Name changed?


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Aug 2, 2007
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When i turned 4 my tama's name was Vicky and then a few days went by and her name was Ticky! :huh:

i think it might have been a glitch,

Yep... thats the name glitch. i think theres another topic like this though...

Yeah, that happens every now and then. My Ichigotchi's name was Ginni. When she evolved into a Memetchi, she became Einni :p

C's seem to turn into A's ,my one was Cloud, then aloud,and my sisters one was charm then charm then Aharm.GGrr.

Nine bucks says the thing on the tamagotchi that recognizes and shapes letters is the one that does it. I had it happen with an MP3 player of mine, it would take away random letters until it was virtually unrecognizeable as a name.

For instance my letter 'A' issue:

Allways Be the One

AAAwyys BB tte O e

Hated it. It happened after several returns on all of the same MP3 player type and brand. Radioshack.

My tamagotchis name was zara and when i down loaded it it terned into xara and anyways whats a glitch???????? :D

Seems like this is happening a lot to people.I seriously needa get a v4 :eek:

Anyways, I think its a glitch with scattered pixels :3 Tamas are all pixels ya know, everyone knows that :S, and apparently the pixels of name move by accident to keep data running.I THINK thats whats up with it, I dont have a v4, so I appparently am a bit confused myself.But being a bit of a pixel dork myself, I think my explanation makes a LITTLE sense or is a LITTLE true.Eek, bad me.Anyways, good luck!...Somehow?I hate confusing myself :D

It only has happened to me once on my version 4. My tamagotchis name was Gabby, and the next day, it turned into Gabba. It is such a strange glitch, as many can see. :D

That's the name glitch. It seems that it always goes 2 letters back. It's a common glitch on the V4. Actually, there are like a billion glitches for the V4, I wouldn't worry about it.

yea, i hate it, it happnend to me, uhhhh, i think twice..... the first time it was katie, turned into iatie! yuk! then sara to xara! once i named a boy roo, atleast it didint turn to poo! hehe ive heard of that happining! :unsure:

It happened to me once, I called my little guy Rex and it turned in s*x lol (honest!) Yuck, it got a baby about two minutes later so that's a relief!

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