My V4 Tama Log!


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Jun 13, 2011
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Hi! Welcome to my tama log!

Early this morning, I was thinking about my old tamagotchis when I realized just how much I missed playing with the little guys. They were so cute and fun, and they would always make me smile :) So, I decided to start my V4 up again. After some digging through my desk drawer and replacing the battery, I heard that familiar beeep! A new, tiny baby boy was born!! I named him Peeta, which I thought was a cute name :) It's also from a book I was reading, where Peeta is the name of the bakers son. I thought it fit because his dad was a baker too! He is the son of my old tama Sammy, and the grandson of my even older tama, Aero. And this time, I vow not to give up on him! :D


He was crying his little eyes out, begging for attention! I quickly fed him and played a game of jump rope with him ( we won :) ) And then he was happy and full, if only for a moment, and bouncing around on his screen. Yup, now I'm sure I made the right decision about starting him up again :D He actually just woke up from a nap, and I have to go take care of him now, but I'll make sure to update when he evolves!



sweettooth125 and Peeta

My little Peeta evolved!! He's an adorable little Mizutamatchi now! I'm actually pretty happy, cause he was a handful as a baby! He ate a lot, and pooped even more haha! One time he cried, so I praised him. I think he was missing his daddy. All that work was worth it though! I'm going to put in the effort to raise a wonderful little tama, not a lazy old fat one like I used to have when I first got my tamagotchis ^_^ He's just bouncing around on his little screen right now, making little faces haha :p I have to go to my little brother's baseball game soon, and I'm going to take Peeta with me. talk to you guys later!



sweettooth125 and Peeta

Good Morning everyone! So yesterday, while me and Peeta were watching some baseball, we got a letter from the preschool teacher. Peeta was excited! She showed us around the school, and gave him his own little backpack. And there I was thinking, two hours ago he wasn't even born yet! oh, they grow up so fast!! :( Well, besides that, nothing new has happened with Peeta. He's been getting a lot of mail, but it's been hate mail. Someone sent him poop like, four different times! Yeah, we've been getting pretty frustrated. I mean, if someone has a problem with him, they don't have to give him poop! Its pretty gross, haha! :p

I'll post his stats now, so you all can see how I've really been putting the effort in to make him a great tama!

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 3 bars

Pencil: 9 points

Sparkle: 17 points

Flower: 9 points

0 years

13 lbs


8th gen

Points: 9,680


Ok, we'll update later!!



Sweettooth125 and Peeta

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Hey all! Guess who's evolved??? Yup, Peeta did!! :D And guess what he is?? I'll give you a hint: It's the opposite of what he was as a toddler. When he was a toddler, he was a little water drop. But now, he's the fire ball guy!!!! YEAH!! :D I'm soooo happy he's not a universal teen! I used to ALWAYS get those, but i guess it was kind of my fault. I neglected them haha :p But I will not do that to Peeta!!!! He got invited to go to real school, too, and he chose Mr. Turtle. We went to school over and over this afternoon. Now he's asleep though, warm and in my jacket pocket. What a sweetie ^_^



Sweettooth125 and Peeta


P.S. Thanks to Violetchilluvr3 for the message! She has a pretty awesome log! And she figured out where my little Peeta's name is from :D

What's up readers? How are you all this afternoon? Well, I can tell you I'm pretty tired of this weather. It's been windy and raining outside for almost two full days now :( Ugh. But, on the bright side, it's given me lots of time to spend with my little Peeta! I've been playing TONS of games with him and going to school over and over again. I even drew a picture of him :D And this morning, when I woke up, I looked at his screen and he had evolved! I had only woken up 20 minutes after he did! Anyway, he's a Tosakatchi now ^_^ yup, my little Peeta's now an adult! He hasn't gotten a job offer yet, but when he does, I'll let you guys know right away!!!


Love, Sweettooth125 and Peeta (the Tosakatchi) :D


P.S. Do you guys think I should start up my other v4? I haven't yet because I haven't had any batteries, but my dad just went to the store and bought some. He needed them for the garage opener, but I guess they're the same kind tamagotchis use! Maybe Peeta needs a little buddy! But, I'm not sure :unsure: should I?

Peeta got a job about an hour ago :) When we got the (!) in the mail, I was so excited! He got the choice between being a Baker, an Amusement Park worker, a Banker, an Actor, and a Teacher. He took a minute to decide, but he finally chose to be a doctor :D It was close though. Being a banker was our second choice, and being a baker just like his daddy was our third. But all that going to school must have payed off because they gave him three circles right away! So it's Dr. Peeta now! haha, I think it's cute ;) He said he wanted to help others and make them feel better when they were sick! Aw, bless him :) And then the king even came to give him his medical case!! It was pretty exciting! But he went to sleep soon after wards, so I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow to start work. I promised to pack him a special lunch and dessert for the long day of doctor work though!



Sweettooth125 and Dr. Peeta!

Hey! Just Peeta and me here! So today, Peeta got to watch my soccer game! I didn't want to pause him, because of my whole good tama parent thing, so he got to stay unpaused while I played. He was in my bag the whole time though, and I checked on him a few times just to make sure he didn't die or get sick. Then afterwards, we went to Sonic. I ate a corndog, and I gave him a hotdog and a Sundae just because I love him :D And I thought I should tell you all this because it was basically the highlight of our day haha. Nothing very interesting happened at all. When I woke up, I went right to play with him. We went to work a TON of times, and then played with some of the items that I have. He's really good at balancing on the ball! :D :D :D


Here's his stats:

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 8 bars (SOOOO CLOSE TO FULL!!! DANG! :angry: )

Pencil: 149 points

Sparkle: 22 points

Flower: 37 points

5 years

21 lbs


8th gen

Points: 8,540


He turned five years old tonight! Maybe that means we'll get the matchmaker soon! I hope he marries someone pretty and sweet and funny, just like he is! And if he has a little baby, Im kind of hoping its a girl :) I mean, I'll love the baby no matter what gender it is, but a little girl would be awesome!! I've had boys for three generations in a row!!! But either way, I know Peeta would be a great father :) :)


Look at me, going on about something that hasn't even happened yet! You know the saying, "Don't count your chicks before they hatch"! I should really learn to just shut my mouth and not get everyone's hopes up. Anyway, we'll update when I wake up! And we'll see if anything interesting happens tomorrow ;)


much love,

Sweettooth125 and Peeta

Hi everyone! So, I'm sorry to say that nothing new happened today. Peeta and I played some games and went to tamatown, where we got about 9,000 coins :D :D But no matchmaker came today :( I guess it's better to wait anyway, though, because I do love my little Peeta, and this way, he won't have to leave as soon. He turned six tonight though, so maybe something tomorrow?? We'll let you all know what happens!



Sweettooth125 and Peeta

OMG! Exciting news!!!! And I bet you can guess what it is, right? ;) So let me tell you a story, a love story :wub:


Once upon a time, there lived a girl who loved playing with her tamagotchis. She had a very special tama that she was running named Peeta. Peeta was a Tosakatchi, and a very smart one at that ^_^ He used his intelligent brain to help others. He was a doctor, and when anybody got sick, he would do his best to make them feel better. This had made him happy for some time now. But lately, Peeta had begun to get older and wanted something more with his life. He wanted to meet a pretty girl and fall in love, and maybe even have his own baby. This dream had seemed a little, well, far off for Peeta because he didn't know very many other tamas. But early this morning, he got a suprise! He had a visit from the matchmaker, who could help all of his dreams come true. He just had to beep in order to let the girl know all of this. Well, the girl was ecstatic to see the matchmaker on the screen. After she pressed a button, the matchmaker went away and brought back a very very lovely mimitchi :mimitchi: She was pretty, smart, and kind! And you could just tell the second Peeta layed his eyes on her that it was true love :D They got married, and fireworks boomed across the screen! And before you know it, bobbing around next to Peeta, was a precious baby................ GIRL! :D :D Both Peeta and the girl were very happy with the days events, and just had to run on to tamatalk to tell everyone!


Pretty good story, huh? ;) Well I am just soooooooo happy!!! We haven't decided on a name yet, but if anyone has any ideas, let us know!!


much love,

Sweettooth125, Peeta, and an adorable baby girl ^_^

hey everyone! So Peeta and I have decided on a name for the little girl, but have decided to keep it a secret!! If you want to guess though, feel free ;) Shes been so cute!!! I have absolutely loved watching her next to her daddy, doing what he does! I think Peeta just might leave tonight, back to tamatown, which makes me EXTREMELY sad :( I love my little Peeta! But, hey, at least I can always look back to this log and remember him. That's part of the reason I wanted to log about my tamas, because even though they might not always be with me, they'll be remembered here forever! And now his little girl will be raised and remembered here too :)


The king came today, and gave Peeta 2,000 coins! :eek: Peeta has been working really hard and saving up his money, so that his little girl will have some extra for the beginning of her life. And, in the shop today, we saw some milk for sale. I remembered that this was a baby tama's favorite food, so we bought it and are saving it just for her! I'm going to feed it to little (insert mystery name here) after Peeta leaves, to cheer her up a bit :D


So, I guess if Peeta leaves tonight, this will be my last post ever about him! :( :( :( I dedicate this post to you Peeta, the smart doctor and loving father of a cute baby girl.


Much love,

Sweettooth125, Peeta, and his little girl


P.S. thanks everyone for the 105 views!! You all rock, ya know that?? :D

Good Morning! When I woke up this morning, I saw Peeta's little girl all alone and crying on the screen! So I guess he did leave last night, while both of us were fast asleep... :( Anyway, I quickly named her and fed her the milk we had been saving just for her! Do you want to know what her name is? Of course you do!!! Her name is Avery ^_^ She's a handfull, just like her daddy was! But that's ok, because she's worth it! The milk only filled up one of her hunger hearts and two of her happy hearts, so after her milk I fed her some cereal, bread, and cherries. Then we played a game of jumprope but only got to 24 juumps.


This is what her stats look like so far:

Hungry: *** (oh no, better fix that!)

Happy: ****

Training: 0 bars

Pencil: 2 points

Sparkle: 3 points

Flower: 1 points

0 years

9 lbs


9th gen

Points: 9,090


I'll update you all when she evolves!!!



Sweettooth125 and Avery ^_^


P.S. This post is pink, as in girl :D :D

Hey! Avery evolved into a Puchitchi!! It's the black and white one that always reminds me of a panda, but I don't know why, because it doesn't really look like one! :p She should get into preschool soon, so we'll update when that happens!



Sweettooth125 and Avery

Hey all! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had a sleepover and then WATERWORLD!!! But it was the first time so far that I've had to actually pause Avery :( Sorry Avery!! I just unpaused her this morning.


Well, about an hour ago, she got her invitation to go to preschool! She was so excited!! What a cutie ^_^ We've been going to preschool every so often and she loves it. Sometimes though, she messes up on the songs and gets frustrated..


Here are her stats so far:

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 5 bars

Pencil: 12 points

Sparkle: 11 points

Flower: 2 points (why is it so low compared to the others? hmm)

0 years

15 lbs


9th gen

Points: 7,400


Im thinking its pretty good!! Well, we'll update later today, I promise!! I have to make up for not posting yesterday!!!! ;)



Sweettooth125 and Avery

Hello everyone! Avery evolved this morning!!! She's a Ringotchi and she's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!! That's the little apple one!! And she's going to real school now. We chose Mr. Canvas as her teacher, but after I got online and looked up a character chart, I wasn't so sure I was happy with that decision. I should have picked mr. turtle so she could be a mimitchi just like her mama :) But maybe if I play enough games of shape, it will cancel the flower points out with the pencil points, if that makes sense :/


Also, I have a confession to make. Yesterday, something VERY SCARY happened! So I was sitting on the couch, watching tv and playing games with Avery, when my older brother came home from work. He had just gotten his paycheck, and he offered to take us all out to get frozen yogurt! Now, this is an extremely rare occasion!! So, I left for frozen yogurt and forgot all about my little Avery. When we get back, I sit down at the computer and heard this strange beeping. Right then, it hits me. AVERY!!! I go running to the couch and grab her! My poor little Avery was very sick with three poops next to her and all of her hearts were gone. Crap! So I gave her two doses of medicine and celaned up her poops. Then I fed her and played some flag to fill up her hearts. I felt sooooo bad that I just had to give her a Sundae, her favorite food, to make up for it. I know, I'm terrible! I had been doing so good until now! :angry: But I won't let it happpen ever again. I love my little Averyyy!!


But at least, besides that heart attack, I have been doing really well taking care of her. I have to get off the computer now, though! So bye everyone!



Sweettooth125 and Avery

Hola tamatalkers! So, I have EXTREMELY exciting news! My little Avery evolved this evening!!!!! Into a mimitchi!!!!!! Just like her mama! YEAH!! :D she looks like this :mimitchi: She is SOOOOO adorable! I have to figure out how to post pictures and then I can show you all :) :) I guess all those games of shape did end up canceling out her schooling haha. I seriously played a game of shape with her every five minutes ALL DAY LONG. She should get a job offer sometime tomorrow, so we'll see just how prepared I can make her :D


mucho amor,

Sweettooth125 and Avery :mimitchi:

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