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My mom spanked me once when i was 7. My Dad yelled at her (he was very protective of me, heck, he was the first person to hold me when i was a baby. thats because my mom had a cesearean (sp?) section when she had me. so my dad got to hold me first) But now when i get in trouble i get grounded but i sweet-talk my way out of the everytime XD

I never really have consequences for things o.o'

My mom's tried:

Taking my car keys, but I had spares hidden in my room.

Taking my phone, but she either hides it in a stupid place or I take the sim card out and put it in another phone.

Taking my game systems but couldn't figure out how to disconnect them.

Taking my door knob, but couldn't figure out how to get the door open again.

My mom fails at punishment o.o' Now she just tells me not to do whatever I did.. I don't really do anything bad though, and if I do I at least don't get caught doing it.

1. Screamed at.

2. Kicked

3. Hit

4. Hair pulled

5. Something gets thrown at me.

6. She takes something and starts hitting me with it

7. She goes insane and trys to get my older brother to beat me up (He never listens to her).

None of my punishments work. If she hits me hard enough so it hurts badly, I hit her back. When she yells at me, I yell at her.

It's kind of weird. I never get in trouble for the bad things I do. I just get in trouble if she's in a bad mood, or I did something to annoy her.

1. Screamed at. 2. Kicked

3. Hit

4. Hair pulled

5. Something gets thrown at me.

6. She takes something and starts hitting me with it

7. She goes insane and trys to get my older brother to beat me up (He never listens to her).

None of my punishments work. If she hits me hard enough so it hurts badly, I hit her back. When she yells at me, I yell at her.

It's kind of weird. I never get in trouble for the bad things I do. I just get in trouble if she's in a bad mood, or I did something to annoy her.
u should tell ur brother 2 call the police...if she hits u kinds softly,is ok. if she hits u really bad and she thores things at u,that BAD!!!!!!! well,it is ur choice...if u dont want her to pay a big bill or go to jail,dont tell.

I used to get:

Time out

sent to my room

if i was really really bad i got a smack on my leg or hand.

I got yelled at, if it was bad.

I got things taken off me, like my favorite toy

no TV

groundings :eek:

I don't get anything they say, "Nicola..." in a "stern"(Not really, stern, more normal!) voice. I just go, "So?" When they hit me, RARELY almost never plus always my mother hits me rarely, I hit my mother back. I'm ALWAYS bad! They've never taken anything away either..

I'd say a daisy would be more threatening than 5000,0000000000000,0000000000000,000000000000 of my parents...

I'd say a daisy would be more threatening than 5000,0000000000000,0000000000000,000000000000 of my parents...
i dont get u????????

No matter what I do I get smacked. No matter if I'm doing homework on the table or playing cricket outside in the rain. Any tiny mistake would leave me with a sore bottom.


Lol, I get screamed at! I don't care, as I'm used to it now- I can be over-hyper alot, and I do stupid things! Like yesterday, I dropped a half-full bottle of milk!!! ^_^ xD

Have a nice day!

Rey Mysterio

By the way if u wanted to know i dont get spanked with my trousers up i get it with them down(Sometimes with my dads slipper)

Then i get shputed at and mad to say sorry and how stu[id i was and then i have to sit my my dads nee 4 30 mins then got o bed :wacko:

I don't live at home anymore, so I don't have this problem, but I'm shocked at some of the things that people are mentioning here. Light smacking I can understand, but shaking? That scares me a little.


Thank you and sorry for all caps. My dad uses that word whenever he thinks I am 'a bad little girl' and I am so sick of it. Well, when I'm, that word, I just get yelled at REALLY bad. Sometimes cussed. Maybe I'll get sent to my room...

///Matchy :lol:

Yea the shaking part scares me too :D

I just watched somthing on the TV and this girl was having a chold and she wasnt married so Her dad Got his belt and beat the living daylights out of her and she had marks n her fave ppooor Mae(That ewas her name :) )

If I do something wrong and my parents get mad, these are usually the causes.

1.) My mean brother's lying to them about bad things that I do (It's not fair, they always believe him, and I get in trouble for nothing...)

2.) If have a fight with my brother

3.) If don't play piano much (SO STRESSED!! no wonder my brother quit piano!)

Here are the effects.

1.) Something's banned for a certain amount of time, like no computer for the rest of the day, no TV for two days, etc.

2.) My mom gets really tough on me, with a loud voice, pushing me (no violence)...rarely happens, though. She feels guilty after it happens, though, and makes it up to me.

3.) I get another loud lecture from my dad. (I just stay calm and try not to care. For example, if he yells at me saying "Well? Answer me!" I just say "Oh, yeah...right, I got it." and i just get a little song in my head. XD)

I know they always feel a bit guilty in the end, though. :)

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