My V4 Log


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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2007
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I got my V4 yesterday, and i got the Ichigotchi charm thing to go with it, mainly because Ichigotchi is uber kawaii, strawberrys pwn, and Ichigo from Bleach is teh hott. Well, i opened my Tama and my username on it is YUI, because she is one of my fav japanese singers. Well, my tamagotchi hatched into a cute little baby girl. I named her Yumi, because i seem to like names starting with Y. She evolved later into a Puchitchi, and today was her first day at pre-school! She loves dancing with the teacher, but see often messes up. I'll update when she evolves into a teen today!


Stay tunned for more stuff!

A min ago Yumi got mail and it was a robber. he stole 300p D: Yumi won the jump rope game all the way and got 400p, though :lol:

tama town isn't working, i would go on if it was, but its not so i can't &gt;_&lt;

Yumi just got a pile of poop in the mail so now i have to play games with her because i don't want her to get fat :rolleyes:

I just filled Yumi's hearts full agian, and now i'm pretty much waiting for her to evolve into a teen.

I just changed the time because i wanted to play a game with it but it was asleep, so after the game and i took it to school, then it evolved! It is now a Young Memetchi!

Yumi woke up before me! Such a cutie. She got her fortune cookie mail, two stars in everything. hmm... Well, Yumi graduated from kindergarden!She got accepted into school, and chose ms flower as her teacher. I sent her to school and she didn't get the skill points twice, but the third time she did ;)

Check back later for more updates!

I took my Tamagotchi with me in the bathroom, alot happened o_O

ok, she got mail, it was poop, so she got mad, so i had to raise her happiness. Then i went into the shop and they had TWO chests. TWO. i bought both of them, and opened the first one. 500p. not bad. I open the second one, it turns poor Yumi into an old lady ;)

She turns back, but is very mad, so i raise her happiness agian. I won jump rope all the way, when i wasn't trying to! What a crazy moment that was o_O

Poor Yumi got a snake in the mail ;_; I had to raise her happiness agian. WHY MUST LIFE BE SO CRUEL TO HER!?

Today Yumi woke up. She got three stars in fortune cookie mail for the money bag! I wonder what will happen? Oh, and she was brushing her teeth! She was SOOOOO cute!

Yumi was crying! I quickly praised her, and everything was good. Her training bar is almost full now!

The king came and left a chest, but it turned Yumi into a baby! now she's mad. Gotta make her happy! bye!

So much happened at school! Yumi evolved into a ;) abit after waking up! I was so surprised she evolved! Anyway, alot of my friends and me connected our tamagotchis during class, risky, i know, but we just put it on clock mode when the teacher passed by. The king came, too! He gave me makeup. This was during lunch. I don't have the mirror yet, so i cant use it untill i get it. :rolleyes:

Anyway, i got home, and Yumi found a RC helicopter in the shop! i bought it, and Yumi loves it ;)

sorry for not updating much ;_;

anyway, Yumi got a job a few days ago, She's a baker. Today she turned 6, so i went ahead and made the matchmaker come during recess. Yumi's baby is a girl, and i'm going ot name her Sen. My other tamagotchi has a baby too! Its also a girl, I'' probably name her Ren.
