIGHT MORE TRAINING BARS! Now she has a full training bar! YAY!!!! So... yeah. I'm expecting the matchmaker to come tomorrow, or the next day... or the next day... or even the next day! I don't know! Now that was the important news... here are some more news.... I bought a plant and shovel from the shop... with the plant, it made my tama unhappy. The plant turned into a venus fly trap or something, and it made my tama cry. The good thing is that Kiwi only lost one happy heart. When I used the shovel, I got a snake! It also made my tama cry, and therefore, I lost ANOTHER happy heart. But it's all right now... I fed her two snacks and played Bump, so it's all good. Well, now that that is done, here are Kiwi's stats:

Name: Kiwi

Age: 4

Generation: 10

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 3 hearts filled (oops!)

Hungry: 3 hearts filles (double oops!)

Weight: 37 lb

Training: ///////// (YAY!!!!)

Well, that's all I have to say now! SEE YA!!!


YAY! Here's some good news... the matchmaker came! Kiwi now has a cute, little baby girl! Woo hoo! Anyway... yeah. I don't have any plants or shovels, which is unusual. Ok then... here is Kiwi's stats...

Name: Kiwi

Age: 7

Generation: 10

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled (I'll fix that...)

Weight: 41 lb

Training: /////////

So... yeah. That's all for now!!!!!!!!!! BUH BYE!


I'll post my stats tooo!

I felt that ushouldn't be the only one who's posting ur tama stats so...

I decided i should post mine 2! :unsure: :unsure: <_< :) :mellow:


Name:Robo(pronounced rob-o)







Points:190(i bought the bow so that led me up to 190tgps)





(Oh yeah! :wacko: )Training:////


My tama is gonna be on the 2nd generation so...ill give u those stats next time!

~ravey~☺☻♥♥♥♥♥♥~ravey~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My tama got married i have a baby boy!YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!♦♦♣♣♠♠••◘◘○○☺☺☻☻♥♥

I'm sorry ravey, but you're not supposed to post in other people's tama logs. However, if you want to post your tama's stats, you can make your own log! So anyway, I no longer have Kiwi! Kiwi's little girl is my tama now! I named her Susie. She's now an adult.... let me tell you what Susie evolved into. First she was a little baby... then she was a little marshmallow (I don't know the name...).... then she was a nikatchi... and now she's a maskitchi! You know, I've heard that a Maskitchi and a nikacthi are bad characters.... but oh well! The matchmaker came to Susie today! She got a little boy!!!!! He's soooo cute! Anyways... on to the stats now!!!!

Name: Susie

Age: 7

Generation: 11 (OH YEAH!!!)

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 61 lb

Training: //// (Err.....)

Well, that's all for now! I'll TRY to post some more tomorrow! I can't guarantee you I'll do that! I'm going to a party... BYE!


Let's see... Susie went away! BOO- HOO!!!!!! The good thing is, she left me a cute baby boy. Also.... I'M ON MY 12th GENERATION!!!!! AHHHHHHH! I named my baby boy Bob. Bob evolved 3 times. First, he was that marshmallow guy. It was weird, because I left Bob alone when he was a baby for about 15 minutes! When I remembered to check on it, he pooped three times, had ALL empty hearts, was sick, and it evolved into that marshmallow guy. Oops... I guess it was my bad! Anyways, after all that... he evolved into a ducky guy... TODAY, he evolved into.... BILL!!!! I was so suprised when Bob evolved! It's kinda weird... my tama is a Bill named Bob. So, here are Bob's stats:

Name: Bob

Age: 4

Generation: 12 (WOOT!!!)

Gender: Boy

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled

Weight: 31 lb

Training: ////// (Um....)

So... now I'm off to give Bill sushi! BYE!!!!!!!

tamasrock123 :mimitchi:
