My V4.5 is glitching up alot......


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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California USA
OK, my v4.5 is on the 3rd gen, I took a hike with it, and the screen kept going blank, one of my freinds was on the hike also, and she was having the same problem, we though it was the sun because once we got to the boat ( we slept on a big boat) the screen stopped blanking out, but this morning it did it again, and it was also making this 'whiring' sound, I just re-set downloaded it and it's fine, has anyone else had the problem?

no. That's wierd! I would say its a glitch, but since your friend had it too.....

Maybe it's from the sun?

Maybe your battery is low. Get a new battery, and try it out. If it is still blank, then your V4.5 is probably a fake.
It's not, I know that for a fact, it had the BanDai logo on the package and works fine with other tamas, and like I said my friends tama was doing the same thing, so i think it was the sun, and I havn't see the battery sign flash on the screen yet....Oh well, thanks people ^_^ .

could be a weird happening of earth's magnetic feilds interfering of some such. Or it sounds like it could be air pressure too.

it might be wise to keep it in a relatively controlled environment in the future :D

the same thing happened today to me. i was just going for a walk and then it started going blank. today is super hot out so i think it could be the sun or the heat. no worries mine works fine now

Maybe it had bad connection where you where so it kept goin all blank :D

I'm getting my 4.5 today!!!! :D :D :)

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On the Tamagotchi instuctions it said:Do not exspose to extreme heat.Probably that's the problem.

One of your battery clips is loose. It happened to me and i pressed all the battery clips lightly and it was fine. Sorry about your tama and I hope this helps

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