Mystery Dungeon


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
Cnau found himself in a dark room, with no doors, no light, nothing. A boice boomed out of practically nowhere. "Welcome! This is the portal that leads to the world of Pokemon." Said the voice. Cnau jumped. "We have a few questions for you. Please answer them sincerely." Before Cnau could refuse, the voice started asking questions. He answered them without fear. "You have a jolly personality... don't you? A jolly person like you should be...Squirtle! Who do you want as a partner?" The voice asked. "A...a...Charmander?" Said Cnau randomly. The voice all of a sudden drifted off, and a voice was heard. "Uh.... hello? You, wake up, please." Cnau yawned and sat up, feeling odd. In front of him was a... talking charmander?! "Uh.... I'm Charcoal. " it said. "You, squirtle..."

"But I'm not a squirtle, I'm a human!" Complained Cnau.

"A human? You? Whats your name?" Asked Charcoal. "Your really weird."

"I'm... Cnau." He said.

"Cnau? FWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" Said Charcoal, laughing uncontrollably.

"Help!" Said A voice. Charcoal and Cnau looked at a butterfree whom fluttered infront of Cnau. "My baby, caterpie, fell into a fissure which opened while we were walking in Tiny Woods! He fell all the way to the 4th floor! When I went, they started attacking me!"

"I'll go!" Said Cnau. "Me too! Lets go for it, Cnau!" Said Charcoal.

They walked along tiny woods, battling wurmples and sunkerns. "This place is dangerous..." he said. Charcoal nodded in agreement, and they heard sobs nearby. "Caterpie!" Exclaimed Cnau as he rushed towards the noise. "Hey, caterpie, we've come to bring you home!" Instead of Caterpie, it was a baby Poochyena sobbing over a mightyena's corpse. "Mommy..." It sobbed. Taking pity, Cnau sat near the poochyena. "You can come with me, I'll take care of you." He said. The poochyena would die without Cnau. "Okay." It said. Cnau handed the poochyena an apple, which it ate. "Poochyena is a rather plain name, eh? What about... Doom?" Asked Cnau. "Yeah! Doom!" Exclaimed Doom. The trio found caterpie, and brought him back to butterfree. "Wow, thanks! Charcoal and Cnau... cool...." He said. Doom tried to look brave. "Well, we better be going, here." Butterfree handed them a few berries. "Thank you very much for rescuing caterpie!" Said Butterfree as she flew off.

"So... Cnau, see you later? You too, Doom!" Cnau didn't respond. "Look, if you don't have anywhere to better come with me." Charcoal took him to a large wall with just a keyhole and a tiny door, the whole place was surrounded, and there was a path, still enclosed by the wall, to two more places. "Here, you can live here. We, actually. I'll show you around out territory." Doom freaked. "Wow! It seems so safe!" he said with much exitement as Charcoal handed Cnau a key, and Cnau opened the door and crawled through. It was amazing, a vast garden, a small path to more places... Charcoal looked at Cnau happily and opened the door to the main house. "This is gonna be your house!" He said. There was a shallow pond, about the height of Cnau, a running fountain, and plenty of food, a tray of gummies and apples and such. "Where do I go?" Asked Doom. Doom seemed still sad about his mother, despite his cheery attitude, you could tell in his eyes. "Wait a second there!" Said Charcoal. "We have the houses incase it rains or snows..." He said as he watched Cnau sink deep into the pond, at the bottom was soft sea sand. "Don't fall asleep!" Shouted Charcoal. Cnau swam to the surface and climbed out. "We've gotta show Doom his..." They looked at the depressed Poochyena. Doom yawned. "I'm tired!"

"Okay, okay." Cnau got on all fours and let Doom ride on his back. They set off on the trail. "So in the enclosed wall is out territory, eh?" Asked Cnau as they reached a plains filled with Butterflys and flowers, and in the middle a large rock with a room inside, and a door. "Yep." Said Charcoal. "We're safe, and Doom, this is your home!" Doom rose to his paws and hopped off Cnau, racing to the stone. He opened the door then raced in, followed by Cnau and Charcoal. There was nothing but a dim lightbulb inside. "I'll go get some stuff." Said Charcoal as he ran out. Doom started to fall asleep on the floor, and Cnau kept him awake bu using a weak bubble on him every few minutes. Soon, Charcoal returned with a large bag. He opened it and took out a basket, then he put cushions, a bedsheet, a pillow, then a blanket. After that he set up a table, with the help of Cnau, and put a large picher of water and many gummies and such in a container. "Here, doom. This is your new home." Said Cnau happily. Doom was pleased and climbed into bed. "Cnau, will you tuck me in?" The Poochyena asked. Cnau tucked in the Poochyena. When they went outside, tired, it was already dark. "Do you want to... form a rescue team?" Asked Charcoal. "....Yeah!" Said Cnau.

They headed to Cnau's area, and it was a steep cliff called mount cleft. There was a cave at the end, and Charcoal took the path like it was no problem, jumping light-footedly over the holes, and Cnau had to go around. "How do you do that?" Asked Charcoal. "I'm a Charmander, which evolves into Charmeleon, then charizard, which has wings." Said Charcoal. He went inside his Cave and shut the door, then looked around his house. There were torches, a pool of Lava in the middle, many red gummies, and some boiling hot water. "How do you live like this?!" Said Cnau. "I'm a fire type, what?"

"This heat is making me weak..." Said Cnau. "I'm going back to my part; I should figure out the path. You put maps on here, anyways."

"Yep." Said Charcoal as he sunk into the deep lava and dissapeared. Cnau walked out, it was cold. He walked home, it was really freezing. He got inside and slammed shut the door. Grabbing an apple, he devoured it, took a sip from the fountain, then dived into his pond. He withdrawed into his shell, in a tight ball, fell asleep.
