my v5 tamas


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;) I got my tamas a few days ago, so i'll have to start at childhood, but i have got a sakuramotchi and an ahirukutchi. they are very well behaved and they have skill points of 20. they will evolve tomorrow! hopefully something good!

best wishes,

andro crazy :rolleyes:

yay! my tamas grew! i got a CHAMAMETCHI, yes, a CHAMAMETCHI and a boring old mamekatchi. my friend gets him all the time. their skill points went up today, and i am sure i am close to a 40, so my tamas can learn another action!

speak to you soon,

:puroperatchi: andro crazy! :marumimitchi:

just a quick update, my tama has got skill points of fifty.

also, if anyone knows ANYTHING about Mumutchi or how to get it, plz PM ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

speak to you soon,

:p andro crazy! :)

another quickie, it's my tomorrow so i will not be on, then on friday, i've got my party, so i won't be on then either. my tamas will grow tomorrow most probably, so i'll update you on saturday hopefully

speak to you when i'm a terrible teen,

:p andro crazy! ;)


I did manage to sneak on, some of my teachers were on strike, so i got home early! yay! anyway, my tamas have evolved, i've got a violetchi :furawatchi: and a furikotchi, the clock thing. and, as if that wasn't enough, i got the skill points up to 60!

speak to you soon,

:wacko: andro crazy! :wacko:

:mimitchi: as it was my party yesterday, i wasn't able to get on. so here is the news;

thursday (my

violet and furi got up to 100per cent bondage, on my!

friday (my party)

not much, the bondage kept slipping down though, i had to go to the toilets to get them up to 100bonds again.

today (saturday)

my violet visited the match maker, and fell in love with a sunnytchi!

then i got 1 tama :( it turned into a iwatchi though! :D :D

at the moment though, i've got a hoshitchi! :D :D :D :D :D

i went shopping earlier and got another tamagotchi, pm me and tell me if you think i should add it to this log or make another log for it.

speak to you soon,

;) andro crazy! :D :D

o.k, today today was really wierd! hoshi was ment to evolve at the same time as my two other tamas, but it was exactly 2 hours earlier than the other 2! :D :D :D anyway, as i said, he evolved and now i've got a mikazukitchi, i think i spelt it right! ;) :D

skill points have gone up to 50%, and i'm aiming for 60% by the end of the evening. :D

speak to you soon,

:eek: andro crazy :angry: :angry:

sorry i haven't updated in ages, i've got an adult already and i've forgotten the name of the space family teenager! :( any way, i've got a sunnytchi! yay! ;) :D

thats it for now!

speak to you soon,

;) andro crazy! :D

psst, hi, my names sunny, i'm andro crazy's sunnytchi! i think that i should do some talking for once. I got left at home today, Andro was to busy running round, getting ready for school! :( he forgot me! speak of the devil.

better go, don't want andro catching me on his computer!


speak to you soon,

;) sunny :D

tee hee!

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sunny! what did i say about surfing the net while i wasn't here?!

tee hee, i like it when you say 'surf the net', it sounds funny!

do you think that i say it just to sound funny?

no, sorry daddy.=sobs=

thats ok, just talk when i'm around, and i didn't leave you here on purpose, did i?




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hi again!

hi again!

nothing happened today. :D

nothing happened today :p

why are you so happy?

you said that i could marry makiko! thats andro's other tama!

yes, tomorrow after school we will see the match maker, if there is no-one you like, then we will let you marry either makiko or my other sunny.

can't wait until tomorrow!

me neither, you'll be a daddy!


see you soon,

:lol: andro crazy! :)

see you soon,

:p sunny! :p

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these are my new babies sunny gave me!

say hi, daisy!


daisy will write in red. she is a tororotchi.

say hi, jack!


jack will write in blue. he is a mattaritchi. he is a little bit shy! :ichigotchi:

say hi, rose!


rose will write in orange. she is a sakuramotchi.

as you can see, i have got 3 characters back! :(

speak to you soon,

:) andro crazy! :D

hi, 2 things my tamas want to say.


andro didn't let me marry makiko! waaaaaaaa

yeah, you prefered hotteatchi, who we call hot tea!

i suppose hot tea is nice though.

i'm more than nice!

is that it, sunny?

NO! can i change my name to plane now i'm a planetchi?

you don't change your name once you've been given one, and you'll remember being a sunnytchi!

ok daddy!


jack wants to say hi!


well, jack?

....hi! (runs off!)

bye then jack.

thats all for now,

speak to you soon,

:ichigotchi: andro crazy! :)


howdy, i'm a cowgirl!



this morning, my tamas evolved!

i'm a ichigotchi!

....i'm a bakutchi!.....

and i'm a shelltchi!

at the moment, i'm aiming for a meme family, so i want a memetchi, mumutchi and a hotteatchi! at the moment i should get those characters! :angry:

i wanna be a memetchi!

hotteatchi here!


yes, jack you're on you're way to being a mumutchi!


who will use the dating show or marry one of your other tamagotchis?

well, at the moment, i would like jack to, but if you turn into a mametchi, i may change my mind.


speak to you soon,

;) andro crazy, daisy, rose and jack! :angry:




say something jack!

...why are we on the computer? andro said we couldn't go on without him!

andro says, andro says

what if andro sees us?

we say we're going to tamatown!

what if mummy or daddy sees?

what if mummy sees what... off the computer! wait until i tell andro!

...not my idea!...-waaaaa-

mine neither!

i didn't think it up by myself!

ok, i won't tell andro, just don't do it again.

ok mummy, sorry!

thats ok.

speak to you soon,

:( hot tea, jack, daisy and daisy :eek:

WICKED i got to the second page of my log!

i heard about my tamas causing havoc, you should of told me hot tea!

sorry andro!

thats ok.




thanks guys! it good to say sorry?...

yes, of course it is, it means you know that you have done something wrong and you want to make it better.


thats ok, jack!

sorry sorry sorry!

thats enough, jack!


better leave the story here until next time and hopefully there will be less sorries!

speak to you soon,

:( andro crazy! rose! daisy! sorry! :eek:





sorry, jack is still going on about sorry!

sorry andro!

anyway, my tamas grew yesterday, not the best i suppose.

daisy, tell everyone who you are!

well, i was a watatchi, but andro gave me the girls dresser, so now i'm a makiko!


i'm a lovezukintchi!

and jack!

waaa, sorry! waaaaaa

he turned into a uhyotchi.


he wanted to be a mumutchi, but i promised that he could marry my makiko on my other tamagotchi tomorrow morning. her name is shelly.

sadly though, this might be the last letter from sunny and hot tea!



say goodbye. :huh:

bye :huh:

bye :p

bye you guys! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

you sort of get the picture of how sad i am!

speak to you soon,

:angry: andro crazy, rose! daisy! sorry! :D

p.s we also say goodbye to rose and daisy, they will go with their parents back to tamatown and will be missed by everyone!





bye mummy, daddy, rose and daisy!

be good son!

yes daddy!

(all)BYE -waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-








this is me, jack, shelly and the kids!

yesterday, as i promised, jack married shelly!

there was all the crying and all that, but jack, who is now a memepapatchi, and shelly, who is a majorite, had three babies.

the first one is called Zoe!

say hello!


she was a omututchi, then she turned into belltchi!


next, we have Aaron!

say hi!


(just pm me if you cant read the yellow, so i can change it!)

he too was a omututchi! he then grew into a ahirukutchi!

thats me!

finally, we have leanne!


she, like her father is a little bit shy!

she was a futabatchi, but then she evolved into a tororotchi!


and finally, jack, who is no longer shy, no longer says sorry is going to introduce shelly!

thanks andro!

this is shelly! she is a majorite!

yo! whats up!

she is the reason i am no longer shy!

ok, thanks jack!

speak to you soon,

:eek: andro crazy! jack! shelly! zoe! aaron! ................! :)


it's peaceful, the tamas are doing animations!

their all raiding the fridge.

anyway, zoe evolved into an ichigotchi yesterday,

aaron is a bakutchi

and leanne is a chamametchi!

i hope leanne turns into a onputchi,

aaron a mumutchi! :D

and leanne a violetchi!

then, bonding will go up to 100%, and violetchi will marry a sukatchi!


this will work!

speak to you soon,

:blink: andro crazy! :)
