Naked Brothers band


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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
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Anybody watch the naked brothers band? What do you think about it? I think it is really funny Alex is really funny. My fav is the vma's episode when Jesse tell him his horoscope.

Jesse:*reading the horoscope* "Today is not your day do not get out of bed if you must stay away from falling objects and motor vehicles."

Scary music starts.

Alex:*screams and runs away*

I love that show I never miss an episode. Anyway do you watch it?

Yeah, I like the show. Their music sucks. My sister played "Bannana Smoothie" once, I nearly smashed her computer it sucked so bad. Their only music thats good is their theme song for the show

I hate the show. It's stupid and their singing sucks.

I only say that so harsh because they act like they think they are SO AWESOME.

Well Nat and Alex dont. In the show they just kind of act like that. But I think they sing extremely good for their age well for anybodys age.

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Well Nat and Alex dont in the show they just kind of act like that. But I think they sing extremely good for their age well for anybodys age.
I know you did not accuse me of it, but it's true I cannot sing better then them. I am just not a Fan of their work...if that's what you may call it. :blink:

Oh GOD..

YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW MY OPINION OF DISNEY CHANNEL!! *Or any associates of it, hence my issues with HSM, hannah montana, and others*

I find them to be a disgrace to the last name of Wolf. [my last name is Wolfe, which disgraces my brother excessively because he's in a band, (myspace: the evermore escape), and he gets tormented]

their music sucks. they're ugly too

My sister forced me to watch it yesterday. ;)

My eyes bled, and I believe I went deaf. :p

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