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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
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What do you guys think myspace? is it ok for children i mean what about the stalkers they can talk to 17 year olds! and not even no!

well heres the tragic story of a young girl if you want to read it click Here leave posts after you read it ;)

I don't think anyone under 13 should have one
That's how it is actually, and on hotmail it's the same thing. But not everyone follows the rules unfortunately :p

I know >_<

I was guilted into getting one in grade 6 I didnt want it but tons of people wanted me to get one xD

So yea..xD

lawlz,, Mine was either 6th or 5th...I actually forgot...I know I said 6th but it might have 5th xDD

Media makes anything these days look bad.


If you play it smart and not stupid, then it can be safe as any place is.

That's how it is actually, and on hotmail it's the same thing. But not everyone follows the rules unfortunately :furawatchi:
Is it? I signed up with 23rd march 1995 and it allowed it.

Little kids shouldn't be ANYWHERE on the internet without a parent. Certainly not Myspace.

As for 'omgpedophiles', they're everywhere. Chances are each one of us has talked to one without knowing it.

If you're stupid on Myspace, it's unsafe for anyone. If you actually use the security features they provide, you'll be fine.

TT can be just as un-safe as Myspace, it all depends on how you play it.

Kids who know nothing about internet safety or just can listen shouldn't be allowed on the internet. Period.

oh me oh my! That's terrible! That poor girl! I hate Myspace already...if you want to make friends, why don't you actually make REAL friends instead of virtual ones? It's way WAY safer and plus you don't have to eat "virtual ice cream together" you can go to the ice cream shop down the street and have a real one! ;)


I happen to have one, and I'm only 15. MyScape is very safe. Just don't add people you don't know ("You just got a friend request from "inoweruliv!" accept?"... Just decline, you don't HAVE to accept everyone). Also, a virtual 16 year old boy that she never really met caused her to hang herself? She obiously had issues OUTSIDE of MySpace.

As for people stalking you, just don't be stupid. The only REAL thing you have to be cautious about is pictures, as they can give hints to where you live (school name in the background, stuff like that). But I think they added a picture to where you can set your pictures to friends only, so w/e.

theres nothing wrong with it, but yes, its a waste of time!

and people should stop signing up for dating and should only sign up for friends.

I happen to have one, and I'm only 15. MyScape is very safe. Just don't add people you don't know ("You just got a friend request from "inoweruliv!" accept?"... Just decline, you don't HAVE to accept everyone). Also, a virtual 16 year old boy that she never really met caused her to hang herself? She obiously had issues OUTSIDE of MySpace.
As for people stalking you, just don't be stupid. The only REAL thing you have to be cautious about is pictures, as they can give hints to where you live (school name in the background, stuff like that). But I think they added a picture to where you can set your pictures to friends only, so w/e.
yes but! theres some kids whos profile isnt on private like my friend shes a girl and she got sexually harrased 3 times! and she thinks that shes the hottest girl because she got sexually harrased that just puzzelz me!?!?!?!\

ps this is coming from a boy

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