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I get a lot of childish ones.

Luke knows what I mean.

They include;




Madig and alot of other stuff :x

People call me Ria sometimes.


My name is Layla but I get called nicknames mainly online, not anymore though



My name is Michelle and some friends have nicknames for me. Ex bf calls me mich, bestie calls me michelleyy and some family members call me michy XD

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This should be fun.

My name is Keeley. I get lots of names.

Kee - Most people call me that, it's my official nickname

Keel / Keels - Random people

Keelwi - Huntr

Kee-sel / Kee-sel-ee-sel-ee-sel - Kendal

Lee - Jess.

Leeley - Beth

Keelsternator / Keelster - Kelly.

King Keeley - Jenn.

Kay - I get that when me and my friends call eachother by our first initial.

Kee Bob - Random friends.

Blondie - Jenn.

Door / Doory - My names Keeley, Kee ... You put a key in a door. Oh haha. :/

Really Keeley - My teacher always used to say that, and my friends found it hilairious, so it stuck.


Kelly - James calls me that to annoy me. Gr. xD

I think that might be it...



My name in pig latin is Laracay.

It sounds similar to Laracake, so the name stuck.

And cake is pretty dang sweet so Laracake it is. ~.^

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My name is Karen

I'm called Freya by many, Prussia by a few people online. Kat by my friends from school.

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I'm Kendal. O:


Candle - This honestly annoys me so much. -.-

Kendal Mint cake - NO, MY PARENTS DID NOT NAME ME AFTER MINTCAKE. I didn't even know what it was until I moved to this country and all I get is, 'Oh, like Kendal mintcake?' And for my birthday/Christmas/whatever? Sure, get me some mintcake, it's so original. :/

Kendalala - Keeley. :'D

Moose - From Step Up 2. ;D

SAK - Secret Agent Kendal.

There's more, but my brain's dead.

And Ksenia; I swear I went through some phase and called you Lenny? xD

Online? I couldn't even start with nicknames. Okay, I'll try.Kedward - Jae.

Keduwardu - Jae.

Kristan - Jae.

Kenneth/Kenneth Skywalker - Emily and Alex.

Krystahlllll - Online sister Katie.

Kry - Sophie.

Krys - Jae, Ceci, TamaMum, Mimi, other random online people.

Krystalletta - Ksenia~

Krysterz - Kristin.

And a lot more. xD
haha. I forgot that "erz" thing I did awhile ago.


OMG! Haha. Keelerz. =D

Yeah, I think I'll do a list of nicknames I've had in the past:

Kay- TT people used to, and people on other sites still do. Adrien, and Brodie.

Krissie- Aimee, Madison, and Kirstyn

Krisay- Aimee, Jena

Steve- Kyle [yeah, don't ask]

Kris- My cousin Chris, Conner

Chocolate- Courtney, Indie [once again, don't ask]

Kristy- Sasha, Courtney, Indie

Weakling- my Dad. [Only on weekends xD]

Waldo- my grade three teachers [win. And yes, teachers]

Ninja- Grade 1, grade 4, and grade 7 teacher. Oh yes, and Brett

Monkey- Jena, Anthony, and Brodie

Juice- Taylor, Hillary, Kailey, Samantha

My real name’s Grace, but I get called:

Fish Fish - dang you Alison and Lauren >.>

LePoisson - Bethany thought she’d be really creative and call me French for “the fish”, because she knows I hate the nickname and French >.>

Gracehpoo - Thanks Abbey >.>

Graceh - I don’t get called that any more though D:

Gracezilla - Epic

Heil - What people on here call me when they don’t know my name xD

Timothy calls me Lucy, I forgot that. Inside joke.

And my four year old cousin Bethany insists on calling me Castle. xDDD Close enough to Krystal, right? Yeahnotreally.


I cooed when I was sleeping when I has a baby.


Ess calls me that. I call her Selerz.


I knew my list wasn't finished.

I also get Kiwi, Kee-Whee, Keeley Wheeley, Wheeley Bin, Eeley.

Timothy calls me Lucy, I forgot that. Inside joke.And my four year old cousin Bethany insists on calling me Castle. xDDD Close enough to Krystal, right? Yeahnotreally.
Your cousin owns. Because she has my name 8D

Oh, two more nicknames: Piglet and Gnat.

Piglet: Because once, at a sleepover, I was wearing piglet pyjamas xD the name stuck. It's what Lucy calls me. And we pretend a piglet is some sort of wild animal, but that's a different story...

Gnat: Because I'm small and annoying. 'Nuff said.

My name is Nicoletta.


Nicki - preferred, pretty much everyone calls me Nicki

Nick - my mother, ugh. I keep telling her Nick is a boy's name.

Nicole - people who can't read the other three letters

Nicolette - people who can't tell the difference between an e and an a

Nicoletty - a really old nickname given to me by my bff when we were in 4th grade

Nicolettia - another one my bff gave me in 4th grade

I think that's it.

piper is my name

ppl call me peppy pippy pepper and peanut butter and jelly cuz my initials are pbj

And Ksenia; I swear I went through some phase and called you Lenny? xD
I think you did actually! LOL.

Lenny's my favourite Simpsons character so that's awesome.

Kenny's my main one now. Like everyone in my class calls me that :)

I even introduce myself as Kenny sometimes. Thanks Georgia for making that up ♥


One of my dad's employees that I see sometimes when I got to work calls me Single D.

xDDD He's this young black guy and he's all, "Yo what up, Single Deeeee~?"

I'm Sarah Michelle.

People call me Michelle though.

Nick names are:




Chelle/Chelle Belle - Which I hate, my mum calls me Chelle and I always tell her to stop being lazy and type/pronounce the 'Mi'


^ My Grandpa used to call me Shelly Belly when I was a kid. Or Shellio. I was like, 4 and

he'd be all "Awww dere's da widdle shelly-belly shelllliiooo" Fail.

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