My Video For: Tama Talk!


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ah that's adorable! ^.^ those little characters are so funny, and the music was awesome :furawatchi:

Lol! OMG that was so hillarious.


It must've taken a lot of work, but I wish Tamatalk could have its own dance XD

Might I just ask why people are being so rude?

I honestly think that if you are going to be so mean to someone who worked very hard, screw you and go away. I bet you guys couldn't make a video and post it on youtube. Next time think before you say something.

Anyways, back on topic. That video was quite the adorableness!! ^.^

Some people who make 'good' videos spend hours upon hours, sometimes days planning out the video. They write scripts and the like for it, making it more professional than people think they need to be. THOSE are good videos, since you can tell the creator spent sometimes days working on it. A good one that I liked was BigAl's encounter with the Evil Bedroom Door. That video was very funny, and was well planned out.

This one looks like it was put together in two hours max. For the creator to call it 'good' by any means is an insult to the creators who spend so very much time on their videos, whose videos ARE good.

'Good' videos are in the eyes of the viewer. You cannot call your own video 'good', since what if it isn't? You are basically saying that is the extent of your ability. That is why no one says such things.

There are probably very many tutorials you could check out about video creation, so why not read up on some of those? I will say it's not bad for a first attempt, but you need to do a LOT of effort to get up to today's standards.

She's not directing a movie, she was just trying to make something cute for TamaTalk. And she succeeded. It was a very enjoyable little segment.

And if that's the way you see it, fine. That's your opinion. I was just wondering why you were being so rude about it. Your eyes began to bleed from that? Please, my eyes are starting to bleed from looking at your posts. Your extremely rude comments.

She's not directing a movie, she was just trying to make something cute for TamaTalk. And she succeeded. It was a very enjoyable little segment.
And if that's the way you see it, fine. That's your opinion. I was just wondering why you were being so rude about it. Your eyes began to bleed from that? Please, my eyes are starting to bleed from looking at your posts. Your extremely rude comments.
Are you daft? 'My eyes are bleeding' is an expression, but hey, if you want to fork your eyes out from my post, I'm not stopping you from getting down on that. *shrugs*

Are you daft?  'My eyes are bleeding' is an expression, but hey, if you want to fork your eyes out from my post, I'm not stopping you from getting down on that. *shrugs*
Was that in SuperBad? o_O

Maybe not, but either way, it sounded more like a put down and that's not nice. If you don't think it's great, ok. Fine. But if you are going to post that you do not like it, make sure to give some concrit and don't totaly beat him or her down with a bat. Give the creator some advice and maybe one or two things you actualy did like about it.

Thanks for the sweet TT vid. ^__^

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A very nice video. I can see you spent alot of time and effort on it. :angry:


Oh, and ValhallaKnight, it DID sound more like a put-down. Not everybody knows what these expressions mean. Instead, why not say something positive or give her some advice on how she can improve?

Nice video I see that you put alot of effort in it that's very good perhaps you shall make a tamagotchi t.v. show. ;)

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