My V4 (and a V3!) log!


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
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Ohio, United States of America
I just found out today you can make a Tamagotchi Log! Well i've had my V4s for a while; actually I bought 3 V4s last weekend and the other 2 i've had for almost a month. Well here are my V4 stats today!

1.) Version: V4

Gender: Boy

Name: Jake

Age: 3

Weight: 31 lbs.

Generation: 2

Skill Points: a. Pencil-10

b. Star-16

c. Flower-27

Happiness: 4/4

Hunger: 4/4

Character: Zukyutchi

GP: 21270

2.) Version: V4

Gender: Boy

Name: Jack

Age: 3

Weight: 33 lbs.

Generation: 2

Skill Points: a. Pencil-22

b. Star-14

c. Flower-16

Happiness: 4/4

Hunger: 4/4

Character: Pyontitchi

GP: 16461

3.) Version: V4

Gender: Girl

Name: Lexi

Age: 3

Weight: 32 lbs.

Generation: 1

Skill Points: a. Pencil-15

b. Star-12

c. Flower-26

Happiness: 4/4

Hunger: 4/4

Character: Pyonkotchi

GP: 2200

4.) Version: V4

Gender: Girl

Name: Abbie

Age: 3

Weight: 32 lbs.

Generation: 1

Skill Points: a. Pencil-12

b. Star-17

c. Flower-11

Happiness: 4/4

Hunger: 4/4

Character: Pyonkotchi

GP: 13900

5.) Version: V4

Gender: Girl

Name: Chloe

Age: 3

Weight: 29 lbs.

Generation: 1

Skill Points: a. Pencil-8

b. Star-8

c. Flower-23

Happiness: 4/4

Hunger: 4/4

Character: Yattatchi

GP: 12760

6.) Version: V3

Gender: Girl

Name: Mia

Age: 5

Weight: 38 lbs.

Generation: 1

Happiness: 4/4

Hunger: 4/4

Character: Billotchi

GP: 277

Well those are my tamagotchis! Now for how they're doing!

Right now my V4s are taking a bath (entertaining themselves)! It's so cute! :rolleyes: All of my tamagotchis, including my V3, are all happy and not hungry. They are all in front of me right now too. Well today I used the Honey (Love potion) with 2 of my tamas (Jack and Lexi) and they now have 4 hearts! I keep connecting them so they can have babies! I also used the Honey with 2 other tamas (Jake and Chloe) and now they have 4 hearts! Well i'll keep posting each day (hopefully!) t let you know how my tamas are doing! :pochitchi:

Today my tamas are doing really good! Jack got a souvenir from the king! It was a scepter! I'm trying to get Jack and Lexi to have a baby still. And i'm also still trying to get Jake and Chloe to have a baby. I'm going to connect them right now! Ok I just connected them! Chloe gave Jake a flower, and Jack gave Lexi an ice cream cone! ;) I wonder if the matchmaker will come for Mia today... :) I hope she does! Well i'll keep posting to keep this updated! Bye for now!

Sorry I haven't been updating for a long time! But here's how my tamas are doing!

My V3 (Mia) had a baby about 2-3 days ago! The Match Maker came and it showed a Kutchipatchi. Then it said "Love" or something else but I forget what. :D I chose love because Mia is a Billotchi and looks kind of like a Kutchipatchi! :p Well Mia hasn't left the baby yet, but I think she will tonight.

Now for my V4s!

The first time I posted, my tamas were adults. But they had babies! Jack and Lexi had a baby (actually 2 but one went to the dad and one stayed with the mom), and Jake and Chloe had a baby! They left the babies 2-3 days ago and 2 of the babies were boys and 2 were girls. The new babies are Max (son of Jake), Daisy (daughter of Lexi), Kyle (son of Chloe), and Emma (daughter of Jack). They're all doing very well! They evolved into teens today too! Max is a Hinotamatchi, Daisy is a Young Memetchi, Kyle is a Young Mametchi, and Emma is a Ringotchi. I wish they could go to school! They're still in pre-school! :( I can't earn skill points right now because of that either! But when I go to the pre-school, the teacher says something like "It's so good to see you! You have grown so much! Please come back to visit us soon!" I should be able to go to the regular school now! :) :D

OMG!!!!!! :( :eek: Emma just got mail from the King!!!! It was a Chest!!! It gave her points! :D :D YAY!!!

Please PM me if you have any questions or comments about my tamas! Or anything else you want to talk about! :lol:

My tamas are doing great! :lol: My V3, Mia, left her baby girl the other night! The baby is Kiki. She's a Mitzutamatchi, she's a year old, she's 21lbs., generation 2, a girl, and is happy and not hungry. :lol:

I'm trying to get Kyle(V4) to be a Mametchi! He's a Young Mametchi right now! I think i'm on the right track to get a Mametchi! ;) I hope so! :)

Here's the points that my tamas have:

~Max has 7650p, Emma has 4321p, Kyle has 5797p, Daisy has 17530p, and Abbie has 21080p. Those are my V4s. My V3, Kiki, has 777p.


Sunday is Easter! Yay! :D This will be all of my tamas' first Easter! (Sorry if that didn't make sense! lol :mellow: ) I hope I get another Tamagotchi for Easter! That would be so cool! But I also want my electric scooter! It broke last summer and now my neighbor is fixing it! I'm so happy! :D :D

Well I should go to bed now! It's 10:16pm (where I live). And tomorrow we're coloring Easter Eggs! :D :wacko: :ph34r: Bye!

Nooooo!!!!!!! :eek: Instead of a Mametchi I got a Zukyutchi!!!! :D :D I REALLY wanted a Mametchi!!! Well i'll try to get it on my other V4 that's a toddler right now. This time i'll take it to pre-school, then when it's old enough i'll take it to the regular school. Then when it's a teen, hopefully I get the mail to pick a teacher. And hopefully it's a Young Mametchi when it's a teen!

On my V3, i'm trying to get a Kutchipatchi! I think it's a Young Kutchipatchi right now! :D
