My x best friend


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you know what!

thats why I in the first place, i don't want a boyfriend because it can make you forget about your friends..

it has happened to me before..

umm can you explain why she was mad at you?

there had to be a reason..or if there isn't..then shes not a real friend..

maybe she is going through a lot...

if i were you..i would probably go up to her [maybe around public or something so they can stop a fight if it starts]

and say...

"im sorry, whatever i did to make you really angry, well i didn't mean it..i just feel left out when you are around your boyfriend and you are my best friend, and i love spending time with you....." just say that..even though she probably started it..make her feel guilty.

here's a quote that has to do with if she is going through problems or have to sound like if you really care about her, don't lose a friend by a stupid never know what people go through..

"if there's anything bothering you you can tell me, [a friend or not a friend..i still care about you]"

and because of her boyfriend..she probably wants to spend time with him, just let them two have their time together..let them decide on their relationship..but still have to help your friend, friends or not..her bf is just a bf..and maybe not going to stick with her't let her think about going too far with her bf.

i hope i helped..

it took me a while to find out what to type..

im not a very good problem solver..but all my friends i lost..i re-gained again..i mean..there is this girl at my school, in junior high we got into a HUGE!! fight i mean HUGE! he were swearing at each other..passing "i hate you" notes and i made her cry.

then we both started to cry....the next day i was avoiding her..but then i just told her i was sorry, even though i didn't really start the fight..and we talked..i told her about what i was going through..and that reason was why i was mean...

yeah!.. just ignore her if its impossible to be friends again..dont fight, wont would just make her hate you even more and she would probably spread rumors wouldn't be so good..

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