*~*My Version 4 Log*~*


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Baby Pink

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hello and welcome to my log about my Version 4! Inside, I shall write about all of the events my Tamagotchi does. :huh: I hope you enjoy my log! This is what my Version 4 looks like: https://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000...SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg<---Click there! Nice huh? :huh:

Ok, here we go. I pressed reset. I just need to set the time and stuff. :huh:

I'm waiting for it to hatch now! Yey! I wish it would hurry up though, lol. :huh:

It hatched! And it's a girl! Yes! Aww, man. Now what should I call her? I know! I'll call her Tammy! Yes, I love it!

I need to feed her, so I think I'll give her some sushi! Ok, now her happy needs to go up, instead of feeding her a snack, I'll play some Jumping Rope with Tammy. I hope she likes that game! Ok, here we go.

All right! Tammy won the whole thing! She jumped over the rope 30 times and she got 400p! I am so proud of her! :D

I'll write when she does something good, but for now, bye bye!

P.S. Please don't post here, but PM me instead! Thank you. :huh:

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I played a few more games of Jumping Rope with Tammy, and then she went to have a nap. I have decided to take her to Tama Town after she wakes up! I really hope she likes it there, it seems like a nice place! Anways, just to let ya know, I will allow Tammy to write in this log when she is a child, so I hope you'll be looking forward to it! Lol. :D Hey, she's woken up! :huh:

I need to go to Tama Town know, see you later! :huh:

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We are back from Tama Town! Tammy really liked it there! She can't talk yet (when she is a child she will be able to!) but I'm sure she liked it! She got a Passport and some candy! Also, she won 5000p! 5000 Gotchi Points! Thats loads! I needed to praise her too. :lol:

Here are her stats:

Name: Tammy

Age: 0 yrs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1 g

Weight: 12 lbs

Training: [| ]

Hungry: ***

Happy: ****

Pencil: 10

Star: 0

Flower: 5

Points: 6200p

Bye for now! :)

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The good news is that Tammy evolved into a child! Yey! I am so happy for her. <_<

The bad news is that the lights went out for bed straight after, so I couldn't see what character she is.

However, I did get a little peek...I think she is either a Puchitchi or a Harutchi, so I will tell you tomorrow!

Bye bye for now and keep reading! :huh:


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I can now reveal that Tammy is a...harutchi! She's so adorable! Harutchi are so cute! And now, Tammy can finally talk! I shall pass the log onto her, she will write in pink just so you know. :gozarutchi: Also, I will write in lime. :ph34r:

Hello everyone! Tammy here! It feels so good to talk, all I could say when I was a baby was goo goo gah gah. But now! I can even write in full sentences! Anyway, I changed this morning! Into a Harutchi, I think I look nice. ;) There was this funny feeling inside my body when I changed, sort of like a shiver. :D I liked it! Well, I need to go now (I think Beth is gonna take me to Tama Town, shhh!) so bye! :)

Awww, she can finally speak, I'm so happy for her. :) Anway, yup like Tammy said I am indeed taking her to Tama Town so...

Oooh I was right! We are going to Tama Town, yippe! Oh I love it there! It is so fun!

Yes, Tammy! :) And remember, you got accepted into Pre School today!

Oh yeah! Wow, that will be fun! I like meeting new people, so Pre School should be good. :)

Yup, ok we need to go now but we will write after our visit to Tama Town! See ya!

See ya!

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Hello everyone! We are back from Tama Town! Tammy had a great time, (as well as me lol) and I think she wants to tell you about it!

Hello! We had the most awesomest time at Tama Town!


First, we went to the 'Game Arcade' and played ALOT of games of 'Ring Toss'. It was so fun, I could only just reach the button though! I won (with Beth's help, heehee) 9900! Yey! I'm rich! Unfortunatley, that was the maximum we could hold, so no more gotchi points. Ah well, we head over to the mall and I bought everything in the shop! It was so cool, I can't wait to go back again! Then, we went to 'Pre School' and I saw the teacher! See is really nice, and smells like extra strong perfume! Me and all the students played 'Tama Dance' together, I won, and had the chance to claim 400p! But, I couldn't, because my purse was full! When I was there, I got:










-9900 gotchi points


Alot, huh? And they are all good stuff, yey me! I need to go, Beth needs to write, see ya! :gozarutchi:

Hello again lol. Aww, I'm glad Tammy is happy with her prizes! She is dancing around now, so I will write when something good happens! Bye!

When we logged out of Tama Town, we had to enter the passwords from the items we bought at 'Forever Tamagotchi' and to get those items we had to buy them lol. So now, Tammy's gotchi points aren't as high as they were, but it's still alot, lol! :gozarutchi:


I guess now would be a good time to post stats!


Name: Tammy

Age: 0 yrs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1 g

Weight: 14 lbs

Training: [|| ]

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Pencil: 10

Star: 8

Flower: 6

Points: 4400p


Bye for now!

I just sent Tammy to Pre School (on my Tamagotchi) and her and the teacher started to dance! It was just so adorable, it looks like she really enjoyed herself!


Before Pre School, Tammy's 'star' lifestyle points were 8, but when she came back, they were at 9! Small, but hey, it went up! Lol. :D


That's all for now, I needed to time out Tammy, and I played some Jumping Rope with her, and she won! She is so good at that game. :D

Well, my lil' Tammy just recieved mail, let's see what it is...


A fortune cookie!


Let's see:


-Money = 2

-Heart = 1

-Strong man = 1


It's ok, I guess. Aww, I hope nothing bad comes in the mail for my little Tammy! :D

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The mail has just come! Tammy got 200p from the king! Thanks king!


I played some Jumping Rope with her, but she fell at 15 jumps. Aww, maybe she's tired, I'll let her rest a bit. :D

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Aww, Tammy was just crying a minute ago, I needed to praise her and get her training up! Lol, here are her stats:


Name: Tammy

Age: 0 yrs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1 g

Weight: 10 lbs

Training: [||| ]

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Pencil: 17

Star: 10

Flower: 11

Points: 5500p


Bye for now!

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Tammy just recieved mail, it was a fortune cookie! Here was the rating:


-Money = 2

-Heart = 1

-Strong man = 1


Same as last! Noo! Lol. :)

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Well, Tammy has just gone to sleep so I will see her in the morning. :) Sleep tight my little angel! ;)

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Tammy should wake up in about 1 hour and a half, I cannot wait!


I will need to go to school, so I will take her with me in my bag. :mimitchi: Aww, I hold she'll be ok! We cannot play with Tamagotchi in the lessons, so at breaks/lunches will be the only time she'll be cared for!


My Version 3 is now in session too, so I will write about it too!


My Version 3:


Name: Cole

Age: 0 yrs

Gender: Male

Generation: 1 g

Weight: 8 lbs

Training: [| ]

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Points: 880p


Cole is a child at the moment, and he is a Tamatchi! He is so cute, he should evolve into a teenager later tonight! I cannot wait! When Cole writes, it will be in blue. :mimitchi:


He is sleeping now though. I will take him to school too so he will write in here when we come back! :mimitchi:

Tammy survived the day at school today, I couldn't manage to look after her at all, because the teachers kept a close eye on me, lol.


I managed to feed Cole, but not much lol. He survived too. :angry:

Wow! I really don't like it when Beth goes to school! I felt neglected, but I know she didn't mean it, I forgive her. :) Speaking of school, I got a letter through the post today saying I was accepted into school! I'm so happy! I got to choose my teacher and everything! I chose Miss Flower, she looks really kind and smells like rose! Mmm...anyway, I think Cole wants to speak so I'll write soon! See ya!

Hiya everyone, Cole here. Man, Tammy hogs the log alot, that's why I haven't had much of a chance to write in here!

Hey! I do not!

Aww, I was joking sweetie! Me and Tammy are seeing eachother, she is the nicest girl ever, I love her so much. :D

I love you too Cole! :wacko:

Yey! Anyway, today has been ok, Beth took me to school with her and it was fun! So, I was a little bored and hungry, but Beth fed me during her lunchtime. I love being out and about, it's cool. :) I need to go, I am going to Tama Town in a minute! I have never been there before, but I bet it is cool! See you guys later!

I'll write about what happens! Bye bye for now. :)

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Cole has come back from Tama Town! He had loads of fun. :furawatchi: He gained loads of passwords and played games in school! Unfortunatly, he has just fallen asleep so he will tell you about his great time tomorrow. :)


I will need to take Tammy to Tama Town tomorrow as she is sleeping also!


Sleep tight my little babies!


That's it for tonight guys, I'll write tomorrow, bye! :)

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Hiya again! GREAT NEWS! Cole evolved into a teenager this morning! I'm so happy!


You'll never believe what he is! A Young Mametchi! Yey! He is sooo cute!


I think he wants to talk to you. :D

Wow, Beth is happy! Anyways, hi guys! So as you already know I evolved this morning into a Young Mametchi :p ! I look totally awesome, I love my evolution! Anyway, so yeah I went to TamaTown yesterday and it was wicked! I got so many passwords and stuff, I have loads of cool items in my Tamagotchi now! I played some games at the school and it was cool, I played TamaBall the most, I like it. ;) I think I need to go now, my girlfriend wants to talk (heehee, girlfriend! :lol: ) so bye bye!

Aww, Tamagotchi love. :D I'll get Tammy. :)

Hiya guys! My boyfriend is soooo cute now! He is a Young Mametchi ( :ph34r: ) and he looks totally wicked! We did some more connecting today, and we gave each other really nice gifts! The king gave me some Love Potion so when me and Cole are older we shall use it! Good, huh? I got a really good fortune today, so I'm hoping for some good luck. Oops, gotta go, I'll speak soon!

Aww, they're so adorable. :) I need to go, so I hope you liked my log entry and I'll write tomorrow! :)
