My Would-Be Self


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Mizu stared in awe at the light. She pulled the pen carefully out of her pocket and gasped. It was glowing so brightly.

"Mizu-chan!" Rei gasped.

Suddenly Mizu felt overwhelmed with power.

"Chara Nari! Green Planet!" she called out.

A brilliant green light enveloped Mizu and Rei as they became one person. Mizu felt herself being lifted straight off of the ground. Her blue hair flew out behind her in an invisible breeze and somehow tied itself up in a ponytail. Then, curling up into a small ball, she was covered for a moment in a storm of leaves. When the leaves disappeared, Mizu had been completely transformed. Replacing her school uniform was a short light green dress. Wrapped around her waist was a black belt with a golden heart in the middle. With a ching golden bracelets appeared around both of her wrists, and golden earrings also attached themselves to her ears. High black boots covered her legs. Finally, closing her eyes and breathing in sweet air, she tapped down onto the ground on the tips of her toes.

Opening her eyes and blinking, Mizu stared down at her transformed self.

"W-wow," she breathed.

Taiyo watched Mizu transforming for the first time.

Good job, Mizu -chan, he thought.

Taiyo and Fushigi then turned to the present situation at hand.

"Ready?" Taiyo asked Fushigi.

"Ready," replied Fushgi.

"Chara Nari Crimson Bowtie!" Taiyo called.

He and Fushgi were merged in the bright red light. Taiyo spun around a few times, then in pops of sparkles, his new outfit began to appear. The first to come was a shiny black top hat on top of his head, then a monocle over his left eye. A fancy suit appeared over his body, complete with a bright red bowtie. His coat-tails flying, he stuck out his hands so white satin gloves appeared. In his left hand popped a long cane, and around his waist wrapped a silver pocket watch. Then, touching down the heels of his shiny polished shoes, he landed in a dramatic pose with his cane poised upward.

Feels good to do this again, he thought.

Lyle’s eyes followed the two other transformations with mild curiosity as Ryoku stared at him expectantly.

“You don’t have anything better to do right now, Lyle,” Ryoku whispered in the boy’s ear, red eyes glittering with mischief. “Can we please just get this over with?”

“Fine.” Lyle nonchalantly looked at his hand as if he wanted to drag out the suspense before he finally muttered, “Chara Nari Dark Prince.”

A swirl of red, white, and black surrounded Lyle and Ryoku as his black cape appeared around his shoulders. His clothes transformed from a normal school uniform to a dark set of trousers, collared shirt, and vest. A pair of silver and black boots replaced his black shoes while a red and black crown popped into place on top of his head in a burst of red light. To top off the transformation, a large white and red bow appeared to tie his cape into place at the base of his neck. A cane with a crowned heart materialized into the air above Lyle and dropped neatly into his outstretched hand.

“Ryoku, can’t this transformation be at least a little flashier?” Lyle asked as he began to spin his staff around his wrist. “I mean, the lights are nice, but that wasn’t very impressive.” He could practically feel his Guardian Chara’s annoyance, but it was all part of the character. Everything had to be perfect. He halted the spin of his staff as he finally dared to look back at the Guardians.

“Now, where were we?” he asked. “Fighting, right? I mean, I would really hate to sully your pretty faces.” He smiled charmingly at them as he pushed a few stray brunette locks away from his face. “I was honestly just trying to do my job, but I guess you don’t like that very much, do you? There really isn’t much that you can do now, but if it’s a fight you want, then it’s a fight you’ll get.” His expression darkened as he took a defensive stance. “Now, who first?”

Isan took Midori and the second girl by their hands and walked them away from the others. "Hey, don't wait for me! I'm at a lack of Shugo Charas at the moment." He said to the other Guardians over his shoulder. "I'll stay here and look after the girls." When he had lead the two girls far enough away from the group, Isan ran after the third girl, eventually catching up with her and dragging her back to where he left the first two sitting. With a huff, Isan sat on the ground near to the girls and watched the battle from a distance.


The school bell rang, signaling the start of homeroom. The campus grounds by now were completely empty, for all of the students were inside because of the rain and the tardy bell. Isan let out a long sigh. I hope they do okay without me or Cain-kun... He thought, playing with his clothing nervously. This opponent was different from any they've faced before; he was not an X-Egg or an X-Character, but another human being instead. So Isan had no idea what to expect, and all he could do was wish his friends good luck and pray that they did well enough.

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(I'm going to drop a not-so-subtle hint right now; if you still haven't gone to check on the OOC board recently, I would STRONGLY SUGGEST that you do so now.)

"M-mizu... Taiyo... W-wanna do a c-conversion a-attack?" Yuna said, confused. He wasn't an X Chara. He was like a king, but one of those evil ones in movies.Something about Yuna was telling her that this guy was going to hurt them, so she needed to speak up fast. Mizu was behind her, beautifully transformed into Green Planet. Yuna couldn't wait to see Mizu's amazing outfit. Speaking about outfits, Yuna was also amazed by her own.

Yuna watched the beautiful Adrianna, the brave one, and saw her fluttering above her. "You can do this! Go Yuna! Fight, fight, fight! Win, win, win!" Adrianna's beautiful

She believed in herself. "At the count of three?" She said to Mizu and Taiyo.

"One, two three! Go!"

"M-mizu... Taiyo... W-wanna do a c-conversion a-attack?" Yuna said, confused. He wasn't an X Chara. He was like a king, but one of those evil ones in movies.Something about Yuna was telling her that this guy was going to hurt them, so she needed to speak up fast. Mizu was behind her, beautifully transformed into Green Planet. Yuna couldn't wait to see Mizu's amazing outfit. Speaking about outfits, Yuna was also amazed by her own.

Yuna watched the beautiful Adrianna, the brave one, and saw her fluttering above her. "You can do this! Go Yuna! Fight, fight, fight! Win, win, win!" Adrianna's beautiful

She believed in herself. "At the count of three?" She said to Mizu and Taiyo.

"One, two three! Go!"

"M-mizu... Taiyo... W-wanna do a c-conversion a-attack?" Yuna said, confused. He wasn't an X Chara. He was like a king, but one of those evil ones in movies.Something about Yuna was telling her that this guy was going to hurt them, so she needed to speak up fast. Mizu was behind her, beautifully transformed into Green Planet. Yuna couldn't wait to see Mizu's amazing outfit. Speaking about outfits, Yuna was also amazed by her own.

Yuna watched the beautiful Adrianna, the brave one, and saw her fluttering above her. "You can do this! Go Yuna! Fight, fight, fight! Win, win, win!" Adrianna's beautiful

She believed in herself. "At the count of three?" She said to Mizu and Taiyo.

"One, two three! Go!"

Cain lay at home in bed with a thermometer in his throat.

"Mom, why didn't you answer the door earlier?" Cain inquired.

"Those door-to-door salesmen always come around this time of morning." Cain's mother replied. "Now, you just rest up dear and I'll get some medicine."

Seiyo acadamy was a fair distance away, so he did not know about the battle ensuing. Cain sweatdropped. "Really mom? all this for a stomachache and a cough?"

Onerai flew to his side. "It's okay, You're mother is just thinking for the best. Hey, I'll go to school for you and check up on how the guardians are doing, is that okay?"

Cain nodded and said, "I'll get there as soon as I can."


Onerai arrived at the school and saw a boy with a Shugo Chara. He flew up to the boy, then stopped when he felt an evil presence. "Hey, you... are you a good guy?" He asked Lyle.

Lyle watched as the last one transformed, but he remained absolutely still. There was no way he was going to make the first move. In his opinion he wasn’t the aggressor here. Besides, he had been sincere when he had said that he didn’t want to scar their faces.

He couldn’t help but take a step back, though, when a random Guardian Chara flew up right in front of his face. His expression grew confused for a second before he let out a laugh.

“A ‘Good Guy’?” Lyle leaned on his staff and looked up as if he had to think about the question for a second. “I don’t know. It depends on how you want to look at it. I could be asking you the same question, though. I don’t see another random person around here, so what does that make you? Lost?”

Taiyo thrust his cane out in front of him and channeled all of the power of his character transformation into it.

We can do this Taiyo! I don't know what this is, but we have to beat it! Fushigi said in his mind.

Right, Taiyo thought.

His full power had traveled into the cane. Taiyo released the energy at the same time as the other two Guardians.

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Mizu pulled out her pen, still glowing with power, then cried out with force as she pushed the energy towards the target.

Mizu and Rei watched as the three glowing orbs of light, green, purple, and red mixed together and rocketed toward the boy in his character transformation. There was a bright flash.

The three guardians waited and watched to see if their attack had succeeded.

Isan-kun... if only you could help us right now... she thought.

Oh, how cute Lyle thought as he watched the group fire their spell at him. He gave his staff a spin before shouting, "Crown Force!" As he swung the staff in front of him, a force field pushed back a majority of the Guardians' attack. Enough of it got through to make him dig his feet into the ground as he slid backwards a few feet across the concrete, though.

Lyle could already feel his breathing becoming ragged. He had been holding a character change for quite some time before he had transformed, plus he had used "Lock Heart" twice. Part of him, the real Lyle shrouded by his Dark Prince character, knew that he was taking a serious risk right now. Each time the thought surfaced, though, the overconfidence of his character transformation pushed it away.

"Is that all you got?" Lyle sneered as he adjusted the crown atop his head. "You're the Guardians! I expected something a little more interesting than a bit of... whatever this mess is."

Mizu landed on her back on the hard concrete with a thud.

"Oof!" she said.

The pain throbbed in her back. This was her first real battle, and she'd have to say it wasn't fun so far.

Don't give up, Mizu-chan! Let's try an individual attack! Rei said.

"Right!" Mizu replied.

Mizu thrust her hands up into the air. A shimmer of green appeared, blurring the air above her hands for a moment. Two large leaves appeared and blew into her hands. She waved them around twice and then began to spin around, faster and faster, creating smaller leaves which spun right into a tornado. The tornado wrapped all around Mizu, and when you could hear the wind whistling around her, she called, "Leaf Storm!" and pointed the giant leaves right at Lyle. The leaves spun towards him, spinning viciously.

"Spring Blast!" Yuna yelled, after being enraged by this villain. A majestic circle of peach-colored roses encircled Yuna. Her roses stopped midway at her waist, and then blasted it's way towards the villain. It was a pink colored ray of sunlight, and it was merged with Mizu's attack. Now there was leaves and roses encircling Lyle, viciously taking turns hitting him with appalling force.

"Take that, you no-good, rude, abrupt villain!" Yuna yelled.

"You know, Ryoku, it would be nice if we had more than one move," Lyle muttered as he spun his crowned staff around his wrist. The wave of spells from Yuna and Mizu approached him as he stopped the staff's movements and shouted, "Crown Force!" Many of the leaves and roses dispersed before they got close to Lyle, but this time the move lacked a lot of the power that the previous attempt had held. About half of the roses and leaves made it through and swirled around Lyle as his character transformation faded away from him. He fells to his knees as the last of the attack disappeared around him.

"Get up!" Ryoku commanded as he popped into the air above Lyle's head. The teenager was panting as he placed his hands on the ground in front of him to steady himself. "Come on! We can still run!" Ryoku began to futilely tug on the collar of Lyle's jacket, but the boy shook his head. His character transformation was entirely gone, and he was back to his normal self.

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"Yes! We won!" Yuna smiled happily, feeling like she was on top of the world. She put her hands on her hips, feeling superior towards Lyle. "Whatever happened to Cain?" Yuna asked Isan, putting her hands down.

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(Whoa, hold up. First of all, Emilson read what Drasi said in the OOC discussion and edit your post. FunFun, I have no idea what you're talking about because Lyle never ran please delete your post until Emilson edits his.)

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